Are there any bird lovers in this forum?

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Pure Poison :)
Nov 3, 2005
Hi again everyone,

I have noticed there are a lot of dog lovers here. Anyone like birds? Anyone have birds? What kind? Pictures would be great!

I LOVE birds, almost as much as I love fish, but I can not have any right now. The best bird I ever had, who acted like a dog more than a bird, was my Muscovy Duck drake Van'ka (from Russian Ivan). He followed me around the yard, loved being petted and rubbed and he begged for food and jumped up to grab it out of my hand when I held it out for him.

He figured out how to let me know that he wants a treat: he would walk up to me (he never flew) and tug on my jeans with his bill. He was smart and beautiful and I miss him so much.

The second coolest bird I had was a Japanese banty rooster (named Chicken Little) whose body was the size of a pigeon's and whose tail was as big as the rest of him. He used to climb up my leg while I watched TV and fall asleep on my lap. If I had to get up to go to the bathroom (or wherever), I would shoo him away and he would get mad and run back up my leg. Funny little guy, he woke us up at 4 every morning even after I started locking him in a dark container overnight. Needless to say, after a few months of that I took him back to the store where he was purchased. I miss that guy too.

I also raised baby cockatiels who were happy and healthy but one day they got a mystery disease and died. And I had parakeets when I was little and my parents decided to get rid of them one day. Sorry, I did not mean to turn this into a sob story, I just love birds and wanted to share some bird stories here.

Thanks everyone

I am... I've got 2 sun conures... 2 parakeets... 2 ring neck doves... used to have some diamond doves too.

Also.. I have like four chickens. :D

I had a lory. I sold him (sorta cause the guy never paid me)
I have kept parakeets, chickens, and a blue jay.
Out of all of them the bluejay was the best behaved.
Birds rock.
Lories are cool too.
i have a 8 month sun conure beatiful bird his back is almost completly yellow very funny to he is a character.6 foot boa and 2 parakeets
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I am glad to hear that there are bird lovers here! Oh, hey, that rhymed, and it was not on purpose.

I forgot to mention that I had three crows once. Or rather, one crow thrice.

The first time when I was in my early teens, I came home from school and saw a blue-eyed baby crow wander out of our yard and onto the street. I did not want it to get hit by a car, so I followed it. It wandered into someone's yard (someone with cats) and at that point I went to catch it. It came right into my hands. It became tame right away, but my dad made me get rid of it (put it up in a tree and abandon it, basically).

The second time I saw a bunch of kids standing around an injured crow, so I walked up and grabbed it. Chances are they were the ones who injured it in the first place. I kept the crow in my daughter's play pen (had no cage at the time). It had an injured wing and foot. It became very tame, ate out of my hand. One day (about a month later) the forementioned kids wanted to see the crow. I let them into the house (not too close to the bird), but poor Koko (that was his name) recognized them and freaked out big time. Never was the same since. Then one fine day he flew up and tried to get out the window. I figured he was healed, took him outside and let him go. He flew into the nearest tree and seemed to be fine.

The third crow I had was a young (not baby but "teenage" bird) that my hubby got for me. He knew I always wanted a crow, and one day he stopped at a gas station to fill up his motorcycle, when he saw the bird flapping helplessly between the glass of the window and the glass of the display case inside the little convenience market. He went in and got it (the clerk was more than happy to let him take the crow) and brought it to me in a bag (crow on a motorcycle, how cool is that?). I tried to get it to "like" people, but it was not going to. Since it was able to get around on its own, I let it go.

Recently I was driving by Ikea and I saw a murder of crows flying around under the gloomy dark grey sky. There were hundreds of them, circling around, landing on the street lights... It looked so darn spooky, I felt like something terrible was going to happen. Thankfully it did not, but it made me feel like crows really are not meant to be people's companions. There is just something creepy in their total blackness, their harsh noise, and the way they steal baby birds out of nests. I guess I will stick to doves, with their laughing, cooing sounds.
I've had lots of different types of birds in my time. About 10 years ago I had over 250 at the same time.

Now I'm down to about 15; mostly Blue Fronted and Orange Winged Amazons. I usually breed a clutch or two of each late in the Spring.

I love birds, but with 3 cats and 2 dogs, my husband won't let me get one as a pet so instead, I feed the ones in my yard. I have 2 pair of bluejays, the cutest woodpecker, a beautiful cardinal pair and 20+ morning doves that live in one of my trees (grant it, I live close to the city) I really enjoy watching them and wish I could have a Cockatoo as a pet. I love the Moluccan Cockatoos, but would go poor buying one ;)
Beckmola24 said:
I love birds, but with 3 cats and 2 dogs, my husband won't let me get one as a pet so instead, I feed the ones in my yard. I have 2 pair of bluejays, the cutest woodpecker, a beautiful cardinal pair and 20+ morning doves that live in one of my trees (grant it, I live close to the city) I really enjoy watching them and wish I could have a Cockatoo as a pet. I love the Moluccan Cockatoos, but would go poor buying one ;)
becky you sound like me, three cats, two dogs, three birds, reef tank and my wife........
spongebob lover said:
LMBO !!! i didn't know your wife was your pet too dood :lol:
she may as well be gaby. I take her out, feed her, give her a treat once in a while, she knows plenty of tricks, shes house broken and is great with kids.
she may as well be gaby. I take her out, feed her, give her a treat once in a while, she knows plenty of tricks, shes house broken and is great with kids.

LOL !!! that's awesome dood :lol: ... do you think i can borrow her so i can train myself :lol: and may be learn some tricks
spongebob lover said:
LOL !!! that's awesome dood :lol: ... do you think i can borrow her so i can train myself :lol: and may be learn some tricks
she just does the tricks Im the trainer......what kind of treats do you