Board of Director Nomimations for the 2010/11 year

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Yeah I don't want to make money. I want to make for a close knit reef community that there once was. Before getting pissed, remember the psas has been around alot longer than you've been a reef keeper. Things have changed over the years I think.
with out income coming in then there are no speakers to learn more stuff. there wouldn't be soda or/ beer unless you want to use your money to buy it for all the members. what about the food people will be eating, at these BBQs you going to pay for that as well. you can ask people to bring some, but will they bring it or not.
see the thing is this all has been talked about every year,
Psas is not a business, it's a club. a place to have fun, meet new people learn new stuff. not all meeting can be BBQs and beer that will get sick real fast. and i know i wouldn't show up...
thats what june BBQ is for..
Participation was the goal this year as well as every other year...

not mad . if some one gets mad at talking , that's childish
most meeting 20% of members come
frag swaps 80%
but any ways this is a nomination thread!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
no fighting
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Thats why the we would cut the meetings down to 6 per year. One every other month. The Bob Moore frag swap would be in addition to the 6. I know that Ive got a beer tap and a keg cost me 50 buck since I get them wholesale.

THE PSAS SHOULDNT EVEN BE BUYING THE FOOD! Potluck, maybe the club buys some beverages.

I would rather have five HOUSE meetings, the Bob Moore frag swap, and maybe a tour of the seattle aquarium. Front and back side of the operation.
I attended a fish party last year that included SEVERAL PSAS and reef frontiers members. It was not a PSAS event. It was reef keepers talking reef stuff and it was a blast. Guess what? There was no guest speakers, no workshops, and no raffles and we had an excellent time.
I attended a fish party last year that included SEVERAL PSAS and reef frontiers members. It was not a PSAS event. It was reef keepers talking reef stuff and it was a blast. Guess what? There was no guest speakers, no workshops, and no raffles and we had an excellent time.

ok what ever floats your boat. you can do what you want with the club if you get on as a BOD.
Crystal - you completely missed the point. Both Brett and I understand that there has to be income. The meetings depend on it and niether of us ment to give the impression that all meetings would be beer and bbq. But it would absolutely be way more casual. The meetings to us is an excuse to get together. The meeting topic would take care of itself depending on where we were meeting and who attended. I will give you an example. When I had my 75 going, I was running a xenia fuge. Every time I had some one over, it would become the source of conversation. In the next couple of weeks, Brett is getting is insanely expensive LED unit. If we had a meeting at his house, I could guess what the conversation would be. But maybe someone would want to know about the skimmer mods that he has made instead. I hope you get my point.

I still have the question on participation. How many outside of the BM event are showing up to the meetings?
Hey guys, my reef tank has only been set up about 5 months. And I've not yet paid any PSAS dues. My GF and I plan on attending the May meeting though, and both getting memberships.

I would like to become active in this group once I get my membership next week.

How many people come to the meetings? My house is conveniently located in seattle, in the central district, right near the first I-90 exit when you come in from the east side.

I would be happy to host an event, where we hang out, drink beer, and talk reefs. My house isn't huge, but I could comfortably hold maybe 20 people or so, maybe a bit more when the weather is nice.

I have a side yard where we could BBQ, and I've also been brewing beer now for 6 or 7 years. I have some great brews, and make it from all grain (full mash.)

So, depending on the number of people, I would totally be down with doing some hosting. I like brett's ideas. Sounds like a good time.

Crystal - you completely missed the point. Both Brett and I understand that there has to be income. The meetings depend on it and niether of us ment to give the impression that all meetings would be beer and bbq. But it would absolutely be way more casual. The meetings to us is an excuse to get together. The meeting topic would take care of itself depending on where we were meeting and who attended. I will give you an example. When I had my 75 going, I was running a xenia fuge. Every time I had some one over, it would become the source of conversation. In the next couple of weeks, Brett is getting is insanely expensive LED unit. If we had a meeting at his house, I could guess what the conversation would be. But maybe someone would want to know about the skimmer mods that he has made instead. I hope you get my point.

I still have the question on participation. How many outside of the BM event are showing up to the meetings?
i get what you are saying.
as of right now the member count is between 65-85 members at least
there have been four meetings where only 20 members showed up
and three meetings there were at least 45-50 members there.
BM is not in there. that one way crazy
everyone say people like free stuff. but as i said before what ever
ok what ever floats your boat. you can do what you want with the club if you get on as a BOD.

I'm not sure but I am feeling some anger towards me with your statements.

I don't believe there is any reason to get angry. The reason there are elections is because the group gets to decide which direction they want the club to go next. This is the direction we will take it, if you don't like it, don't vote for us.

I kinda thought we where all buddies here but the whatever floats your boat comment seems a little inflammatory.
Since this thread is open to the RF community, and the voting will take place in the "members only forum," can Non PSAS members make nominations? Also, no matter who is allowed to make nominations, how will people be informed if nominations have met the 2 meeting requirement? Eventually, Angie and I both plan to become members, and attend meetings, when we're over there. It just hasn't worked out, yet.

