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Well-known member
May 12, 2005
I am just wondering if anyone here is making there own bio-diesel? I met a guy last week that said he was currently making it out of waste vegetable oil for about .25-.50 a gallon. I am thinking about giving it a try but would like other peoples experience with it.


Not me man...But if anyone figures out a way to make your car run off of saltwater...Let me know. We have tons of that stuff here:D
krish75 said:
Not me man...But if anyone figures out a way to make your car run off of saltwater...Let me know. We have tons of that stuff here:D

According to what I've read, people are getting the used vegetable oil free from local reasturants. Not quiet saltwater but just as cheap. :lol:

LMBO!!! Krish if that was it, then you'd be rich by now dood :lol:
We havent' tried it here :p and well..... i don't ride a bycicle yet so i don't need vegie oil yet :lol: .
I'm sure there's someone in here who's using it :) .
I watched a program not long ago, on a guy that developed a car to run off water, It splits the H2O atom and shears off the hydrogen, it then circultates into the engine for combustion somehow. Exhaust is pure oxygen. I am no scientist but a car like that I would pay big time for. Filling up at the garden hose.
Reefdaddy1 said:
I watched a program not long ago, on a guy that developed a car to run off water, It splits the H2O atom and shears off the hydrogen, it then circultates into the engine for combustion somehow. Exhaust is pure oxygen. I am no scientist but a car like that I would pay big time for. Filling up at the garden hose.

That would be awsome I would pay big bucks for that too. It sure would beat messing with vegetable oil. :lol:

they have hydrogen cars in somewhere in the northeast. they are testing them out but they are far from practical at this point. exspensive to make and the fuel is only in one place. I cant remember what company was doing it but It was a late night and a tv channel that I am too dumb to be watching.

mungus I saw a guy doing that on the dirtiest jobs show. he used most oils from restraunts and recycled them for what he said was $.50 per gallon and his 80 something car got 40 mpg.
Reefdaddy1 said:
I watched a program not long ago, on a guy that developed a car to run off water, It splits the H2O atom and shears off the hydrogen, it then circultates into the engine for combustion somehow. Exhaust is pure oxygen. I am no scientist but a car like that I would pay big time for. Filling up at the garden hose.

And where does the energy come from to separate the hydrogen from the oxygen?
bradreef said:
they have hydrogen cars in somewhere in the northeast. they are testing them out but they are far from practical at this point. exspensive to make and the fuel is only in one place. I cant remember what company was doing it but It was a late night and a tv channel that I am too dumb to be watching.

mungus I saw a guy doing that on the dirtiest jobs show. he used most oils from restraunts and recycled them for what he said was $.50 per gallon and his 80 something car got 40 mpg.

Thats exactly what I'm talking about. With gas prices on the rise with no end in site I need to find a way to drive cheaply with out all the pollution of fossile fuels. I would rather keep the money in my pocket than shell it out to big oil. I currently spend about $2600 a year on gas because of my unavoidable commute. If I did this bio diesel thing my gas costs would be $410. That is if I had no improvement in fuel economy. If I had a car that got 40mpg instead of 26 the cost would drop even more.

GM made alternative fuel vehicles more than 25 years. But guess who bailed out the failing automotive manufacturing industry.

Don that is funny. Mungus. you can either get a hybrid, a tin can, or a diesel vw jetta or so on.
you can Blame mr BUSH for (disposing of all the alternative energy usage vehicles), we would have electric cars and others right now if he wasnt president, I saw a show that was called (who killed the electric car) and it was all about Bush.

boy would we be in better shoes if he didnt get elected, gas would still be 1.25 a gallon and no war. (worst president ever!!!)

sorry for you bush supporters but the gas prices and the war touch to close to home for me!

The Grange in Issaquah sells Bio-Diesel. Not sure what flavors. 5%, 10% 30% etc. I've thought of running in my 06 F350 but you have to read the warrenty info. Ford stats anything over 10% bio will void it. I think the big concern with bio is it has a tendency to detiorate rubber hoses etc. Now is this true or not, I don't know. I've also read of people having to replace their injectors since bio-diesel doesn't compress the same as #1 or #2 Diesel.

Here's a good site for information:

The Grange is located just off Front street and is directly across the street from I-90 Motorsports.
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james734 said:
The Grange in Issaquah sells Bio-Diesel. Not sure what flavors. 5%, 10% 30% etc. I've thought of running in my 06 F350 but you have to read the warrenty info. Ford stats anything over 10% bio will void it. I think the big concern with bio is it has a tendency to detiorate rubber hoses etc. Now is this true or not, I don't know. I've also read of people having to replace their injectors since bio-diesel doesn't compress the same as #1 or #2 Diesel.

Here's a good site for information:

The Grange is located just off Front street and is directly across the street from I-90 Motorsports.

James the issue with the rubber hoses is null if you have a car mfg after 1993. The injectors do not need replacing unless you are running straight vegetable oil. (that kinda scares me) If so you would also need to replace the glow plugs.

After being processed properly fuel grade bio will run better than diesel #2. The issues people are having is when the first start running it. You need to replace your fuel filters. It naturally cleans the lines and you can have cloging due to this. They recomend changing filters every month for the first three after that it is smooth sailing. As far as the warranty is conserned I thought the Feds had passed a law to keep them from doing that. I am pretty sure that you can run 100% bio with no effect on the warranty. Don't quote me on that one though because I could be mistaken. The funny part is if you run bio it will make your engine last longer.

If I do decide to try this I will run 100% fuel grade bio durring the summer months and run a mix during the colder months.

Thanks Mungus. That's good to know. Like I said it's just what I've read. I'll have to re-read my warranty info to verif, But I do remember reading something about only up to 10% Bio.
james734 said:
Thanks Mungus. That's good to know. Like I said it's just what I've read. I'll have to re-read my warranty info to verif, But I do remember reading something about only up to 10% Bio.

I just read something that said most manufactures will only warranty there engines for B10 or lower. I am wrong about the B100 and the feds. I don't know where I got that from.:confused:

That's similar to what my warranty book and owners manual stated. I think the auto manufactures are also in the oil business.