Best magnet cleaners for acrylic tanks?

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Jul 28, 2005
Creston, B.C.
I was wondering what magnet cleaners are the best to use on acrylic tanks? I have a brand new algee free hammerhead for my new acrylic tank (1/2"). I went to test it out it seems to scratch the tank inside and out. Yes, the tank is full of water and the white pad is on the inside piece covering the velcro and the felt pad is on the outside piece? Does anyone else have problems with these?
Never had an Issue with the Algae Free Magnets... been using mine for several months now... If they get any Debris between the magnet and the Acrylic they will surely scratch..

There is diffinatly no debris as the tank is still completely empty. The water was fresh water not salt water (I really don't think it makes a difference), as I was just testing my plumbing. It leaves very fine scratches you can only see at a certian angle and light. Not sure if there was a film from the paper on the new acrylic, but I cleaned the outside good before using it! Do you need to use someting better than the felt pad on the outside? or possibly a thicker pad on the inside? What kind of pads do you use on the inside, I am just using the one it came with it. Anyone using other brands of magnets?
I use the same, Hammerhead, without problems. I use the white pad on the inside, but on the outside, I put a cloth diaper inbetween the acrylic and the magnet. I want to be extra sure I don't pick anything up on that felt piece when not in use.
I second the cloth diaper use, its the only thing I use to clean the outside of my tank. I found out the hard way that paper towels can leave fine little scratches on acrylic.
for a 170 gal 1/2" acrylic. Would you recommend the Hammerhead or Tiger Shark?
My vote is with tigershark as well. I have three of them and use them up to 3/4" I purchase the separate removable pads which seem to work well. If you use the frequently, like every other day, they work real well. If you use them weekly, coraline/hardstuff will end up on the acrylic.
I started out with just a Mag Float. It worked. I now have a Hammerhead, and the difference in the strength of the magnet is well worth the price!
i have a mag float now and everything seems to be good, except that if i lay on the floor right next to the stand i can see little hair line scratches.
I think Nikki's idea is great. I always clean the tank with novus cleaner before running the mag cleaner. I think it has some sort of wax in it, so makes much less resistance than without.

Good point Don, wiping the tank down with Novus or Brilliantize prior to running the magnet is a good idea. It puts a "glaze" on the acrylic that makes it more slippery and removes static. Its not wax but some sort of polymer I think.

As far as the magnets, I like Algae Free's the best. The pads are easy to replace and don't scratch (unless you get something on it like gravel). On the outside of the tank I also use 100% cotton diapers that have been washed several times to make them softer. Mag floats work well but if you don't wrap them inside and out you will scratch the heck out of your tank. I have one that I use a media bag on the inside and a diaper on the outside. Both Eric at the Sharkreef and Mario at OceanReef use mag floats with the same set-up. (media bags and cotton cloth)

Just as a side note and a word of caution, Algae Free does have some very powerful magnets, especially on the Great White, they are not kidding when they say to never let the magnets attach together without a (thick) piece of something between them. I have one at the shop that is stuck together from a customer and I have put it in the vice and used a pipe wrench to try and pop it free. I all most pulled the bench over and the magnets have not moved.
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I have used HBH 4 x 12" nylon media bags, that's what Eric @ the Shark Reef uses also, right now I am using a paint strainer from Home Depot and that is what Mario at Ocean Reef uses.

Any of the nylon media bags work, they keep the plastic edges of the mag float from contacting the acrylic (which is what usually scratches) and it sticks in place from the velcro like scrubbing pad ( that also can scratch ).

I have also used the pads from Algae free with a magfloat (because they are thin enough that the magnet still holds) but if you have to do that why not just get a Tiger Shark or hammer head to start with? The media bag trick is good and works great if you happen to allready have a mag float.
Well, I did it!

I have both a Tiger Shark Float and a Great White by Algae Free. While cleaning them today, I managed to get the outside pieces stuck together. Is there any hope of separating these? I can't begin to budge them.

Anyone really strong going to the PSAS meeting tomorrow?
