Bad Coral Banded Shrimp... Help!

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She seemed health and happy when we went to bed last night. And for the arrow crab - I thought he'd be the one to take out shrimp/fish. Was surprised to find him in pieces yesterday. I've got extra pieces from a sump and have a place set-up in the tank to put him if I can catch him. Trying the tilted jar trick. But the mysis just floats out so trying a piece of chicken. He seems to have no interest in the chicken. Any other suggestions to lure him into the jar?
we used to have one long time ago with a yellow tail damsel, the damsel was mean to it so we had to let it go. i guess it was defending itself. then ended up letting the shrimp go, but we never had any missing stuff. i guess we got lucky. we did have a watchman goby but he made it and later ended up dying in the overflow.
I have same problem...all time i find shells from my snail and hermit, maybe is time to go out to my tank. I buy him because i find some bristtleworn and I think his eat but I don't
Crabs and shrimp are evil I say! If it was me, there would be some shrimp on the barbie tonight! (sorry, just had a vision of what i just said. Ken's not going to be happy lol!)
I've had several CBS and I've seen them be aggresive, but have luckily not lost anything to them. (That I know of they may of killed a few crabs and snails here and there) I did see one pinch a clown's tail once and held on for like 2 laps around the tank it was funny as hell. I was fascinated with CBS as a kid and they are what got me into the hobby so I'll take what risks come with them I guess!

Someone mentioned having two that fight. I'm suprised their both still alive. Having 2 is generally a no-no as they will usually fight to the death pretty quickly.
My coral bandit shrimp use to try and grab my fish when they swam by. Never was successful, but I can see where they can become a problem.
When I bought a 120 from a guy a few years back, he had a CBS in there and he advised me to not take it home. Said it had started eating fish. So no CBS for me.