Blue Jellyfish!!!!????!!!

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Aug 30, 2005
I am picking up my new blue jelly fish tonight and it looks sweet I am excited but nervous at the same time as this is my first try with jellys, they look good at the store. Anyone had and expierence with these?? any tips etc?? I here they eat bio coral and marine plankton and just filter feed Well I will post pics of my new addition as soon as I get it home. andy
I did not know you could keep a jellyfish in a regular tank. Have you ever seen the jellyfish tank in that little public aquarium in Poulsbo? That's cool.
I remember reading about Kreisel tanks, and thinking "OUCH!!! $$$$$" !!!!

Not sure what your setup is, and I'm sure you have already done an extensive amount of research on this, so please give us more information on what you have, and by all means PICTURES!!!! :D :D :D
I know most importanly the tank they are in must not have any kind of over flows or power heads and must have very low water flow other wise they get sucked up into impellars or pulled into a overflow and too much flow just dissrupts their ability to move and feed...

Well I have gotten it home and am covering my closed loop intakes with rock and I have reduced my flow so we shall see what happens I will post pics when he is in and acclimated, they say these are very hearty and can handle wide temp and salinity ranges.

here are some pics of the new jelly, I can see some problems with the direction of my flow and am now compensateing for that about 90% of the time jelly is fine but every once in a while he gets off coures and hits something but automatically changes direction no visible danage and dosent seem to bother him. If I cant get it to go good in my display I may put it in my biocube but we will just have to see how it goes all new to me
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I had always assumed the feeding requirements of the Jellyfishes needed them being in a Species-Only tank???

What is the care and feeding on these? Looks very interesting, and I'd like to learn more! :)
from what I have read and been told they are constant filter feeders and bio coral and marine plankton is best for them but as I said before this is a big expieriment for me I am still looking for any info I can find, I have also been told their life expctancy is longer than a year possibly 3 but I cannot confirm this so if anyone knows anything let me know otherwise I will keep reading and post my findings on any spacifics.
sup andy its cody man just seen how that jelly fish is doin in your reef tank let me know becuz i want to stick mine in my reef tank but im nervous
Well he seems to be doing fine I had to reduce my flow and cover my closed loop intakes and also redirect my flow so it didnt push him into anything, he still gets off course sometimes and hits stuff but no noticeable damage I think if he still looks good after a week or so I will feel more comfortable with it in there but still a little nervous myself. he is bad a$$ though looks sweet in there, hey by the way do you know the technical name for this type of jelly?? just so I can do some more reasearch
I have a 240 full mixed reef all of my fish are in qt so I will be putting them in in a couple of days, This may throw a curve ball into this equasion but I am hopeing for the best. I have noticed the first little bit of damage on the jelly this afternoon, it looks like it may have ran into my anemone but it seems to be very minor. it was 39.99 at indoor reef. I know they have another shipment coming in soon
I would say it is 3-4 inches around about the size of a baseball and it does move around alot almost to much I had my first incident where my closed loop intake (which is covered in rock) pulled him up aginst the rock and just held him there..... So I came up with a plan I am using a cylinder approx 10 inches across and runs top to bottom of the tank and sits on a rock so the bottom is not completely blocked off I pointed one of my closed loop outlets at the bottom of the cylinder so it got some up flow and put the jelly in there it seems to be working great he cant bump into things because of the up flow and round design He cant get into my intakes or coral and I can much more easily target feed him and I caqn always find him.. I liked it when he could roam the tank but I was always to worried something was going to happen to him. this seems to be the best of both worlds,, again big time trial and error expierement
Is your closed loop intake a bulkhead? Have you seen the acrylic box style intake covers Tom came up with?

I have the bulkhead style Which has been ok up till now, Tom hepled me set this tank up with the over flow and closed loop as well as I just got my ca reactor all tuned up from him just last night If I would have been thinking about it I probably would have went with the other style intake( more protection and less in flow to one area) but now 240 gallon of water and a ton of live stock later I think its to late to redesign unless I just sit a cover in there which may work.
these are supposed to be very hearty not like alot of the fragile ones. I now have a tube that it is in alone in the reef tank that seperates it from everything else and protects it as well. I am looking for a bigger tube now but it seems to be working very well , no excessive flow, no rock or intake damage and no contact with fish or coral and direct target feeding. we shall see how it goes.