Not to continue with the off topic (since this thread is about nominations and not a campaigning thread), but I do agree that attendance is important, "income" is important, but the close ties, among hobbyists, is the most important, IMO. I think that having meetings, at people's homes, is important. Not all meetings would have to be at someone's house. Each meeting, either the host, or someone else, can speak about something. For instance, in October, we had our club meeting at our home. We had about 40 people in our SMALL house. We discussed reef photography and I led the discussion. We had snacks, various drinks, including beer, available. None of these snacks or beverages were paid for by the "club." A great time was had by all!!

Okay, back to the topic. Say for instance, I, as a non PSAS member, am allowed to nominate someone. How do I know who is eligible for nomination?
Maybe your getting defensive in leiu of the beer and BBQ idea not going very well for you?

These folks could possibly feel as if you were just asking for there thoughts to make it seem like you were open to there thoughs and ideas about the direction the club would take when really you have your own idea that your not willing to change regardless of what people say?

thats what I gather from the situation, this thread is tense.
ok what ever floats your boat. you can do what you want with the club if you get on as a BOD.

Maybe your getting defensive in leiu of the beer and BBQ idea not going very well for you?

These folks could possibly feel as if you were just asking for there thoughts to make it seem like you were open to there thoughs and ideas about the direction the club would take when really you have your own idea that your not willing to change regardless of what people say?

thats what I gather from the situation, this thread is tense.

I have not posted any quips pal. I made the mistake of asking "any thoughts?"

I didn't realize everyone is so sensitive here.
If Tom (Workaholic) is willing I would like to second the nomination of Tom for President. Tom has attended almost every meeting over the last few years; thereby, demonstrating his commitment to the club.
I'm not sure but I am feeling some anger towards me with your statements.

I don't believe there is any reason to get angry. The reason there are elections is because the group gets to decide which direction they want the club to go next. This is the direction we will take it, if you don't like it, don't vote for us.

I kinda thought we where all buddies here but the whatever floats your boat comment seems a little inflammatory.

Lol not at all angry, Just trying to get you to understand iam just giving you my thoughts scene on iam on the BOD and what floats your boat remark was just what ever you think will bring more members. I myself have sked members before about having meeting at thier place so more members that have us there at their homes the merrier it is. when no one whats that many people there we have to fine other place to hold meetings. and every couple months for meeting was talked about too. so no it may not be a bad idea.
we are buddy's told you getting up set is way childish, :)
If Tom (Workaholic) is willing I would like to second the nomination of Tom for President. Tom has attended almost every meeting over the last few years; thereby, demonstrating his commitment to the club.
Tom is willing to I talked to him this morning before I posted it...
These folks could possibly feel as if you were just asking for there thoughts to make it seem like you were open to there thoughs and ideas about the direction the club would take when really you have your own idea that your not willing to change regardless of what people say?

BTW Lets be honest here. The only people that have stated they do not like the ideas so far are those who are currently on the BOD. Of course they are going to disagree.

Maybe we should listen to everyones complaints. Ban alcohol since some people can't keep it together. We will ban meetings at homes of cat owners. (we don't want anyone to have an allergic reaction). We cannot have any foods or snacks that contain gluten as I have Celiac Sprue disease.

Don't vote for us. Just rent out the huge warehouse and bait people in with free frags. A bunch of vultures ripping apart a dead zebra usually don't stop to converse with each other, its too chaotic. Thats all I'm saying.
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I like our club however participation falls on the members also not just the BOD... Getting nominations for tank of the month are a good example this is a pretty easy thing to do, I have got VERY LITTLE response... You will always have more people at the frag swaps that should be a given. Turning the meetings into a kegger / BS session... its not really the environment I am looking for, don't get me wrong I enjoy a good beer with friends... But I actually joined this group to learn something like how to frag a coral in real life not on a fish form... friends & BS'ing is an added bonus.
I nominate cyrstal for the position of vice president honestly i think you will fill the role much better then i could you have shown the innitiave it takes to fill a key roll like vice president.

I wouldn't mind being vice president but i think i would be better else where like membership chair for example
I like our club however participation falls on the members also not just the BOD... Getting nominations for tank of the month are a good example this is a pretty easy thing to do, I have got VERY LITTLE response... You will always have more people at the frag swaps that should be a given. Turning the meetings into a kegger / BS session... its not really the environment I am looking for, don't get me wrong I enjoy a good beer with friends... But I actually joined this group to learn something like how to frag a coral in real life not on a fish form... friends & BS'ing is an added bonus.

I totally agree with you i think your right on point. An saltwater aquarium club should be about saltwater aquariums and have relavant topics or themes reflecting that.
Alright. I'm not going to bother explaining it again. I never said KEGGER.

Maybe it's better to invite over a few friends we like, and bs about reef. The twisting of words has been going on for the last three years. Ask as Mike Bell. Ask Steven Walters. The PSAS isn't worth trying to modify.

Forget Steven and I ever posted here. I'll keep my 30 bucks and pay the extra 10% at barrier reed.
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