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spongebob lover said:
LOL!!! :lol: ohh Mike, I can imagine you running in your car !!:lol: :lol: good thing you have a very good taste in cars :D.

Yep...saved my life...:lol: What was supposed to be the best night of my life turned out to be one of the worst...:lol: I'll tell ya the whole long story one of these chat nights...:D

Who am I calling old?
Well lets see...........
Nikki, Krish, MikeS, Mark (skimerwhisperer), Josh (according to his public profile he was born in 1930!) ,I could keep going................

What???? just made the "list" you young whipper-snapper you....:doubt: :lol:


ahha i can tell u guys are having fun=) i cant wait to look back @ my memories when im 92 or however old u guys are=)
MikeS said:
What???? just made the "list" you young whipper-snapper you....:doubt: :lol:



I knew I'd get some good reactions to the "old" comment, my wife calls me old all the time.:)
Yep...saved my life... What was supposed to be the best night of my life turned out to be one of the worst... I'll tell ya the whole long story one of these chat nights...

ohhh i bet it's a juicy story..... i can't wait to hear it at Chat night :D .

What???? just made the "list" you young whipper-snapper you....

LMBO!!! :lol:
spongebob lover said:
ohhh i bet it's a juicy story..... i can't wait to hear it at Chat night :D .
LMBO!!! :lol:

You bet Gabby, I'm always ready to share the tramatic moments of my past with others....(atctually, they are usually pretty funny in hindsight...:lol: )....:D See ya tomorrow in chat....:D

Sup Chris.

Do you know this girl well? Or is this someone you totally don't know?

NaH2O said:
I went to prom my Junior year with a good friend of mine, so no real memories to share....otherwise, I was never asked my senior year. Guess the tomboy in me scared the boys away :). Even the uber nerds in my math club had dates :(. At any rate, just getting asked would have been enough for me. I don't have any creative ideas. I'll think about it for a bit and see if I can come up with anything. Does the girl you want to ask have any particular interests? Does she like flowers?

Ask Nikki :D

I didn't go to mine either. As a matter of fact I didn't even go to my Grad.
Elmo18 said:
Sup Chris.

Do you know this girl well? Or is this someone you totally don't know?


ask well atelats i know shes easy! jkjk

elmo, we both knwo each other pretty really good friends.. hopefully even more htan jstu good friends in teh future=) we will see.. anwyasy she tells me i better ask her really nicely or wutever and to not dissappoint her.. kidna puts a lot of pressure on me huh=/ anyways.. prom is june 10.. so i need to get to work.. and i need to get a tux... and i need to do alot of stuff =) im so screwed ! haha thanks to all for ur help and entertainment!
anwyasy she tells me i better ask her really nicely or wutever and to not dissappoint her

Well that's a start...Atleast you know there is a "yes" coming if you do it right:)

im so screwed !

:shock: Already! Oh... you meant "screwed"... :rolleyes: I was thinking of something else:p
I skipped my prom...wasn't really into that kind of stuff "way" back then. My prom was 23 years ago .....:eek:

Anyway I was thinking you could skip all the fancy stuff and just "ask" someone. ;) I have a feeling it will work. Personally I think all the airplane banner, bridge sign hanging, stadium bigscreen message stuff is a little silly, but that's just me:cool: ....Hey I know since it is the 21st century why not send them an email...or an "Evite", orrrrr you could even post it on your Myspace blog...:lol: ...jk.....just go up and ask them:D

OMG I just realized I have two kids of my own going to the prom this senior and one junior:eek: :eek:
chrisdaphish said:
elmo, we both knwo each other pretty really good friends.. hopefully even more htan jstu good friends in teh future=) we will see.. anwyasy she tells me i better ask her really nicely or wutever and to not dissappoint her.. kidna puts a lot of pressure on me huh=/ anyways.. prom is june 10.. so i need to get to work.. and i need to get a tux... and i need to do alot of stuff =) im so screwed ! haha thanks to all for ur help and entertainment!

Call me old, bitter and jaded, but if she wants you to jump through all kinds of hoops just to ASK her to the prom...hmmm....:doubt:

You should ask her very nicely, and maybe give her some flowers and some chocolate when you do, but if that doesn't work, if she expects more, I'd maybe consider other options, like asking somebody who would be perfectly happy with some flowers and candy, and more importantly, perfectly happy just to go with you to the prom....:D

Ok for the older folks here the point behind doing something creative is that it is fun (or is supposed to be) and it drags out the thrill of asking someone out/being asked out. My dad used to (and still does) complain about this kind of thing all the time. Sure you can simply ask but there is not as much extra excitement in it. At least that's the way it was for me. Now chris for the girl you really like and want it to be something extra special the way MikeS suggested is probably the most appropriate (IMO). It is definitely the most formal and I think she will see that. Good Luck!

Anyway I was thinking you could skip all the fancy stuff and just "ask" someone. I have a feeling it will work. Personally I think all the airplane banner, bridge sign hanging, stadium bigscreen message stuff is a little silly, but that's just me ....Hey I know since it is the 21st century why not send them an email...or an "Evite", orrrrr you could even post it on your Myspace blog... ...jk.....just go up and ask them

LMBO !!! partner, pretty soon if not already your phone bill is gonna go way up :lol::D ... and someone will start saying ... hi dad !! :lol:

Call me old, bitter and jaded, but if she wants you to jump through all kinds of hoops just to ASK her to the prom...hmmm....

ok old and bitter with the kewl car :lol: .

I agree with Mike and Stan..... what the heck... you're not getting married dood!! hmm my husband didn't even ask me for my hand :lol:.... ok ok.... you're only going to the prom (better bring a drink with you otherwise it's gonna be super boring :lol: .... just joking):p .
If the girl is waiting for something way way creative... just sent her an evite like Stan says ... i think she should be fine with chocolates and flowers unless you have an hotel reservation then... yeah you better start thinking about a bridge sign hanging, stadium bigscreen message or flying kites over her house :lol:... just my opinion dood.

Hey if she says no.... heck you send me some nice zoos, torch, brain maze, a canopy, and a nice skimmer and i'll hang out with you at the prom :lol: .... just joking :D .
spongebob lover said:
ok old and bitter with the kewl car :lol: .

the car is a mere compensation and fills in the gaps...:lol: it's always there in the garage when I want to play with it, and it always starts when I turn the key, and it's always a fun ride....LOL:D :lol:

the car is a mere compensation and fills in the gaps... it's always there in the garage when I want to play with it, and it always starts when I turn the key, and it's always a fun ride....LOL

i knew it :lol: !!!
poor thing.... the whole day inside sheesh Mike... you're gonna make that car depress :p :lol: ....
im a sucker for givin a woman flowers

ohh that's to cute !!! :) .
i'm a sucker for getting flowers.... to bad i have only gotten 3 times in my life and one was a bride bouque ( you know the flowers they throw to the desperate women :lol: ) and i even made my cousin bleed without knowing it :lol: :lol: .... ohh yeah :lol: :lol: :lol: