BTW Lets be honest here. The only people that have stated they do not like the ideas so far are those who are currently on the BOD. Of course they are going to disagree.
Maybe we should listen to everyones complaints. Ban alcohol since some people can't keep it together. We will ban meetings at homes of cat owners. (we don't want anyone to have an allergic reaction). We cannot have any foods or snacks that contain gluten as I have Celiac Sprue disease.
Don't vote for us. Just rent out the huge warehouse and bait people in with free frags. A bunch of vultures ripping apart a dead zebra usually don't stop to converse with each other, its too chaotic. Thats all I'm saying.
Alright. I'm not going to bother explaining it again. I never said KEGGER.
Maybe it's better to invite over a few friends we like, and bs about reef. The twisting of words has been going on for the last three years. Ask as Mike Bell. Ask Steven Walters. The PSAS isn't worth trying to modify.
Forget Steven and I ever posted here. I'll keep my 30 bucks and pay the extra 10% at barrier reed.
Buddy why are you getting upset.Yeah. And I need to drive twenty five miles in the middle of a Saturday so I can learn how to frag a ****ing coral. That is some stupid ****.
On average, what percentage of members show up to meetings?
Yeah. And I need to drive twenty five miles in the middle of a Saturday so I can learn how to frag a ****ing coral. That is some stupid ****.
Time for all to lighten up and allow cooler heads to prevail. All suggestions have been excellent. And yes, Crystal and Kris, you each were responsible for setting Brett off who was just trying to help. How about accepting all contributions as positive in lieu of shooting them down due to being outside of one's comfort zones. (Not the first time this has happened) As board members, if this is the policy that we wish, then make it so. Otherwise, all suggestions are good ones whether voted in or passed on.
Back to nominations please.
Say for instance, I, as a non PSAS member, am allowed to nominate someone. How do I know who is eligible for nomination?
Brett has rescinded his offer to help on the BOD?
Steven, Are you still wanting a position?
I only hope the next Pres will be able to follow in your footsteps.
As a reminder,
From the PSAS Charter: Only Members in good standing who have attended at least 2 (two) meetings in the current membership year are eligible for nomination for office for the following membership year.
The complete club charter can be found at
I don't want anybody to miss out on their opportunity so wanted to add this reminder so those considering positions still have the time to attend a second meeting if needed.
Formal BOD Positions:
Vice President
Membership Chair