BOB Moore 2011 News.

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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It was so awesome to meet everyone today. Adam you were really busy. Was going to stop ya and talk at you for a bit but you started yelling at everyone. :) Today was awesome and everyone there was real friendly. It is always nice to get together with like minded people. Watch out for that crazy Todd guy though.
the only thing i wish is i could have put a face behind al the screen names i see on the forms! i probably talked to alot of you haha
wow!!!! what a great turn out. 29 people signed up today to be members. renewals and new ones. thank you very Much.
I would like to thank our sponsors for coming .And for the great Donations. The member who got the little blue acro please let us know I couldn't remember your name. That was the Bob Moore stag. that BR donated.
I am not sure if some of you know. the money we get for memberships and raffles goes right back in to the Psas to pay for the meeting place. drinks. and corals we give away and raffle off. Speakers and everything else we do through out the year So thank you all again. For becoming members and renewing memberships. With out you our meetings wouldn't be as good
VP PSAS Crystal
Thanks you I'm a NEWBEE but felt very welcomed and part of Reefing. One if the best things i've done. Please keep up the support

As one of the new guys, I just want to thank everyone. I now have more than two corals, and I can't believe nice it feels to see the life on my live rock!!
Your gifts and sweet deals made it possible to step into reefing months before I thought I would be able to.

All I can say is thank god for Bob Moore, don't know when I will be one of the pass it forward bunch, but I'm gratf to the ones that are.
I would like to know (my memory is shot) who the lady with the straight blond hair that came in as we were finishing up the raffle drawing was.. She got lost and drove all the way the Yelm..
What is your name. And I would like to personally apologize.. I hope you went home happy..
Thanks for another great event PSAS!!! My third Bob Moore... WOW, I guess I'm becoming an old timer. Thanks again to the BOD of PSAS, the sponsors, and members of PSAS. Without all of you, events like this simply wouldn't happen.
As has been said by the rest of the BOD. Thanks everyone for coming, sponsors, vendors and members. Everyone is welcome and appreciated. I know I definitely enjoyed the show (even though, like the rest of the BOD had very little down time to actually check out the corals lol) I was glad to see the turnout and hope everyone went home happy.Now the plan is for even bigger and better next year :).
I would like to know (my memory is shot) who the lady with the straight blond hair that came in as we were finishing up the raffle drawing was.. She got lost and drove all the way the Yelm..
What is your name. And I would like to personally apologize.. I hope you went home happy..

That was me! I drove from Woodinville to Yelm, and realized I had gone too far. Called hubby for on-phone navigation aid. Got there just in time to see the last raffle. Thank you so much for taking care of me with those pretty frags from your tank, it was very kind and really unexpected! :)
Now that I'm awake, I want to make a proper thank you!

Cy and Brie, from Barrier Reef, Todd, from Cherry Corals and Chris, from Reef Koi: Thank you all so much for sponsoring such a great event, bring along so many great deals and helping me to become even more overstocked than I already was!!! Towards the end, Angie worked her charm, and we ended up with even more than we expected, from Todd and Chris. Then, we stopped by Barrier Reef, on the way home, for some Rods Food and she worked her charm, once again, to the tune of 4 more corals in bags!! Sheeesh!!!

PSAS BOD members: Thank you for putting on such a grand event, carrying on Bob Moore's tradition and memory!

PSAS members: Thank you all for showing up and having such a great time!

PSAS members: Thank you for the corals I got from each of you, Andy (WA Coral), with his trusty sidekick Mike (Saltybell), Tom (Workaholic), Caitlin (Saltwaterfishes) and iroll253 (I'm so sorry, I forgot your name), and the cute Bangaii pair, from Paul!

PSAS members: Those who donated to the door prizes and raffle items: Thank you so much! We came home with 3 free corals, won in raffles! Madison picked each of them out!

It was great to see a lot of familiar faces and visit with some old friends and some AGED Friends (Tracy). It was also great to see a lot of new faces and meet new friends!!

We got home, about 10:45, last night, and floated corals. This morning, woke up and got all our corals into the tank!

Now, I'm going to have to completely re-aquascape our 200, in order to find proper homes for all of these! Ugh!!!

I will post photos, in the next day or so, in this thread and on PSAS's photobucket page!
Picture time!


If you read a post I made, a few days ago, you'll notice I mentioned an "ugly mug..."



Caitlin, with some of her beautiful corals.


The official PSAS Bob Moore Frag Swap Photographer!!!



Cy and Brie, from Barrier Reef, in all their glory. We rarely see Brie, in photographs, because she's the one always taking photos!! Same reason you won't see ME, in any of these



Chris, from Reef Koi (nearest) and Todd from Cherry Coral (farthest)




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Its been said many times already, but I will say it again. Thanks to all the sponsers putting this event on and everyone else that was selling and trading coral at this event. It was my first and I had a fun time seeing people I already new and meeting those I hadn't met yet. Although I missed a few poeple I would like to have met. There will be another chance I'm sure.

I would like to ask also, if anyone can tell me the user name for someone. There were a couple young men, yes compaired to my age they are young men, at the end of the table on the same side that Caitlen and Andy were set up at closer to the end Adam was set up at, that had the little hand made 12" cube tank with filtration in the back and an LED light. I would just like to thank them too.
I would like to ask also, if anyone can tell me the user name for someone. There were a couple young men, yes compaired to my age they are young men, at the end of the table on the same side that Caitlen and Andy were set up at closer to the end Adam was set up at, that had the little hand made 12" cube tank with filtration in the back and an LED light. I would just like to thank them too.

If you're talking about the tank that was directly to Caitlin's right, or your left, if you were facing Caitlin, that was probably Andy (WA Coral) and his side kick, Mike (Saltybell). They had a tank set up, with an LED strip light, above it.
If you're talking about the tank that was directly to Caitlin's right, or your left, if you were facing Caitlin, that was probably Andy (WA Coral) and his side kick, Mike (Saltybell). They had a tank set up, with an LED strip light, above it.

Hey Michael, no, younger gentlemen...HAHA... a few feet to Andy & Mikes right.
If you're talking about the tank that was directly to Caitlin's right, or your left, if you were facing Caitlin, that was probably Andy (WA Coral) and his side kick, Mike (Saltybell). They had a tank set up, with an LED strip light, above it.

Hey Michael, no, younger gentlemen...HAHA... a few feet to Andy & Mikes right.

HAHA...sorry Andy and Mike, I just had to.