August Meeting - BBQ/Potluck 8/14 @ 3 PM

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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Rick, does your T5 fixture have a single, flat, parabolic reflector above the bulbs, individual reflectors that wrap around each bub, or (ICR) Individually contoured reflector, which is a single reflector that's bent, to wrap around each bulb? ICR can be a single reflector that's bent to wrap around each bulb, or individually contoured reflectors that are welded together, prior to polishing.

This will help determine compatible corals, as T5 fixture with a parabolic reflector, don't reflect near as much light into the tank as T5 fixtures with ICR or individual reflectors.

If you have the better reflector, you can grow just about anything you want, in your tank. Otherwise, you can still grow most anything, but will have to be a lot more careful about coral placement.

Hey...each bulb has a reflector wrapped around each bulb and it is very hard to get my fat fingers in to turn the bulbs. i hope that helps, they are T5-ho from Aquatic life...anyway, all of my zoas are doing great and my candy canes...and the green slimmer, and the brain or whatever it is called is also doing to ya later
Frag Swap/BBQ is officially "in the books!" Wow it was a great success!! What an amazing turn out!! Did anyone take a head count? I didn't count, but don't think I'd be far off, if I estimated at least 30-35 people. We had people from Royal City (Central WA) to Kalispel MT and many points in between!!!

I usually would have the camera around my neck, snapping pictures like crazy. Since I didn't get a chance to, Charlie, thank you and hope to see a bunch of pictures posted soon!! I know you took a ton of pics!!

Ben, thank you for the help cooking!! Your Kabobs were amazing!! Osiel and family, thank you for the Enchiladas and other wonderful food!! To everyone, thank you so much for all the foods you brought over! Pam, thank you for helping Angie out, with the food preparation! WOW!!!! We had a ton of food.

Joanne, thank you for being willing to take care of the "business end" of everything.

Congratulations to the winners of all the great raffles.

The stock tank filled up with corals FAST, and a lot of corals were traded/sold/given away. I was amazed at how many corals changed hands and are now in new tanks. I hope everyone who was hoping to leave with corals, got to take a few good ones home!!

We saw a lot of new faces, met some great people and had a lot of fun!!

I'm sorry, that at times, I wasn't able to get to visit with each of you individually. I'd have liked to spend more time, getting to know some of the new faces. I'm so glad we had such a good turn out and quite a few new members. I hope everyone had as much fun as I did!
So, Angie and I just put out heads together ( I have a lump on my forehead now) and counted everyone we could remember (with a lump on my forehead, my memory is now a lil' fuzzy, so we could have missed a few) and came up with 45 people!! This includes Yes, despite how we all feel sometimes, kids are people too!!
Very cool event, thanks! Michael, if there's any freebies that you have left or anything that's not wanted, I will give them a good home, just didn't wanna be greedy or selfish while I was there, so that everybody had a chance to get something. I think I took the smallest thing on your free rack, but it was a very nice gesture to offer those things that you had extra of. I still have a fairly empty nano that could use some more fast growing zoas.
Looks like fun... one of these days there needs to be a get together like that less than a 7 hour drive from me.. LOL
Our meeting next month (August) will be a BBQ & Potluck - bring a chair, a dish, and some $$ for frags and raffle tickets! Clear your calendar now, and reschedule your camping trips!

Michael (returnofsid) will be hosting at his home in Spokane.

Everyone is invited, even kids.

We will start around 3 PM and just work on into the evening.

Michael will be donating a frag pack to raffle off, and we may have a few other raffle items as well. We will also have a stock tank setup so if you have any frags you would like to bring to swap or sell, feel free to bring them along!

Now - If you are attending, please post on our forum here or PM me and tell me what you are bringing, that way we don't end up with 18 potato salads

Choices and ideas of things to bring:
Drinks - pop, juice, etc.
Chips - the crunchy kind
Salads - green, potato, macaroni, fruit
Condiments for hamburgers/hotdogs - ketchup, mustard, pickles, mayo
Snacks & finger food - veggie trays, cheese sticks, olives
Utensils - paper plates, cups, forks, spoons

Or anything else you think of!

Hope to see you in August! We will send our directions and more details when we are closer to the event.

Sorry we missed the BBQ if you have another or if itwas post poned let us know. lots of reefers here and Frag lovers!! have a great day!