Better Water for FOWLR

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Nov 7, 2007
Which would be more important for a fowlr set-up:

Wet/dry filter / decent skimmer


No wet-dry filter / two skimmers

I have a tank with a wet/dry and a decent skimmer. Would the water quality for the fish improve if I get rid of the wet/dry and replace it with a great skimmer instead so the system will then have two skimmers running?

So basically I think I am asking if it is more important for FISH to remove the organics with a skimmer or to have the bio-filtration effects of the wet/dry?
yes, it is a fowlr (fish only with live rock)

I know live rock does what the wet/dry does and more, but the tank is a high bioload tank (dalmation puffer, yellowtail angel, marine betta, teardrop butterfly) and was not sure if I better be safe with the high biofiltration potential of a wet-dry to handle the large spikes that will occur as they get larger, or if the live rock can handle that by itself and i'd be better off with more skimming potential.

what i am thinking is that the additional skimmer will increase the rate of removal of the organics before they get a chance to break down, thus reducing the load that the live rock would have to deal with without the wet/dry to help.
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Its pretty hard to beat good old bioballs for a FO tank especially when you have a load of pigs with fins.

In general, would sufficient quantities of live rock not be able to handle large bio-loads in fish tanks? Do they not handle it as well? Or does live rock just process it slower, thus harming the fish with spikes of ammonia?
LR is two fold. It will take care of ammonia and nitrates. Enough LR will do the job. Will yours do the job? Thats something only you can answer by doing the testing. The nitrates are no big deal as long as your not keeping corals or sensitive inverts. Skimmers were a great invention for reef tanks but I dont think I'd own one at all if I had a FO.

hmm no skimmer at all? i see all the nasty gunk mine pulls out every can't be very good for the fish, don't you think?
hmm no skimmer at all? i see all the nasty gunk mine pulls out every can't be very good for the fish, don't you think?

Its not a toxic "nutrient" until its broken down. Skimmers collect before break down until then it turbidity and heavy organics (food).

How much LR do you have and the tank size?
How is the LR placed? Loose and lets water flow through and around or packed and might have many low or no flow spots.

But a skimmer and very good water movement along with proper water change scedule and feeding habits.

Without good flow then your LR might not exchange as well or it might even collect nitrate and ammonia.

Feeding lower amounts more often will give your LR a better chance of converting ammonia into nitrogen.

If you have good water movement and good LR placement with proper feeding scedule then your Wet Dry will do little but add more maintance by its need of cleaning and extra electric cost.
I know a few LFS in town keep their FO tanks with very little LR but have the Bio-balls in use, some even have cheap skimmers & the tanks always looks great. They don't change the water that often also, so it must be working at some point!