Calcium Reactor Feedback/Opinions

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Well-known member
May 16, 2006
Hi all,

I'm looking at buying into a calcium reactor setup, and was looking for feedback from those that have them. I've got a 75g sps setup, with a low to medium caclium demand. I'll most likely be upgrading to a larger tank in the next year or two, so I don't mind spending a little more for quality and upgradable size.

I've looked a lot at the GEO's and like them. I don't have the time to DIY otherwise I would try. So basically, looking for everything. CA-x, ph contrller/monitor, co2 equipemnt. Any insight would be great.

i dont know about what are the best ones but check out the used ones ive seen alot of expensive units going for really cheap on forums
good point, I've checked a few forums and I would agree. I've seen stuff go pretty quick in the past. I just don't know if I want to wait around for the right one to come up for sale.
I'm using a Octopus rx with Carribsea FCC media and have been very happy with it's performance. The only problem I found was that the PH probe port on the rx was too small to fit a Tunze Probe or Pinpoint probe. I had to ream the port out to get it to fit, and then needed a few rubber washers to get it to seal properly. Other than that it works great.
I'm using a Octopus rx with Carribsea FCC media and have been very happy with it's performance. The only problem I found was that the PH probe port on the rx was too small to fit a Tunze Probe or Pinpoint probe. I had to ream the port out to get it to fit, and then needed a few rubber washers to get it to seal properly. Other than that it works great.

What is the tank like that you have it setup on? Was it easy to setup and adjust? How long have you had it? What size tank (assuming medium to large sps load) would you use it on?
I have a Geo reactor and had a Korallin reactor previous to that. I prefer the Geo. Much easier to set up and easier to dial in for my needs. Well built really easy to set up.

Korallin reactor was suprisingly easy to setup - after I stopped trying to understand their instruction manual! ReefCentral has great threads on how to hook it up in real person terms.