calc reactor vs. kas drip

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Jan 19, 2009
gig harbor, wa

LFS told me to forget the calc reator for the new 120gal reef tank i'm putting together. the logic is that i travel several times a month and no one around to check it DAILY (really? must adjust/play with the reactor daily?) and that reactors are too touchy and make the tank more complicated than needed. i'm lucky enought to have an open budget so i can get what i need to make this tank as low hassel as possible, but i want SPS. can a kalss drip do the trick so i can skip the reactor?

thank you for your help!!

also, why are so many of the posters on the site from Washington State? i'm i gig harbor....
Kalk will work for a time until your demand increases with animals. Kalk will remove magnesium faster. Calcium reactor is a much simpler means of handling coral demands.

Do a water change, make sure you salinity and temperature is set to salt manufacturers designed level. After you have adjusted your magnesium, alk, and calcium to proper levels. You want to use Calcium reactor or Kalk reactor. I have used both tools. A Kalkwaser reactor is a lot more work. It only works until your demand reaches a certain point. A calcium reactor after dialed in will work for months without any issues. Calcium reactor is a much easier tool to use.
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It does usually take some fiddling with a new calcium reactor to get it dialed in, but once it is set up and maintaining your calcium and alkilinity, you will not need to adjust it daily. Back when I had a 75-gallon tank, adding a calcium reactor was one of the best things I did for the tank.

Kalk can be simple, I have a 30 gallon tank I use for my topoff which is controlled by float switches. I dump a half cup of kalk in the topoff everytime I fill it. The 30 gallon topoff tank lasts 3-4 weeks in the winter and about two weeks in the summer for my 180. I increase the amount of kalk in the winter since the topoff rate is diminished. Kalk is nice as it also keeps your PH up.
Kalk will work for a time until your demand increases with animals. Kalk will remove magnesium faster. Calcium reactor is a much simpler means of handling coral demands.

Do a water change, make sure you salinity and temperature is set to salt manufacturers designed level. After you have adjusted your magnesium, alk, and calcium to proper levels. You want to use Calcium reactor or Kalk reactor. I have used both tools. A Kalkwaser reactor is a lot more work. It only works until your demand reaches a certain point. A calcium reactor after dialed in will work for months without any issues. Calcium reactor is a much easier tool to use.

speaking of salt....i used to use instant ocean is that still the best salt?
just make sure to test your new bucket of salt.... IO salt are known to have low on calcium.. so make sure to balance it up before pouring it in your tank. This way that it will not further un-balance your tank.

My IO salt for the last 3 buckets has a consistent reading of 320 ppm calcium....

thats by batch of salt and can be different on others...

Kalk vs. calc. reactor.

They both have pros and cons.
Kalk is known to raise Ph
precipitate phosphates
is limited to daily evaporation
Needs to be refilled every month or so
Calc reator is known to lower Ph
Adds phosphates
Can be adjusted to meet the tanks need regardless of evaporation rates.
Can be left alone for months at a time up to a year

Theres more But Im keeping it simple.

I have both, My kalk mixer is a DIY an only needs refilled every three months. Other than checking on my calcium reactor drip rate and tweaking it occasionally, I havent touched either of them in two months.

If I had to choose between the two, I'd keep the calcium reactor