Big Meeting in Tri-Cities

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Ed Hahn said:
I can hardly wait to see what you invented.

Anyone that wants to bring frags to trade, don't hesitate. We should see some rare ones.

No new inventions this time around. I'll be happy if I make it there without blowing up another engine.


Any chance might be able to round up some corals from the PSAS club for Anthony to propagate in his workshop? I just got off the phone with him and we are looking for some LPS corals that present more of a challenge than the acro's. Unfortunately my tank is nearly all acro's. He is also going to show how to split up anenomies. Just thought I would ask you since you are bringing a cooler.

If it works out that would be great, if not that is ok too, as we have some corals here that can be used.

I promised Ed I would be bringing over a green alveopora frag/small colony. It is probably large enough for Anthony to frag.
Hi Ed!

Hiromi and I just wanted to say thanks again for the wonderful job you and everyone else did setting up the meeting! We had a great time and are looking forward to next years event... :D We would also like to extend our thanks to Anthony & Terry for the informational lectures.....

Oh, if Nacho wants to sell that pump feel free to give him my number.... :D
Hey all, I think I'd better throw in my thanx to all who put this wonderful meeting together. I had a great time, I was well fed, fairly well hydrated :D , and picked up a bunch of knowledge from Anthony and Terry. All in all, I hope to make to next years conference too, this is to good a time to miss!!
Another first class meeting by the folks in Tri Cities!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for inviting me it was a blast.

This was a truly great event; definately in the top 2 reef related events I've been to if not number one. Mid-Columbia club, I've gotta applaud you all. The People, food, corals, teachings, and activities were great. Holly and I also toured the local wineries today and had some more fun :)

I hope this happens again next year. We will be there!
Hats off to all the wonderful people that made this such a great event! I had a blast. Everything was very well organized due to the effort put out by all the club members. Great people, great tanks, great speakers, and great beer, what more can you ask for :lol:

All the best,
Can't wait for next year since I had to miss this year's event. Sounds like you guys put on another great show with that Tri-Cities hospitality
It was definately the best! Everyone is soooooooooooo nice. It's making me rethink my opinions about the other side of the state! Thanks Ed, RIck, Barbie and everyone. If you didn't notice I was cateloging ideas in my brain to help our club over here! Oh and Zul, you are welcome to come cook for our club anytime!!

Sorry I missed it again this year. We had our golf outing the same weekend which I was a big contributor for organizing. A 68 player event, so I guess that took a bunch of my time. Sounds like a missed a great time again. Glad everyone had fun.
A little nervous not knowing many at first, but as with any hobby gathering there weren't many strangers come leaving time. Great job organizing. Loved the speakers, tour, and food. Always good to put a face to a name. Thanks and good luck all, see you next time.

Thanks to everyone for coming down and sharing in the fun. I was a little horse Sunday morning from all the hooting and hollering. I know there were some that missed the frag demo that Anthony did late Saturday but you may have not been able to sleep. The things that man did made people cringe but he was as funa dn professional as he was in his presentation. I would definitely invite him over again. I took three and a half pages of notes on Terry's presentation and my brain was just soaking it all in. It was great to see and meet everyone. Thanks to Colette and Craig for coming down from Canada and making the event an international affair. I had a blast and I am glad everyone else did as well.
Angel - could you post the list of tanks on the tour? (screen names are fine). I would like to be able to keep track of whose tank is whose in my pictures.

Thanks to everyone who organized the event. This was our first one and we will definitely be back next year. Great to meet more people who enjoy this wonderful hobby. It gave us a boost to see other peoples tanks and some wonderful ideas for our 310 gal not quite up and running. Really enjoyed the seminar with Terry and Anthony, wonderful frag demo!

Craig & Colette
Thank you Mid Columbia SW Aquarium club for a great event and for the warm hospitality.

I had a great time on the tank tour, which left me with tank-envy. I learned a lot from Terry and Anthony. The midnight frag demo was especially eye-opening. Even though I didn't win any of those cool nano tanks, I had a blast at the bbq.

One thing I am sorry about was missing Zul's cooking on Friday.

Good luck to future MCMAC and to the club.

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