boy,, you just open the can of worms,,,i am be aware of what it going on ,,mixed 5 gals 3 buckets of diferent additive to feeding and maintaninence alk mg ca sal orp level 24/7 for 3 weeks manaully ,,,it is not fun at all but to have to be done to to keep them alive,water test every 12 hrs
,a lot of work and i knew how to do it
///safe as plan that i still have the GEO618 still running full blown while waiting for GEO818 to tune in......
I'd hate to see you lose any of your beautiful corals. no you're not goona see that,,,,,no lost no issue no problem at all ,they still keep on growing dont even know the reactor is not working,,,,i found the unusaul defected,,caught it and reported it ,,since the day one i installed new reactor,,,just do not trust it all ,til it can show me it can performce as i expected and it doesn't do it in the very beginning,like i said have to wait 3 weeks later that is too long and too bad,,wish for the future GEO ref and other party in valved can response alot quicker
for the problem tobe found ,,let me tell you 3 week of exiting and frustrating and upseting to keep my tank running well,,,is like living in hell i will never forget,,ohhh now i can breath