Photography and Reefkeeping are EXTREMELY similar. If you stick around long enough it is addicting and expensive, you get what you pay for and more than likely the store put together 'combo deals' you will find to be less than subpar. Not to take anything away from combo deals by any means, I've purchased them (when I started out but didn't know better and didn't really have any friends/forums at the time to ask questions) and learned from them. I still have no problem recommending them to anyone that is looking for a camera that can do more than a point and shoot. It is a great way to get your feet wet to see if photography is something you want to invest in. But if you are looking to seriously get into the hobby (and even attempt to make money) I couldn't recommend enough piecing together your own setup. It is very much like going into Petco (when you are first wanting to setup that saltwater tank you always wanted) and picking up an aquarium with 'everything you need to get you started' only to get the bug and become addicted. Thus realizing all that you just purchased is about to go on craigslist. Leaving you on the hunt for the perfect pump/skimmer/tank, etc... This is all coming from experience and I tell anyone that ever asks me about getting into photography and reefing the same thing.