Ca reactoer GEO818 pump running hot?

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Well-known member
Jul 1, 2003
Sammamish, wa USA
Help!!i bought GEO818 ca-reatoer came with panworld 40,,pump temerature when it running read temp from digital infared probe read 124 degree,,very hot to touch..any ideal or it comom the pump run this hot,,,other several iwaki pump i had read 87-89degree,,
try to contact GEO several times in the last 2week,,still no response.
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if i remeber right they are made buy blueline and i am running a blueline t4 and they run very hot. enohg to where i added a chiller to keep it undercontrol. i love the pump but hate the heat. they run very quiet. there is no odd noise right?>
finally ,,problem found,,but ittook 3 weeks to find the problem,now i'm happy:):):):):):),,reactor perform as intended..very powerfull reactor..:)
Just a bump as I'm wondering what the problem was too? Geo and Panworld are great products. I actually ran a Pan World dry for about 4 hours and it is still working like a champ.
yes,i ran panworld dry for 3 weeks 124 degree,,,still working good so far..problem resulted it's running a lot cooler 84-87 now(that it suppoosed to be)just like iwaki ,,if someone telling you panword pump always running hot they are liar to you..and they do not know jack.
reactor is kicking a--,.as i expected.
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Very nice Dang. Hopefully you didn't have any issues with your corals due to the reactor not running. I'd hate to see you lose any of your beautiful corals.
boy,, you just open the can of worms,,,i am be aware of what it going on ,,mixed 5 gals 3 buckets of diferent additive to feeding and maintaninence alk mg ca sal orp level 24/7 for 3 weeks manaully ,,,it is not fun at all but to have to be done to to keep them alive,water test every 12 hrs:mad::mad::mad:,a lot of work and i knew how to do it:)///safe as plan that i still have the GEO618 still running full blown while waiting for GEO818 to tune in......

I'd hate to see you lose any of your beautiful corals. no you're not goona see that,,,,,no lost no issue no problem at all ,they still keep on growing dont even know the reactor is not working,,,,i found the unusaul defected,,caught it and reported it ,,since the day one i installed new reactor,,,just do not trust it all ,til it can show me it can performce as i expected and it doesn't do it in the very beginning,like i said have to wait 3 weeks later that is too long and too bad,,wish for the future GEO ref and other party in valved can response alot quicker:mad::mad::mad:for the problem tobe found ,,let me tell you 3 week of exiting and frustrating and upseting to keep my tank running well,,,is like living in hell i will never forget,,ohhh now i can breath:):):)
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just want to share with you,,,,
from what i try to maintain is not good enough for some of very sensitive coral likw pink lemonade
:mad::mad:this is the damage from what happenning:evil::evil::evil::evil::evil:
before what it looks like before Alk taking the nose dive,,i knew some of you had this experienced


stay tune what it look like today pic.:mad::mad::
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just want to share with you,,,,
from what i try to maintain is not good enough for some of very sensitive coral likw pink lemonade
:mad::mad:this is the damage from what happenning:evil::evil::evil::evil::evil:
before what it looks like before Alk taking the nose dive,,i knew some of you had this experienced


stay tune what it look like today pic.:mad::mad::

i raised this PL since 3/4" frag,,this is what it look like today,,kinda sad and kinda mad,:mad:
Sorry to hear Dang, that was a beautiful coral. Very frustrating that something that was supposed to make life easier did that.
well,,what can i say
and this is lwhat ike like to say,,,, if i get prompt responsed and serious responsed from ALL the tech support to suppert their product they sold ,,and not just say we are so busy,la la la , or other bandage like panworld pump always running hot,,etc,,,,their to patch the big hole,,propbly it would never happened,,

we are all customers sometimes and some point of expectation need to be met,,or most the time need tech support it doen't matter how much you knew about it,,to run the product like skimmer ca reactor and other etc,,,when the reported made meant we need help as i state ,,,they should take it as priority seriously as soon as to responded ,,not 3 weeks went by..

now we 're all learned,,specially myself lost the beautiful piece from the west like this one...oh,,,now i can breath again.

the one from the east still alive but doesn't look promising either:mad:
this is the first day in my tank from ATL,,oh well get another one.
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The PL RTN'ed over night and nothing else?

it is not happend over night,,start to recessed and lossing color from the first week when alk down to 7.0dkh,,took 2 1/2 weeks try to come back once then down again,,:(
i lost afew frags of tamarind tort in the frag tank,,have to frag again to save it,,but not in the main display the main colony and other colony is untouch,,,you bet i am start to get real nervous by that time is happening,,so far thing is stable like used to be,,but PL so sensitive ,,too bad it 's not recover,,
i will get another west PL and start it again ,,but watch out Alk....
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Oh dang - so sorry to hear! :mad: it makes me mad just reading the post, so I'm sure you're feeling that X 10. Anyhow, hopefully it would never come to this, but just throwing it out there that I have a small piece of Tammy that has been doing really well in my tank and growing in my tank since the summer. It's only about 1/4 - 1/2 inch now, but if the unthinkable were to happen, you'd be welcome to it.
Oh dang - so sorry to hear! :mad: it makes me mad just reading the post, so I'm sure you're feeling that X 10. Anyhow, hopefully it would never come to this, but just throwing it out there that I have a small piece of Tammy that has been doing really well in my tank and growing in my tank since the summer. It's only about 1/4 - 1/2 inch now, but if the unthinkable were to happen, you'd be welcome to it.

thank you Ben,,,for your very generous offer,,,i still have the whole mother colony at this time it is surfacing the water level,,:D, and keep on growing
the one i'm talking about it all the TTfrags in my frag tank that i have have to frag the dying part out and it alls stable now..just want to say thank you again for the offer,,you're the man:):)