Bad City H2O in Kent...any one else?

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Fly n Reef

Sky Goddess
Aug 18, 2003
Kent, WA
I've been away for a while...OK a long while. I even thought about getting out of this hobby too but I am hanging on.
Now I have a major problem with the water coming into my house from the city and I need help. I have been battling it for about 6-8 weeks. I use the Kent Marine Hi-S Maxxima RO/DI. I am having to replace my sediment and carbon filters every couple of days.:confused: I replaced the membrane just in case and the Silicamax filter too. I have contacted the city and they are using a new water source from Tacoma. They explained that it is run-off water but meets all standards for drinking water. My problem is that it is costing me a fortune in filters and frustration and the city cannot do anything. The water supervisor suggested that I file a formal complaint with the city.
Any suggestions to help?
holy cow! run-off water? run off of what, the I-5?

you need to go to a council meeting and voice your grievance. I would test that water every which way you can and send some to a lab. The lab analysis is usually fairly inexpensive.
I am wondering if its scaling. Maybe DonW will chime in. I hope you do not quit K.
All I can think of is maybe making up water at one time and then shutting off your RO/DI. Do you have a place where a 55 gallon drum could be stored for make up water?
I have a spare RO/DI I loan out if you want to piggy back. I just ask that it be returned in same shape. Hoping its something short term.
Would it be more cost effective to buy the water you need? Do they (water company) offer testing of the water in your home? What if between your house and the main there is some contaminate getting in?
Hey thanks for encouragement everyone.
The water, according to the City Water Supervisor, was a Tacoma run-off source. Whatever that means. The red/orange color of my sediment filter he claims is the high rust content. The good news is that he also says they are changing sources today. How convenient huh?
Jnarow-to your suggestion I am going to write a formal letter of complaint to the city and see where that gets me. I hooked up a new RO/DI yesterday with good TDS readings 27 in and Zero out :)! We will see how it looks today.
Ed-Thanks for the offer to borrow your water filter but I just bought a new one, delivered last week thinking something was wrong with mine. I am good for now.
Warforged-They claim that the water is up to standards for drinking water and that is all they need to do. I will try to follow up but have little hope that it will get me anywhere without a big battle. They did have one other complaint the admitted to.
Will keep you posted.
letters to the city don't help. letters to the editor do, and even better, get in their face at a meeting.
You are probably right. I just don't have enough evidence yet. I just spent another $70.00 on filters and an additional prefilter for the RO/DI. I called the City again and they are coming out to test my water today or tomorrow AM. I also learned that they decided not to change water sources as planned. :mad: I really appreciate your help.
letters to the city don't help. letters to the editor do, and even better, get in their face at a meeting.
that's like having the fox inventory your chickens! :eek:

around here a basic water lab test is only about $25. the city will only test for what they are mandated for, so take a close look at the results and more importantly what they don't test for. ammonia is a big thing going on lately too.
Where abouts in Kent do you live Fly n Reef? I am on the West Hill above the Golf Course on the bluff. The reason I ask is because I have had great luck with our particular water supply. Hopefully nothing will be changed in terms of source.

From my experiences the Kent City Council is quite interested in what the citizens have to say. Being a member of the newly formed West Hill Neighborhood Committee, a non profit recognized by the Mayor and City Council, we do have their "ear" so to speak. If I can help in any way, please let me know. I am probably as interested in this topic as you are.

OK, here comes the boos and hisses, please be gentle...I have been using tap water on my Nano for 8 months now with few poor results. Ya, I know, the copper pipe, the additives etc...and things could change at any given time quality wise...But to date my system (29 gallons+10 gallon fuge) has been pretty good with little to no hair algae (see attached). You can see on a few of the frags on the bottom that they have algae on them, but the majority of rock is free and clear. I guess I have been lucky...but it's a softy tank, not an SPS...wouldn't even think of SPS...the few LPS seem to be thriving.

I actually have a RO/DI unit that saltybell gave to me (awesome, thanks man!!!) but need to install and change to new media.

Fly n Reef, does your tank look OK or are there measurable visual issues and that is causing concern. TDS of 27 is pretty good for tap water right? I would like to know more and am curious...I'm always trying to learn.

Any way, if I can help with the city, I would be willing to try.

All the Best
Hmm... me and artguy1 must live close. I'm also on West Hill, and I can't say I've noticed anything out of the ordinary. What you're describing almost sounds like they recently flushed your water mains. When they do that, you get rusty looking water for a week or so.

