Bryopsis only thread

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I have 1 pocillopora, 1 hydnophora, 2 stylophora, 1 montipora capricornus, and 2 acropora (1 mille, 1 bali green slimer). None of them showed any change from the magnesium overdose. My mille only extends polyps at night, but it's been that way since before I upped the magnesium.

The only coral I've noticed any difference at all with is a pulsing sinularia turned white (used to be pink). I don't know if that's related to the magnesium or if some other coral stung it or what. It looks healthy still, other than the color.

I have a mixed reef tank, with 3 kinds of xenia, 2 kinds of toadstool leathers, some mushrooms/ricordia, lots of zoanthids, a few LPS and some SPS.
Well, chaeto and coralline are the only other algae I notice growing in my system, and both of them seem unaffected by the magnesium. Coralline probably benefits from it, since it's also boosting calcium.
im gonna pick up a small bottle of mag today.... in a few hours....

how should i use it?

add it to my new saltwater b4 waterchange?
The mag screwss around with the photosynthisis system of the bryopsis, I would imagin that not all algeas react the same way or it may be something as simple as higher tolerences. The corraline should not be affected as it is one of the larger consumers of mag in your system.

MY first dose of mag was just administer'd so ill get some pics and post my 5 days progress.....

ill test in a little to see what im at now,
You probably won't notice any change at all until the mag goes over 1500. Within 1-2 days after that, you should notice the bryopsis start to look bad (translucent, falling apart). Mine is almost all gone now and it's only been about a week since my magnesium went over 1500.
I upped mine at about 100ppm per day. I've read warnings on not exceeding that limit, though I don't know what the effects of overdoing it would be. Probably just stress some things out a bit is my guess.
well, i probly did more then that already.... .

i tested this morning i was at 1250.... i just tested ageain, and its about that still.... i did drop a bunch of drops in tho.....

so ill test ageain and contiune to do so
This must have been used before. What happens when the Mg levels drop to normal levels. Will it stay away, or come back? How long should the MG levels be maintained at 1500 ppm?
OK, I spiked yesterday to like 1600 did a water change back down to like 1450 thismoring dosed ageain.... and ill check in a little

the kent liquid M

it has like these white peaces that come out in the liquid... whats up with that.
This must have been used before. What happens when the Mg levels drop to normal levels. Will it stay away, or come back? How long should the MG levels be maintained at 1500 ppm?

I'll find out soon. I did a water change yesterday and I'm down to 1260 now. Apparently Instant Ocean is incredibly low on magnesium, as I was around 1680 before the water change.

OK, I spiked yesterday to like 1600 did a water change back down to like 1450 thismoring dosed ageain.... and ill check in a little

the kent liquid M

it has like these white peaces that come out in the liquid... whats up with that.

I would have just left it at 1600 personally. I think the particles in Kent Tech M is the magnesium chloride flakes. The rest is probably mostly water. Someone on Reef Central suspects that Kent Tech M is just Mag Flake with water. Mag Flake is de-icer (magnesium chloride) used on driveways/sidewalks. Someone else in that thread discovered that one of Kent's calcium supplements is identical to Prestone Driveway Heat (calcium chloride). Sounds like Kent is big on repackaging other products and marking them up.
Has anyone tested IO for mag when mixed up?
I am curious to see what it is.
I dont have a test kit yet for mag, still waiting for my order to show up.
well.... for some reason im havein troble geting it up.......... (lol)

i cant seem to get past 1350..... couple of drops in the morning.... test in the after noon...... more drops just now.... test in about 2-3 hours......

im trying to get to 1500....

yesterday when i poured it heavy.... it went to 1600, then i did a small water change cause i didnt wanna hurt anything..... and it went back down
Maybe when you tested and got 1600 you hadn't let it mix into the system well enough yet, and you happened to sample a locally high magnesium part of the water? Just a guess. I don't know what would prevent the magnesium from going up. I had no trouble getting mine to nearly 1700 with Tech M.
maybe its higher then what i thought it was......

Im not happy my corals look bleached..... My green tip anonnome is very light green instead of dark green... same with my new recorda.

some of my zoo's arnt opening..... Ive done some water changes. to restore to normal....

it has to be high....

how much would have bin needed to go from 1350 to 1500 in a 30Gal+10 sump system?

Im most likely more then i think i am......

the fish and inverts are all fine.... but some of the corals look hurting....

ill test ageain later....

Im geting the same result over and over, 1430.

on the salerfet test... it goes to like 2 and half then turns blue...
oh ya.... how long does it take for it 2 fully desolve? and i shook the hell outta it like it said 2