Bad Salt Mix?

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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As far as Ocean Pure guys I have not heard many good reviews.

Refracts should be calibrated / post by Brain. You can not calibrate the refract we use for use in seawater with disstilesd water or RO/DI water. They will read to low.

Aquarium Science

K to adjust to 380 ppm.

So4 to bring to 2500-2600 ppm.

And how are they going to achieve that there are no test kits for that/ par the newly realeased K+ test ? And we do not even know if it is accurate yet.

pH was 9.2 two hours after mixing with RO water. After 24 hours of airation the pH dropped to 7.7.

Ther inital pH of salt mix is meaningless. All salts should be aerated for 24 hrs uneless you use a special method to lower the time, such as a high speed stirring blade or paint mixer

Also, and I'm sorry if I am jumping the gun here but you post and sound like MDP-USA. If I find out you are and posting under a false name and that is who you are, I will have you removed from Reeffrontiers for good. And IMHO that is who you are.


Your RO/DI good. The SeaChem has not been that big a deal lately as they have dropped their borate quite a bit which we feel we can live with.

Also, and I'm sorry if I am jumping the gun here but you post and sound like MDP-USA. If I find out you are and posting under a false name and that is who you are, I will have you removed from Reeffrontiers for good. And IMHO that is who you are.

This is the second thread of yours tonight where you meantion this MDP-USA guy. Do you have a boner for this person or what? Please explain.
Sorry Boomer, I just lurk and read, and do not post much on any board, it just annoyed me when I read two threads back to back and you are on someone's case whom I have not even seen on the board in a year that I have been lurking. Thus I wanted to know who they are. I was just in these salt posts looking for information on colloids and such. So who is MDP-USA? Now you have me even more curious!
Thanks for the PM! I may not agree with you, but thanks for taking the time to give me a link to who you think this is.