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Hey Mrktplayer,

I am curious about ADT ripping customers off, I have ADT and I do feel that they are way expensive if you want to order extra sensors ect. Why do you feel they are a rip off? Unfortunately I have ADT at the moment. I am thinking of changing when the contract is up.
Get a GE system, they make a good product, in most cases you can add on to your existing system with the GE products. The best deterrents is having the little signs in the yard & stickers on the doors etc. Well lit yard & a locked gate to close off access to the back yard also is a deterrent. If you have all of this regardless of your security system working or not, If they see all this & still attempt to break in then you will have more problems because they either are totally dumb or smart enough to be dangerous. The above information will detour the majority of potential break-ins & they will look for an easier target.
Don hadn't thought of this? Give him a few weeks and hel'l have a cage that drops down around the intruders before they can reach his tank


Motion-sensitive lights are good at night to deter break-ins, and barking dogs are always a plus.
Hey Mrktplayer,

I am curious about ADT ripping customers off, I have ADT and I do feel that they are way expensive if you want to order extra sensors ect. Why do you feel they are a rip off? Unfortunately I have ADT at the moment. I am thinking of changing when the contract is up.

I found complaints from customers. Not about being ripped off, but being billed even after you cancelled. It was even to the point that they took it to a collection agency and threatened to damage people's credit if they didn't pay for the service they did not receive. lol.

They probably don't do this to everyone... just make sure you have proof that your account has been cancelled. Just in case they decide to bill you again. We had ADT too many years ago but we never had problems from them.
I found complaints from customers. Not about being ripped off, but being billed even after you cancelled. It was even to the point that they took it to a collection agency and threatened to damage people's credit if they didn't pay for the service they did not receive. lol.

They probably don't do this to everyone... just make sure you have proof that your account has been cancelled. Just in case they decide to bill you again. We had ADT too many years ago but we never had problems from them.

Ive had one expeience with ADT. My shop got broke into the alarm went off and the call center never called the cops. We lost more than 25K in tools. There liability disclaimer is so well witten that they will never have to pay even if they screw up. Thanks to insurance all worked out. I would never trust any alarm company again.

Ive had one expeience with ADT. My shop got broke into the alarm went off and the call center never called the cops. We lost more than 25K in tools. There liability disclaimer is so well witten that they will never have to pay even if they screw up. Thanks to insurance all worked out. I would never trust any alarm company again.


That's horrible. ADT is proud of how their command centers across the country guarantees coverage even in case of natural disasters. Like their slogan, "always there." That's horrible how they denied responsibility after your breakin. It's obvious the alarm was set off. There should be proof that no call was made to the police. I don't see how they lied their way out of that. Even in their promotional ad they're offering to pay up to $500 insurance deductible if someone breaksin. There was a small disclaimer by that also.

A lot of companies are getting shady these days. Utility companies, banks, etc.
A local pet shop was recently broken into here. Dogs were taken out of their cages and slammed on the floor, birds were found dead, mice were fed to the snakes. I don't believe the fish were harmed. I believe the owner estimated damages at $25,000. The vandals got away with very little cash, ($200 I think). So sad for the animals! My jaw dropped when I seen it on TV.
IMHO security systems offer a false sense of security. I have heard of TONS of places that have gotten robbed while having a security system. I can't say I know anyone who had their home robbbery foiled because of an alarm. I am sure they are a deterrent, just like a car alarm, but for a robber its a minor inconvience. When you consider how long it takes for someone to show up and investigate after an alarm, or how often they will call, and the person inside simply has to say "false alarm" no matter who they are, you can see how easily it is avoided. For the amount of money your going to pay, a fence with a dog will beat it any day.
IMHO security systems offer a false sense of security. I have heard of TONS of places that have gotten robbed while having a security system. I can't say I know anyone who had their home robbbery foiled because of an alarm. I am sure they are a deterrent, just like a car alarm, but for a robber its a minor inconvience. When you consider how long it takes for someone to show up and investigate after an alarm, or how often they will call, and the person inside simply has to say "false alarm" no matter who they are, you can see how easily it is avoided. For the amount of money your going to pay, a fence with a dog will beat it any day.

