BOB Moore 2011 News.

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I can not make this fun event, PLEASE take lots of pictures, there are never too many!


Bummer, was going to get to see you there. I'll take lots of pictures, just for you!
I can not make this fun event, PLEASE take lots of pictures, there are never too many!


I took quite a few pics. But like last time, I'm gonna make you wait three months before I post them.

I picked up your frag glue and had your frag for you. Now you'll have to wait three months for that too.
Wow! What an event. Just left Barrier Reef, picking up frozen food and ummm a few more corals, as if we didn't leave the swap with enough corals. It was great to see everyone! Now, it's back to Spokane, to figure out where to put everything!

Ya know, I was probably 5 miles away when I thought to myself " man, I forgot to hunt down Micheal and Angie to introduce myself". I realize now that we crossed paths a few times as we were taking pics, but never were fromally introduced. Oh well, see you at SEAMAX.
So i have to say thanks to all that showed up,Bad news is My son that was taking pic well the card got full so he delete them ALL.... so to every one who took pics please let me know. So we can get them on to psas photobucket....
AND thanks to all that came out..
it was fun.. Everyone looked like they went home with some goodies...
Here's a few. I'll make sure the whole file gets to the proper PSAS personel in a timely manner

Thank you PSAS BOD for working so hard to pull off another great BOB MOORE frag swap. The venue was roomy, warm and suited our needs so well. The 4th annual down ready for number five.






A few more

A big thank you to BARRIER REEF for all of the things you do for our club.

And thanks to Chris of REEFKOI.

and we cant forget Todd from CHERRY CORALS
Like always had a good time. it was good to see everyone WaCoral,Reefman069,Fragman,Trido,Returnofsid,Cy, Etc. Just to name a few. Oh and Mike-SaltyBell.Thanks for the Good Laughs. P.S I wont say anything to Andy about the Two for $10 or the buy one get one FREE THING.
Thanks to Adam and Crystal,PSAS and all who dedicated there time to put this on. Good Job......
Fantastic event, thanks my first, but definitely not my last. Thanks to everyone who put all the hard work in.
Man your son is a natural tell him Thanks for the feeling of importances and the deal way he helped me better under how to take photo's. Man this has been a very upbuilding and nice day, New people, contacts, idea's, and of course CORAL. Thanks and it's VERY nice to meet so many and put a face to you, we'll be seeing one another soon I'm sure (hint) SEAMAX!!! Oh and i'm at 100% open and survival of Corals will post some pic's. Hey what was the total count?? anyone know?

Good show!! I feel as though I made out like a bandit... so naturally I went and bought a lotto ticket! Ha!

Absolutely loving the frogspawn and anxious for the sun coral to get comfortable. Came "Oh So Close" to bringing home the Hells Angel but was snagged up by some tankless guy. :noidea: Still keep thinking about the one I left behind... Was hoping for Shelbyguy's blessing but the event seemed to close down before he could get there from work. I believe it was this one?


Thanks to all of those that put forth the effort to make this happen and to all of the donors. Happy to be a new PSAS member and anxious to attend this auction I heard about.