A clowns reef
New member
wow those are some great pics there
HAHA...no, I didn't click, I Right Clicked. Ooops. On my other computers, when I right click, I have an option to view Exif. Thanks for straightening me out!!
Its ok.. I used to live with my grandfather, i'm used to senior moments. mwahaha *runs*
Someday, I'm gonna get you for that one. Might have to smack you with my cane, next time I see you!!
These macro photos are amazing! I'm surprised you get such sharp macro shots with those slow shutter speeds. Are you sure you don't use a tripod with remote shutter release?
Brie, just thought I would ask if it would be alright to use some of your pictures for my desktop background. I didn't want the trademark ninja's to hop out of my ceiling and kick my arse.
Brie changed her Avatar!!! Cool, is that the guy from Tank Girl? Malcolm McDowell?