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Well-known member
May 21, 2004
Not a happy topic, but has anyone ever had someone break into their home and trash their aquarium?

It has not happen to me and I thank God for that and knock wood it does not happen to me or anyone else.

It was just a sick thought I had.
Wow pal, time to lighten up!

I have only heard of this once (from an ex) yet daily hear of strangers giving free corals or fish to newbies. There are 50 amazing people to every psycho.

Lets talk about breaking in tanks. Hows yours coming along? Fish looking better? They eating OK?
Ask Eric Borneman about this topic. I'm sure he has a choice few words. j/k I think it was eventually discovered to be, how can I put this nicely? "USER ERROR" or "PEBTAP" ( Problem exsists between tank and person) In all seriousness, be nice to everyone so nobody has reason to hurt your fishys, but I have to say wives and gf's can be brutal if left unattended to maintain things lol..
I've had the apartment I used to live in broken into before, and when the cops came they asked me if any weird things were done (they gave a few examples). So I guess some burglers do bizzare things. If you're worried about it, do what you can to prevent burglers from getting into your house.
Fish seem to be doing much better, eating like pigs. Thanks!
Fish seem to be doing much better, eating like pigs. Thanks!

Thats a good sign and great news.

On your original question, 99% of tank damage is from the keeper and/or their kids. Watch out for copper pennies tossed in by those who don't know any better. Also watch out for poorly designed heaters that can short out, and bad fittings on returns that can empty a tank. Ensure you have redundant pumps to move water. GFIs are great, but also have a pump on a different circuit. Besides poorly built "custom built tanks" blowing out, these are the common causes of disaster.

A meteor hit would be bad on your aquarium, but be more concerned about poor water quality and diseases.

Best to all,
I applaude you for actually saying it outloud. Every time I leave the house and come back home, I run to the tank to make sure nobody has broken in (even though my house has an alarm system) and smashed my tank in with a baseball bat!!! Lol!! I resigned from an upper Management job in January and am home all day. I am going back to work in a week and I think I need to install a webcam in my sitting room so I can keep an eye on my babies (tank) while I'm away!!! Ok, now don't you feel better about what YOU were thinking, ha ha ha!!!!

Not a happy topic, but has anyone ever had someone break into their home and trash their aquarium?

It has not happen to me and I thank God for that and knock wood it does not happen to me or anyone else.

It was just a sick thought I had.
In defense of all the wives and gf's out there, I left my husband to watch over MY tank while I took my daughter to the beach and he was a wreck!!! One of my fish went missing, which I found 5 days later (he was ok, ended up in the overflow), he was afraid to adjust my new skimmer and overfed the fish. Don't underestimate the power of a woman!!!

Ask Eric Borneman about this topic. I'm sure he has a choice few words. j/k I think it was eventually discovered to be, how can I put this nicely? "USER ERROR" or "PEBTAP" ( Problem exsists between tank and person) In all seriousness, be nice to everyone so nobody has reason to hurt your fishys, but I have to say wives and gf's can be brutal if left unattended to maintain things lol..
Ive tried to think of everything but that is one thing that I dont think I ever concidered. Simple solution a Rotweiller.:)

Don hadn't thought of this? Give him a few weeks and hel'l have a cage that drops down around the intruders before they can reach his tank :badgrin::lol:
Not a happy topic, but has anyone ever had someone break into their home and trash their aquarium?

It has not happen to me and I thank God for that and knock wood it does not happen to me or anyone else.

It was just a sick thought I had.

I had that nasty thought too. I don't ever screw people over that doesn't have it coming... but there's always that unknown chance. I'm not too scared of it happening though. Chances of it are slim, unless you have bad karma to begin with :p

Home security really does dramatically reduce your chance of breakins. I just did a research on ADT Home Security. I recommend Brinks. There were a lot of problems with ADT ripping their customers off. By having some sort of sign will deter thieves away.

Now a pissed off gf... you may need a lawyer for that one, haha
I can only imagine how dangerous it would be to stand in front of a large tank and smash it, its liable to kill you with the force they come apart. especialy a large glass tank!

As I read this thread I laughed...but then I first saltwater tank (10 gallon set up in my dorm room) actually had a piece of coral and a fish stolen out of it while I was gone on break by a kleptomaniac living in the dorms. She thought she'd be able to sell it for alot of money. Turns out she got a damsel and mushroom coral. Either way it made for an interesting police report. Just thought I'd share.
pouring bleach in a saltwater fish tank is pretty much like going and sliting a dogs throat its strage how sum people can disrgard the life of animals in such away its disgusting to think about pouring bleach in a fish tank
pouring bleach in a saltwater fish tank is pretty much like going and sliting a dogs throat its strage how sum people can disrgard the life of animals in such away its disgusting to think about pouring bleach in a fish tank

Yes and if were me there would be a police report for "missing" ex g/f hint shes not in the wood buried alive....