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Attmepted Break In - Looking For Info

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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A while back, some punk teenagers tried to break the glass on my front door at 2:30 in the morning. I jumped up out of bed and ran to the door as fast as I could, and let out one hell of a war cry before I even reached the door. By the time I got the door unlocked, they were already to my gate, and I chased 'em down the street in my boxer shorts with no shoes on warning them that my dogs were coming out next.:lol:
(I have 2 very large, very protective dogs! They might have been better off dealing with the dogs than having me catch them though!)

The next morning, I posted no tresspassing signs on both sides of my fence, and warning signs about my dogs and my legal gun ownership. Havn't had any problems since.
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Yea it seems to be the signs of the times right now. I had a break in not to long ago and they cleaneed my for 25K in equipment and my kids dirt bike. Broad daylight in a secured storage.

That sounds like an inside job to me. My ex's motorcycle was stolen from our gated apartment complex on the only night in two years that our covered parking spot's lights were out.... Coincidence, I think not.
Sorry to hear this :(

Unfortunately it is more then likely someone out to cause harm then steal. If someone is looking to get in for profit they will try very hard.

A pro would have gotten in. Sounds more then likely someone who fails pretty much in everything they do.

It's just a guess but it sounds more like they are out to harm your shop then anything.
I suggest keeping a close eye on shoppers also during business hours.

I suggest getting a large watch dog. Best deterrent I know of.

If it was an RF member I would think it is just some tool that already is ban from this site and has a grudge. Some people are real sisys like that.

I hope this comes to an and Cy.
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A while back, some punk teenagers tried to break the glass on my front door at 2:30 in the morning. I jumped up out of bed and ran to the door as fast as I could, and let out one hell of a war cry before I even reached the door. By the time I got the door unlocked, they were already to my gate, and I chased 'em down the street in my boxer shorts with no shoes on warning them that my dogs were coming out next.:lol:

Need photo of boxer shorts to have full understanding/mental image of this.
That sounds like an inside job to me. My ex's motorcycle was stolen from our gated apartment complex on the only night in two years that our covered parking spot's lights were out.... Coincidence, I think not.

Ugh.. we've known this to happen to many of our friends. People suck.

I had my car stollen a few years ago and recovered. I traded it in a few days later as I felt too violated to keep it. Unfortunately, it isn't that easy when it comes to businesses and homes.
Sorry to hear about the attempt and disreguard the avatar its not me.. lol I kind of take it in stride I had all of our christmas presents jacked this year 1000 worth out of my wifes car while her and my mom were shoping. Ya they should have known better but I am just thankful there was no violence I will lose 1000 and smile if everyone is OK kind of keeps it in perspective...
Sorry to hear this Cy. If you want, Steven, myself and the mossburg five-hun could have a little slumber party and greet them at the door. Glad your getting some cameras up. I'm very suprised to hear about the iPod and game. You guys have built a good customer base, based on word of mouth advertising and also this forum. To think it's a fellow hobbiest, and not some thug off the streets makes it sting a little more.
Man ,my son and I came in this morning I noticed the dead bolt was messed up. Glad no one got in. I work for a school dist and we have been broken into and had a bunch of my tools stolen, I mean come on I need those to fix the school bus' peoples kids ride on. And then someone got into a bus and lit off a fire extinguisher ,twice in 3 days. Cost $1000 to get them cleaned up, each. I hate people that have no respect for others hard work and livley hoods. Hope you catch them, then it will be worth the money you spend on security. Good luck.
Hey Cy. I don't know if it's been mentioned or not, but if you call the police (non emergency #) you could request a patrol officer make a couple extra passes during the night.

Also, I'm bit unsure how it works but a few years ago when I worked for Les Schwab there was a couple break-ins to our outdoor storage area. Our mananger set something up with auburn p.d. that anyone seen on the premisis after hours would be arrested without a complaint call being made by management. There was a sign posted stating anyone seen after hours would be arrested. I think that was required as part of the deal. That might be a good program for you guys if it's available, because nobody had any business being back there for any reason after hours. Just a thought.

I'm for having someone stay inside with a 45 or AK47.. End there thoughts with them digging out of daisies! Thiefs deserve whatever they get Gunshot wound or Wood and Dirt! Just my 2 if you don't like it don't come by my house late at night.
Whoa! the ak or 45 is gonna poke a few holes in a few fish tanks! Mossburg with the eighteen incher will dust the sheetrock, but wont hit any passing cars on the 405.
sorry to hear about this. I stopped by to show my gf your display tank, and saw the lock smith working on the door. Your staff have saved me from countless mistakes, and am grateful for the stores help. I'm in for hanging out at the shop with my heavy frame .357. Good luck, and thank you!
Thanks for all the support guys and gals. The Renton PD showed me where to request extra patrols on their website. Done:) They also started a process to give a potential thief a little extra surprise. Wouldn't that be great for someone to actually get in and be greeted by a muzzle. Got a lead on some better lighting etc. Again...if anyone hears anything don't hesitate to let us know. Anonymously is fine:)

Wow.....brave but.....wow....really man? When I was in cali I heard of a guy that was stealing corals buy dropping frags into his pocket and walking out.....guess he had a cooler or something in his car.....well he stole a really LE chalice then tried to sell it on CL or ebay or something....store owner saw add, "bought" it, then told him what's up and threats with cops....got the chalice back....but dude the nerve of some people.....makes you want to beat them with a wiffle ball bat.

Sorry for the bad stroke of luck man, New Years is right around the corner hopefully this will pass with 2010

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Yesterday I asked Brie if it was her turn to stand watch overnight in the store. She didn't seem to happy about that question!
Sorry to hear that you were vandalized. Hopefully you'll be able to get some motion lighting and cameras and catch this jerk if they try again. I hope you get a kick out of this little story.

My wife and I have owned a couple businesses. We are Subway franchisees and ran a store in downtown Seattle. We had a glass storefront and during our first late night break-in the thief simply threw s brick through our glass door and walked in. I doubt they were able to retire to the Bahamas on the stuff they took. They made off with a jack-o-lantern full of Halloween candy, our till (about $100 in small bills and coins), and a box of potato chips. Seattle PD called me and I simply stayed in the store for the rest of the night. When they opened I called my insurance company and a glass shop to replace the door. The glass shop recommended that I put a security film on the new door and my storefront and since insurance was picking up the bill I did.

Fast forward about a month. The phone rings and it's Seattle PD again. Another break in but with a happy ending. I was asked to come down to my store and when I got there I found out that the police had apprehended two people in my shop. It seems that these two rocket scientists had tried the brick through the glass door trick again but the security film kept it from breaking. Apparently they threw that brick against the door several times before they were able to finally punch a hole in the glass so they could reach in and pull the glass out of the frame. In doing so though they managed to wake up some folks that lived in another building and they called the police. The cops got quite a little laugh out of it because these guys apparently worked on that glass for several minutes before getting in. Turns out that it was an employee that I had let go when he quit showing up for work. I'd let that dude sleep in my house and fed him when he was really down and out. No good deed goes unpunished I suppose.