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MC Lighting

A Little Overboard!
Oct 29, 2006
Issquah, WA
Hello to all it has been way to long but I had to get out of the hobby due to some health issues amongst other life "issues" I am back into the hobby although slowly I just picked up a 75g show tank over the weekend as my 26 gallon bow front had been weeping for some time and finally went to leaking status. I plan to stay FOWLR for the time being until I have the time to commit to a full reef again. I hope to see everyone again and I apologise to those if it seemed like I fell off the face of the earth but in many ways that is what sort of happened as the hobby had to take a back seat.
Welcome back, glad things have turned around for you. Looking forward to seeing the new system up and running.

Cheers, Todd
Its been a long time for sure. Hope to see you around in the near future.
It's great to see you have the Spark and interest again. Life treats us all in many ways but we do all owe it to ourselves to be happy:)

Reefing keeps many happy. I wish you well!!
Hey, great to see you back here again. Looking forward to following along with your new tank build. Please post pics.
Welcome back and sorry to hear about the curve balls life threw you. Such is life they say, but you just have to pick yourself up and make the best effort to mice forward. Looking forward to the new build. :)

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