Baby Cleaner Shrimp; Help?

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Well-known member
Sep 21, 2009
I have a pair of very friendly cleaner shrimp in my 29 gallon biocube and they both have babies about every 6-8 days. I turned the pump off one time in the evening and one shrimp went to the surface and shook out it's hundreds of babies which just swam at the top of the water. Since they have them at night and they are so small, the babies just get sucked into the back filtration and skimmed out. My mandarin, clownfish, sixline wrasse, and other shrimp have a nice little feast, but I feel bad that none of the babies make it. So, here's my question: has anyone ever successfully raised cleaner shrimp? If so, how can I? My shrimp will allow me to pick them up and I have contemplated placing them in a small, separate tank right before they "give birth" so the babies can be raised, but how hard is it to raise baby shrimp? Would a HOB fuge work? Any ideas? I also have a sponge filter (the ones used in baby discus and angel fish [freshwater] tanks) that is brand new... Would that in another tank work or am I just coming up with crazy ideas? Thanks for any help!!!



my peppermint have had several clutches and the last set have survived now 8 weeks I believe. my cleaners have eggs all the time but with no luck on surival. good luck.
Lysmata shrimp are extremely difficult to raise since they have such a long planktonic stage and most die in the final metamorphosis into adult form.
Good luck..extremely hard to raise..most likely will be fish food for the tank.