While I'm not doubting what you're saying the City is telling you, I'm wondering if there isn't a miscommunication somewhere. Kent is a partial stakeholder (in other words, your water bills paid for part of the project) in the new water supply lines Tacoma put in at the Howard Hansen dam on the Green River. So yes... Kent does get its supply technically from the Tacoma Water System, specifically from the Howard Hansen dam. It is also supplemented with wells on the East Hill. Not sure why they'd need to supplement with a "run-off source" from Tacoma.

I've found Kent City Water (we are talking City of Kent, and not some water district on the East Hill, right?) to be very proactive. A couple years ago when I was using tap water, I had a sudden increase in nitrates. Went from undetectable to 10ppm in my tap water. I called the City to ask about the reason and within a day they had someone out taking a sample at my tap and from my local reservoir. Ends up it was my test kit picking up something else (never found out what) because the lab results came back with something like 0.5ppm.
good discussion guys. keep it going. the more he looks into it, the closer he will get to determining the problem. I would agree that water main flushing could cause some issues, but it sounds like this has developed over time, or am I getting that wrong?
I wonder for the current situation would pre filtering before the unit help?

What I mean is there is some Tap Water filter tower I saw for Freshwater... Its not sufficient for salt but hear me out.

What if you just pre-filter with that device pulling out the typical gunk with that unit....then the water goes to the Ro/di filtering... Would that help and avoid the costly replacements with the Ro Unit?
Artguy1-I live on East Hill. From what I understand the our water source is also used in parts of the south end of the valley too. The water tester that was here yesterday tells me that most of our water is spring water that comes from an area in 4 corners. This Tacoma source is a back up and needs to be tested/used when then city deems necessary. As for where the source is for West Hill I do not know. I have never had a problem with water before this and I have lived in Kent for years. As for the recognized neighborhoods in Kent we are also part of that program. I am sure that if I started that ball rolling it would get their attention but I am kind of waiting for the peaceful resolution and see what the results are before I attack if you know what I mean.

Jnarowe-If it was a water flushing why would it take 6-8 weeks for it to get out of my system and still counting?

Ed-My TDS meter is inline HM Digital it is 29 in and 0 out. I put on the new prefilter yesterday and new sediment cartridges and both are fouled again today. Yeeeks!

Warforged-I am trying the prefilter...not what you are suggesting but one for the RO.

I am still waiting to hear the results.
Thanks and will be posting to work you know.
You got lots of friends around ya!

I would fill a reservoir instead of auto top if possible. I think it would be easier on your pocket. I am assuming you have a auto top directly to tank. You have run off water running continuously? Dog gone it. I wish you could borrow my TDS meter or someone elses also. I do not like inline TDS meters. I am betting Paul or Eric have a independent TDS meter. You know you got lots of friends right by ya that think the world of ya. I am just happy to see ya back. Holler at me if I have something you want to borrow. I have a 30 gallon barrel sitting around or did. I will check.
Good luck,
Thanks Ed. I have several options for storing water but it is the auto top-off that is so important since I am out of town so much. I have to put my problem on hold as I am headed to work and won't be back until tomorrow night. The city did get back with the results and they say that the "turbidity" of the Tacoma source is a bit high .6 higher than the Kent source but it is still well within limits of drinking water. They have also agreed to flush my area to see if that will help but I am not holding out much hope. We'll see.
Hey are there any Tacoma Reefers out there? Maybe they have some solutions...they deal with this water source constantly if I am correct here.
Thanks Ed. I have several options for storing water but it is the auto top-off that is so important since I am out of town so much. I have to put my problem on hold as I am headed to work and won't be back until tomorrow night. The city did get back with the results and they say that the "turbidity" of the Tacoma source is a bit high .6 higher than the Kent source but it is still well within limits of drinking water. They have also agreed to flush my area to see if that will help but I am not holding out much hope. We'll see.
Hey are there any Tacoma Reefers out there? Maybe they have some solutions...they deal with this water source constantly if I am correct here.

Yes tacoma here... full of phosphate..I dont have a TDS meter... I just have bad experiences before learning about reefs.

Tap water top off less than 2 weeks huge hair algae bloom...even on my sand like a blanket... bad me bad!

I avoid it like the plague now... I have to buy water.
Oops sorry I didn't see your location before. But remember "Tap water bad...never use staight tap water".

They are flushing the hydrants right now. Waiting to see if anything is different.
I may have to buy water for a while if there is no change.t is the case. Ugh!