Big Meeting in Tri-Cities

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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Thanks to all that put on a first class event! I had a great time socializing and enjoyed everything from the beginning to the end. Great people, great food, great fun. I want to give a special thanks to Ed and his family for their hospitality and welcoming me into their home.

Terry B
Darn, darn, darn it! I'm so sorry to have missed it; I knew they were going to put on a class event and it was going to be a blast.

I gotta go look for pics...I know Ed had his camera. ;)
Alice said:
Darn, darn, darn it! I'm so sorry to have missed it; I knew they were going to put on a class event and it was going to be a blast.

I gotta go look for pics...I know Ed had his camera. ;)
Nate C is working on making a web site for pictures of MCMAC. My pc is down at home. I will let you know as soon as web page is up. There are some pictures posted on hit the highlighted areas in Psa's thread.

There are many more coming, I am still up in the clouds about the conference.

We still have many T shirts for those that want to support the meeting next year. The t shirt prices are 15 dollars each. If we need to ship them that will have to be figured into cost. Again, keep your eye out for pictures.
I wanted to talk to everyone at this meeting. I wanted to thank them personally for making this a success. I am already looking forward to doing this again next year.
Talk to you soon,
Ed Hahn

Thanks to all the Club Members!!!

I want to thank all of you who sacrificed many of your personal time (and sweat in the heat) to help plan, setup, and help make this conference such a great event :)

It so much fun to have such a great group of supporting club members. Great things happen when we are able to work as a team and the success of this event really shows that!!

ED - A special thanks to you for having the dream to do this in the first place

Thank you :)

Rick & Barbie
dnjan said:
Angel - could you post the list of tanks on the tour? (screen names are fine). I would like to be able to keep track of whose tank is whose in my pictures.


Yes I can, the first tank was Ed's Tang corral and then we went over to Mike O'brien's (Mikeydog from MidColumbia), then we went over and saw Rod Harrington's sweet set up. We then took the long trek over to Les' inland ocean and finally headed back into town and finished up with Zul's beach front property! :D

I want my tank in next year's tour. :lol:
RC Man,
I have been sending pix to those that want them lately. If you send me a email at home I will send you some pictures. If anyone else wants to share the pictures they took it would be awesome. Email me and I will send you what I have one at a time. Beware though, they are big pictures.
Email me at home and say pictures of MCSMAC @ [email protected]
PS. I saw a piece of the coral you were talking about last time we talked at Kevins today. That is a nice coral.
Talk to you soon,
I was sent a link on the talk on Pacific North West Marine Aquarium Society. I want to Thank Terry B for spreading the word. Terry, I have not gotten my act together to thank you the way I wanted. I can make a lot of excuses.
Anthony and Terry,
You guys both left people here with a very good impression. I did not get enough time with either of you. I want you all to know the feed back has been very good so far. There is room for improvement always. So send those comments to me or someone else that is active. Those comments are very important. Anthony, Terry, Adelaide, I am asking you to give me your addresses. It would be a pleasure to send you a disc of pictures that were taken and T shirt if you like. I am also asking the vendors that participated to email me their address. Its not much, but I want to send you a T shirt and disc of pictures. This all would not have happened with out your help. I can only ask that you all stay in touch, communicate whats important to you about a meeting with all the clubs in the North West. Don J please contact me. I did not get the time again to visit with you all like I wanted. But I promise you I remember you all. I appreciate the time you put in to support a dream.
Another thing, This meeting does not have to happen in Tri-cities. The main idea is to get together out West. I know the name change bothered some of you. Please put that aside and remember all of us working as one to support this hobby, sharing, eating, getting good deals on things, educating people in areas that you are good with others. I am saving my gas money. I look forward to visiting all of you. Sincerely,
Ed Hahn
Ps. I am going to bump the guy that has all the pictures and see if he can get that website together..
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