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Krish I used to like you but now you lol...jk man. Those pictures are really great. It's really cool that you can walk out and see that stuff.

Thanks man...You'll really hate me when the water warms up and I get to go out in the boat and beach where all the really cool stuff is(LOL) But like I always tell everyone here, you guys are more than welcomed to come down and I'll take you guys to see these things etc. as well You'll would have a great time:)
krish75 said:
Yeah man...You'll have to come visit sometime! About the whelk, are you referring to the "curb" as Bahamians call it, inside of Andrews tank? Or is it the picture of the snail I took 2 shots of? Glad you are liking the thread. If the weather is good this weekend, I will take tons of pictures:)


I think the snail you took the 2 pics of in the first post might be whelks. I could very well be wrong so don't rely on my impromptu ID. Actually, it doesn't matter unless you start losing a lot of snails. If one has a snail that looks like this and all of your other snails die but you have no broken shells to collect, then this is a possibility.

A popular online dealer accidentally sold tons of whelks a while back and thousands of people went on "mantis hunts" when it was their newly purchased "clean-up crew recharging kit" that was responsible for the snail deaths. (And no, don't ask me which dealer because I won't tell you).
LOL...Oh that one. Not sure what it is, I just thought the shell was pretty:) Next time I see one, I'll try and get a really good shot of the body:)
Curtswearing if you are referring to the pictures of the animals that Krish refers to in my tank the correct name for them is chiton. They are great on hair algae haven't seen them touch any of my snails. they also appear to love coral slime (not polyps) As far as the snails that congregate down here they look more like cerus (spelling?) than Turbo's to me. We have Welks down here as well but they have a speckeled pattern all over the shell that gradually blends into a green color as they get older. We eat them steamed.(Yum!) The "sea cows" I took out of my tank as I had hoped they would eat algae since I found then in the shallow algae beds, but I think they survive more on copopods than anything else. They are a type of nudibranch I believe. If you noticed in some of Chrish's early pictures there are some native sea cucumbers. I tried them in my tank before too they grow way to quickly and also fed on my pods ( I think).
As Krish also said whenever any of you want to come down let us know in advance. I get great corporate rates on PI (Paradise Island) as does his cousin I believe. A great day trip for anyone that is interested is Power Boat adventures which takes you to the Exuma Cays a chain within our chain of 700 hundred islands. If you see those waters you will really have a case of the green eyed monster. I am really glad Krish started this thread as we are both very proud of our islands (not so much of the people sometimes) but definitely the island. So come on down and let us give you a tour!
FREAK!!! You ducked me Saturday(LOL) That's alright...:) I think Curt was referring to the pretty shelled snail not the curbs or turbos or whatever(LOL) Check the first page. It the really pretty shell snail...
ethanriley said:
Curtswearing if you are referring to the pictures of the animals that Krish refers to in my tank the correct name for them is chiton.


Krish is correct. I was referring to the snail in his pic. I had a couple of chitons that I only saw a couple of times per month. They were tiny but your pic makes it look huge. I don't know if I had baby chitons or if you were in macro mode on your camera.

I like your post Andrew. It shows the importance of understanding both "common names" and "scientific names". When I last visited Florida, a friend of mine asked if I wanted to kayak with the dugong. I obviously answered, "Of course". We drove for a bit, got to the place, and found out it was some sort of manatee sanctuary. The ranger who spoke with us always called them "sea cows". It turns out that the Dugong, Manatee, and the Sea Cow are the same thing in that part of Florida.

It's clear that a sea cow in the Bahamas is a completely different animal because you aren't going to fit a dugong/manatee/sea cow in your tank.
It's clear that a sea cow in the Bahamas is a completely different animal because you aren't going to fit a dugong/manatee/sea cow in your tank.

LOL...I've never heard of chittons before. Just curbs...And we catch turbits over here...Never queen trigger fish. You may get your "A" whooped for saying you want a queen trigger fish:lol:
Yea well your not the only one with beautiful beaches in your backyard, but enough with the blah blah blah, lets see some more pics! And Krish i dont know what type of camera you use but i can definatly recommend the Canon A620 with the underwater case. Great Videos, anyways, lets see some pics!
Soon Jiddy...Soon. I work you know(LOL JK) Hopefully this up-coming weekend I can add a few more. We shall see:)

Your right I went bak and looked at the pictures they are whelk's. LOL common names are a bear! My Chitons are quite large. My son harvested them and then wanted to put them in my tank! At first I was scared then said what the heck. Mine are quite lively for Chitons. They do move slowly but there raspy tongues mow quite a field. what I love most is since I have had them my rocks are detritus free and the corraline has taken off all over the rock. I think they really strip the rock of whatever is on it. They also feed all over the glass where I can get a look at what they are eating. I panicked the first time they started over my corals but like I say they only do it when the corals have slimed and when they are done the corals appear very "happy" LOL (good polyp extension)
Well, if the weather is good, I plan to go out again tomorrow and take some more photos. For me personally, I'm hunting for some different colored coraline pieces. I want to scrape off some coraline and throw it in my tank to get things going on the bottom of the tank. I don't really want the stuff on my glass, but would like some on the floor. Hopeully I will have something exciting to show tomorrow as we have had rough weather lately and usually afterwards, some cool things get washed a shore:)
lol !! well the coraline is not gonna grow where you want it to grow, it's gonna grow wherever it wants to :D.

Now be a brave man and take some pictures for us dood !!!
lol !! well the coraline is not gonna grow where you want it to grow, it's gonna grow wherever it wants to .

Now be a brave man and take some pictures for us dood !!!

LOL...Tide will be at its lowest point in about 4 1/2 hours. This is the biggest shocker! My wife says she will go with me today! I knew there was a twist to it though. She says she wants to catch a little bit of sun(LOL)
LOL...Tide will be at its lowest point in about 4 1/2 hours. This is the biggest shocker! My wife says she will go with me today! I knew there was a twist to it though. She says she wants to catch a little bit of sun(LOL)

uhh that's good dood, now just don't forget the sun block, towels, drinks and the buckets :)
uhh that's good dood, now just don't forget the sun block, towels, drinks and the buckets

Wrong occasion Gabbs...We aren't going on a picnic. It's more like get the hammer, get the chisle, bucket, net, gloves, dynamite, grenade!...Oh...Sorry. Got carried away there:lol:
Wrong occasion Gabbs...We aren't going on a picnic. It's more like get the hammer, get the chisle, bucket, net, gloves, dynamite, grenade!...Oh...Sorry. Got carried away there

ohhh dood...never mind then :p :D .
O.k here are some more pictures from today. Another hour spent taking photos:)

Psycho Crab

Black mantis shrimp

Green Mantis shrimp


Sand dollar

Give me 2 mintues to upload a few more:)