Bryopsis only thread

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Sorry to hear that about your corals. I have the same types of animals you have (GBTA, zoanthids, ricordea) and none of them were bothered by the magnesium. In fact, the photos I used to document my progress had tons of zoanthids in them and you can clearly see they were fine through it all.

When you say the test kit goes to 2 and a half, what do you mean? You use 2 and a half syringes full of the final reagent? 1 full syringe = 1500ppm as I recall.

I don't know how long it takes to fully dissolve, sorry. I'd wait about half an hour after adding the Tech M before you test the magnesium level, but that's just speculation really.
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Some of my corals are bleaching too. I think it is due to raising the Mag level too quickly. They aren't doing too bad except for one patch of Zoos. Most have just lightened in color. Most of the bryopsis has died after I do the water change the levels should come done. I am buying some Iodine, supposedly it helps with bleaching.
Aye high magnesium shouldnt hurt the corals. Raising it too quickly defintly could.
What product are you using to add the magnesium? I notice that twillard used a liquid additive. Maybe if your mixing your own its not dissolving alll the way before you add it(consequently burning your corals)?

I used the Kent Tech M Magnesium, I do think it was due to it being raised too quickly. I shook the bottle really well and there was not any undissolved particles when I added it.
Kent Tech M Magnesium, is what i used.....

im starting heavy heavy water changes.....

I got home today and my anonome looks like its gonna die.... its really light green...

on the other hand, if anyone wants my mag you can have it.... just come get it or pay for it to ship.... IM not useing it anymore..

i should have known not to add anything....

"dont fix it if its not broken"

i think i might have just killed nemo's home
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Are you using a Salifert magnesium test kit? I don't understand what's causing your stuff to die. You're using the same supplement I used for magnesium and we have very similar livestock.
ya i know..... i dont know why...

Im useing the salifert test kits....

ither the test kit was messed up, or the mag was messed up.....

its bleached i started a new thread if you wanna see.
You mentioned earlier in this thread that you went to "2 and a half" on the test kit. What did that mean? If it meant 2 and a half full syringes of the final reagent, it sounds like your mag was around 3750! I'm pretty sure 1 full syringe = 1500ppm.
no not 2 full syringes...... 1 full one, down to 2 and half.....

1 full one is 1500....

but i cant get to that...
if and when i was at...... 1350..... (stock pro mix level) how much was i supost to add to get to 1500??/

most likely im way higher then i should be at.

only my toadstool leather and my anonome are hurting..... everything else is ok.... and a small zoo patch
People who use the blue coral method keep their Mg at 1500 all the time and they have beautiful tanks. Can't see it being a problem to keep it there indefinitely. Perhaps raising the Mg too quickly knocked something else out of balance.
In my case, it didn't knock anything else out of balance because once I noticed the minor bleaching that I am having, I tested everything and they were all in the safe range. The bleaching I think has stopped, so I definitely think it was raising it to fast in my case. I have RBTA and it is doing fine. The most affected in my tank are some Zoos and a Frogspawn.
I think the Blue Coral method is keeping everything at the upper most limits:

CA 500+
DKH - 12+
Mg - 1500 -1600PPM

I think it also uses human growth hormones or something like that. It is used by Italian Reefkeepers. That is what I got from reading about two pages ofa thread on RC about it.

Okay back on topic, Bryopsis is dying and my corals bleached slightly due to adding Kent Tech M to quickly.
Ok so here is the scoop on my nano.

All bryopsis is gone, no trace of it at all.

There are a few side efects that can go along with this method.

About 5 different types of zoanthids have not opened since introducing a higher level of MG.
Also my RPE's are compleatly bleached out. No other bleaching of any other softy noted.
No afect on any other algae yet. Maybe a slight hint of browning on the long hair algaes but nothing to get excited about.
In my Nano I too am using Kent Tech-M liquid dosed at 10Ml a day for 5 days (the nano is a 12G tank).
so maybe anonme's dont like high mag?

mine is bleached but seems to be coeming back now that ive leveled out ageain......

its still sticky and strong just not dark green like it was a few days ago... same here.. the some zoo's arnt opening... and looking bad... but
Yep, my Zoos are really not liking the high magnesium. I will be doing a water change either tonight or tomorrow and then hopefully the bleaching will subside and the colors come back. My RBTA is handling the high mag without a problem.

Most of the Bryopsis has died or subsided, there is still a little bit left. I will be manually be removing the rest while siphoning at the same time. I have a UV running too so if any bit happen to make it the siphone they should be zapped.
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Strange, I have GBTA and thousands of zoanthids, none of them had any trouble. I did have a pulsing sinularia and some toadstool leathers bleach (all of my yellow polyped toadstools bleached, but the green polyped one did not). SPS, LPS, xenia and clams were all unaffected. My bryopsis forest is 99% gone, just some little stumps remain. My magnesium has been back to normal levels (1300ish) for 4 days now. I'm waiting to see if bryopsis makes a come back or not.
I have pretty much everything in my ank and it didnt show any signs of any side effects.
One thing all folks should remember. Your tanks if running properly are ionically balanced, as in all components of SW are in a balanced state and thus are relient on each other. As in if you change one components level it will displace and change one to many other components. So doing it very slowly is alway the way. If you raise your MAG to fast your alk will take a big hit, possibly a spike which could also effect you PH. These kinds of cause and effects will happen anytime you overdose any element in SW.

So AS ALWAYS go slow, thiers no rush when doinng stuff like this.

"If you raise your MAG to fast your alk will take a big hit, possibly a spike which could also effect you PH. These kinds of cause and effects will happen anytime you overdose any element in SW. "

Are you sure about this? I posted that in antoher thread and 2 or 3 people corrected me and said I was wrong.