Backup power

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Thanks Soooo Much Ben (Classclown)! Ben and his wife saved our bacon and brought their new generator over just in time. Tank temps were about 73 when we got plugged in. Got the heaters and return pumps hooked up to help stabilize. After about 4 hours of run time the power finally came on. I have some sps bleaching so just have to wait and see how it goes. Thanks again Ben for going above and beyond to help out.:D
Scott & Colleen:)
i stilll got no power,,left the generator running and left the house for 3 hrs came back ,,my a--- s----neighber turn off my generator when i was gone,,tank down to 70F,,just to keep my finger across hope everythig ok,,,gonna love it to have wonderfull neighber like this.:evil:
That sucks Dang. Why did he turn it off? Was it bothering him or something or was he just jealous that you had power? Well what I would do is when the power comes back on, go and cut his power!! Do a little recon mission hehe.
Hope all survives in the tank. Just make sure that genny is running cause sammamish area probably wont have power for a few days. Or so I've heard
After hearing that, I'm glad tha I have my generator in the backyard with the gates locked! I'd have to hurt someone if they messed with my power like that!! Best of luck Dang....I hope everything survives ok....
Wow Dang, that totally blows that someone would do that. Did they give a reason for there total lack of respect for your property, I'm sure they had to trespass to get to the generator as well. Hope all will turn out ok.
no,i didn't know who it is,,it was shut off with the cold muffler when i got back,,oh yes i did raised hell about that,.and my gen still runing none stop a this time11:30 am still no power,,.
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It's a blessing you have the generator, Willie (tike666) needed a rescue last pm. I still have all of his livestock in my sump. His water temp was in the 50's when I got there last pm.
Thanks Soooo Much Ben (Classclown)! Ben and his wife saved our bacon and brought their new generator over just in time. Tank temps were about 73 when we got plugged in. Got the heaters and return pumps hooked up to help stabilize. After about 4 hours of run time the power finally came on. I have some sps bleaching so just have to wait and see how it goes. Thanks again Ben for going above and beyond to help out.:D
Scott & Colleen:)

No problemo guys -- Just glad to be able to help the animals out and glad the power is back on. Hopefully everything recovers. Let me know via a phone call when you might be able to drop it off. 425 231 6718 (cell).
Hey all - for those who still may need help - I have a power inverter which saved my bacon for the last 56 hours (gulp!) which would run a Mag24 and a heater (which is what I ran on it) about 800watts worth. I really hope that you all are doing okay - Luckly, I was able to rest assured that even though I was freezing, my idleing car in the driveway was keeping my tank going. Talk about a stressful weekend! If anyone needs help PM me.
Harnessed the Power of Calcium?!!!

(I wish I had had power to check this board--I would have run over and borrowed your invertor!!!!)

My little tiny invertor died after about 48 hours of use :eek:
and my side of Kirkland (Finn Hill) didn't get power back on until until 10:00pm Sunday Night--so 69 hours w/o power!!!

@ 2:00 AM on Saturday night, I fashioned a make-shift Non-Electric heater to keep the temp up--what I have nickednamed:

"My Thermo(Nuclear) Calcium Reactor" :p
(i.e. Randy's Recipe CA Part)

1 jug of lukewarm water + lots of CaCl (i.e. Prestone Driveway Heat/De-icer) = lots of heat for cold fish!!:)

Once "the reactor" got going the temp stayed between 75-80 degress!)

And so far no fatalities!
(of course the Ammonia, nitrites, and nitrates are all +.25ppm now and my new trumpet coral looks "puffy", so now the mini-cycle begins....)
I quit.

Still dont have power right now... and my tank is hovering below 60. I think everything will die this time... And this is my cue to quit. I cannot do this again if this thing happens again.

I have the 700 watt inverter, but it was so cold. Going 50's to 60's even with fireplace. And have to run my car all night and all day long. But there are times that you need the car to buy food and get gas and this is where it gets in the low 60's. Already have fish casualties... and corals will be coming soon...
Have to wake up every now and then to see if my car is still there. And even have to sleep inside car to sometimes.

For those people who are using UPS. Open it and check the battery. If its 12 volts, then you can easily add a 12 volt car battery and make the UPS last longer.

Just my 02 cents
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cool people wanting to help you out..

Hey Cesar, call on whomever can help you out. That's what everyone is here for as we certainly found out.

Eric(salsaking) posted a thread today saying he had room and wanted to help others.
Now thats what makes this club so much fun, people helping each other.
Eric is cool. :)
Ditto on the above, give somebody a ring and they will be more than willing to help. This place is great about that. :)
so sorry to hear about your lost,,,clean them up start it again ,,i got some free sps fragsssssss ,,oregon tort ,ora tort blue accro etc,,any thing you want from my tank is free for you,,,,,when ever you ready ,,just come by and get it,let do the sps again ,
cheer man cheer,,,,cheer
at this time i am saving all cool frags for Jessie ,
next time don't forget to call me.,sorry didn't mean to hijack this tread
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I have the 700 watt inverter, but it was so cold. Going 50's to 60's even with fireplace. And have to run my car all night and all day long. But there are times that you need the car to buy food and get gas and this is where it gets in the low 60's.

If you haven't given up on the tank yet, get youself over to a Hardware store like Lowes or HomeDepot..... Buy some stiff Insulation "Boards".

I found some pink polystyrene sheets @ Depot ($10-20/sheet.)

I used the pink kind because it didn't crumble into pellets like the white styrofoam kind.

Then cut the panels to fit the sides&top of the tank (and bottom if you have an open stand) then duct tape the panels to the tank,

you've just made a reverse "cooler" for your tank and now you can sit back watch the temp inside the tank rise!

(I was in the exact same boat--house temps @ below 40 @ night with the fireplace going...and the 80 gallon tank was wrapped in every extra sleeping bag and blanket we had....and the temp still going down!!!):eek:

As soon as I put the pink foam insulation on, the tank went right up to 75 degrees,:D

AND I was able to keep the temp up for hours at a time with just jugs of hot water floating in the tank!
I would just have to reheat the jugs every 4-5 hours--
which meant I could sleep through (most of) the night--
AND I could take the wife out for gas, food, warmth, normalcy, etc. for hours at a time during the day!

The foam saved my tank, my sanity, (and probably my marriage)!;)
Dang, thanks for the kind offers. I hope yours is doing well too.
Syctale, thanks for the foam idea. i will do that next time. Heating water is not an option. No gas line in our apartment. All electricity.

Power came back last night at 7pm. Have some fishes died and some corals bleached and some looked like rtn to me.

i will do a major water change tonight. Skimmer is going crazy.
Dang, thanks for the kind offers. I hope yours is doing well too.
Syctale, thanks for the foam idea. i will do that next time. Heating water is not an option. No gas line in our apartment. All electricity.

Power came back last night at 7pm. Have some fishes died and some corals bleached and some looked like rtn to me.

i will do a major water change tonight. Skimmer is going crazy.

Cesar, you could always get one of those portable cookers they sell in the Asian grocery stores, we have two of them in our house (great for Nabe). You could heat up water in no time right out on your balcony.