Security companies require a password, if you dont get it right they send the cops anyways......well if your lucky. The bottom line is that those security sticker just tell the thief to go around the side of the house and cut the phone line where it enters the homes distrabution box.
You can only do so much. It pays to just have good insurance and not worry so much.

Security companies require a password, if you dont get it right they send the cops anyways......well if your lucky. The bottom line is that those security sticker just tell the thief to go around the side of the house and cut the phone line where it enters the homes distrabution box.
You can only do so much. It pays to just have good insurance and not worry so much.


You could rig up a relay that triggers an alarm to the security company if the phone lines are cut while power is still up. Call it a Don security relay.
Agree on the insurance part. Also good to have more than the minimum liability coverage, especially if you have kids...
You could rig up a relay that triggers an alarm to the security company if the phone lines are cut while power is still up. Call it a Don security relay.
Agree on the insurance part. Also good to have more than the minimum liability coverage, especially if you have kids...

:lol: The last time my shop got hit, thats all they did. Made the alarm system worthless since it couldnt call the alarm center. Ive since had the box moved behind the fence. Next time they can meet BAD (Big A^& Dog) Mike.:)

At my old job whenever we set off the alarm we just told them it was a false alarm lol. No password, nothing. It was pretty silly. I wasn't suprised to find that 6 months after I left someone robbed the place of almost everything =P They weren't slick about it either, just drove threw the front window =P
The barber shop next door got robbed this week. I was doing some work in the shop until the middle of the morning and I was leaving with my dog Cherokee. A cop car flipped his lights on and drove 90 miles an hour in the parking lot straight at me, informed me that there was a burglary this week so they are checking out suspicious behavior. To prove I wasn't a burglar, he asked me what kind of store that I was leaving. I obviously said, "A fish store". This satisfied him and he drove off.

Here's the funny thing, a blind person could have figured out they were in a fish store with all of the pumps, water held in glass tanks, etc. I would have felt a whole lot better had he made me prove that I had keys for the front door instead of just asking me what kind of store I was leaving. Even if the alarm company does it's job, don't assume that ALL cops care. (I put the word ALL in caps because I know many cops who are dedicated and unappreciated and I don't want to paint with too wide of a brush).
The barber shop next door got robbed this week. I was doing some work in the shop until the middle of the morning and I was leaving with my dog Cherokee. A cop car flipped his lights on and drove 90 miles an hour in the parking lot straight at me, informed me that there was a burglary this week so they are checking out suspicious behavior. To prove I wasn't a burglar, he asked me what kind of store that I was leaving. I obviously said, "A fish store". This satisfied him and he drove off.

Here's the funny thing, a blind person could have figured out they were in a fish store with all of the pumps, water held in glass tanks, etc. I would have felt a whole lot better had he made me prove that I had keys for the front door instead of just asking me what kind of store I was leaving. Even if the alarm company does it's job, don't assume that ALL cops care. (I put the word ALL in caps because I know many cops who are dedicated and unappreciated and I don't want to paint with too wide of a brush).

It's good to have good relationships with the local police department. I call 911 all the time, and I'm always respectful to them and the police officers. So when I do need them they arrive within 3-5 minutes.

Not all cops do care though. Luckily the ones I deal with do care.
"The best deterrents is having the little signs in the yard & stickers on the doors"

I would offer my two dogs as proof that signs are the NEXT best deterrent....
snarling, barking teeth bouncing off the other side of a door are an incentive for a crook (= lazy) to try another mark.

Luck to all that none of us need the prevention.
Not really. It's sad working there sometimes. I want to do something more constructive with my life, and I get to do that when I graduate in a year.

Yes, it is Market Player :)