Best Choice for Aiptasia control

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Well-known member
Jul 5, 2010
Federal Way
Well I have the live rock in the tank, water parameters look good, was getting ready to transfer the few things i had holding in my nano tank when what do i see? Aiptasia! So, after reading the faq's and having a fairly good understanding of the methods, I thought i would ask the forum for input.

Option 1) Butterfly Copperband or racoon. Seeing as it is a new tank with LR only at this point, I am hesitant to add a Copperband Butterfly, I would prefer to establish a bit more before adding fish, although I was planning on transfering my clowns sometime soon.

Option 2) Peppermint shrimp Lysmata wurdemanni , have heard that the Haiti variety eat more Aiptasia than the Florida ones. Have also read they are more effective when in groups rather than singly. One concern I have with them is what do i feed them after they have eaten all the aptasia.

Option 3) Nudis, uhm struggling with this one, they look too much like those things Kahn put in Chekovs ear in the Star Trek Movie. But seriously, have read some good and bad on this one, not too sure about it.

Option 4) Boil the tank and start over. Have read that raising temperature dramatically will eradicate Aiptasia, but I am hesitant to lose my life rock and all that great Coraline growth.

Option 5) grab a syringe and have at em with lemon juice/kalk paste/vinegar/boiling water/Joe's Juice/etc.. Not my idea of "enjoying" my reef hobby, coming home from work everynight and huddling above my tank with a syringe of death like some Marine version of Dr. Strangelove.

I am leaning towards the shrimp, although the Butterfly idea is appealing, just afraid to add fish after tank has only been up a week or 2, even though the rock was established and "cured" for years in another members tank.

What are your thoughts? What has and hasnt worked well for you? Leaning towards BR in Renton as good place to get shrimp or butterfly if i go that route.
In my experience with the peppermint shrimp they will scavenge food and filter food as well as aiptasia, them starving shouldn't be a concern. That said they can be much more destructive in groups having less food to scavenge(or more mouths to feed anyway) so they tend to turn on your polyps diet; right out of their mouth... I found a pair in 80+ gallons is a nice fit, under 80gal one should be sufficient.

Butterfly's-copper banded's, Tend to work especially if you only have live rock...I have found though they don't focus on one item unless they have no choice and even then they seem to ration it (always leaving a bit behind to come back to) i.e a little of this one a little of that one. They will make most any thing with a skeleton their meal frog spawn,candy cane ext, also polyps, zoas, worms/fans, clams and much more... So if you are planning on adding corals it could be problematic! Then you take the nature of aipstasia, once you have it in your tank you can remove it but even months later it will most likely return almost inevitably. Thus making the thought of removing the buttery or copper banded to put in coral ext... Only a temporary patch.

3)Nudi's I've had no on hand experience with them but i do know starving is an issue with them when out of aiptasia so would think this to be a temp patch. Defer on the details.

Option 4) Hmmm?? Lol

Option 5) I'm with you no way to enjoy a tank...

Keep in mind i'm no expert but i did find solace in two peppermint shrimp whom gave me two worry free years in which i never saw a lick of though's blasted glass anemones!!!
I do strongly warn theres trouble in groups of pep shrimp;)

Hope this was helpful,
From someone who know little, about a lot:-0
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The easiest way to get rid of aiptasia it to understand their reproductive system, basal laceration. Most methods actually kill the parent easily but produce many children by accident.

Aptaisa sucks!!! I took extreme caution as not to have them in my current system by soaking all my rocks in bleach bath, muratic acid and baked them in the sun. A year later I can visually see 4 HUGE apts in my DT. I am hesitant to kill it in any manner but natural preadation as from pass experience mechanical approaches are just a band aid and as DON said it only kills off the parent and a couple months down the road you WILL have hundreds more babies that will also become huge and then the battle only gets tougher at that point. I am willing to sacrafice a few bergia nudi to rid the few I have!
The Nudis are the best way to go. They will take care of the problem and make sure they are not reproducing. If you use any other method and there are any little pieces left behind, you will get more of them. I love what the nudis have been doing in my tank.
Hunt for Berghia Nudibranchs

OK after reading copious amount of info on Nudi's I am looking for a few to munch my Aips. BR in Renton will be getting some in 2-3 weeks, but I don't want to wait that long. I was also thinking that the club should have its own Nudibranch program so we can move them to member tanks that have Aiptasia and then when they are cleared, move the Nudis to the next member tank. That way they wouldn’t starve once their job is done, and it would be cost effective for members. Does anyone have referral of where I can get some locally, or perhaps a reliable online source.

I just picked up some Berghia's yesterday. They are already cleaning up my rocks.

When they take care of your aptasia, are you planning to keep them? Want to trade them for frags? I've had great luck using kalkwasser but just don't have the time lately.
Sure. They were really nice size nudi's too. I really don't have much apstasia in my tank. I took the one rock that was getting loaded with it out of my tank a few days ago but still had some sprouting on other rocks so I picked up the nudi's to try to nip the problem before it gets out of hand. I had no idea that apstasia could kill some corals until yesterday so I'm glad I got them.
Nudis ROCK

Well after a trip to Browns Point and NWInverts home, I got my 3 Nudis in the tank and they promptly disappeared. Next morning woke up and nothing had happened. That night after lights out I glanced in and saw 2 Nudis venturing forth, they were much much bigger than when I had placed them in the tank, (they are probably 90 percent water). They descended on some Aiptasia and the next morning there progress was evident. This morning I awoke to at least 1/3 of the tank being completely Aiptasia free. These guys are awesome, Like little Arnold Aiptaisantors, i almost feel sorry for the aiptasia lol. Thanks to NWInverts for his little assasins!

If mine continue to do well and wipe out all aiptasia in a week or so, I would be willing to pass mine on to another member.


Did your nudis harm any other growth in your tank, like zoanthids, zenia, etc? We are starting to see small aiptasia growths on our zoa rock and I want to get rid of it via SW creature as opposed to lemon juice or kaulkwasser. Like most people, we just don't have the time for that kind of maintenance. A nudi would be perfect, as long as it wouldn't harm other creatures in the tank.