Can Anyone Help with AC Jr Set-up??

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Well-known member
Jan 23, 2007
Lynnwood, WA
Hi folks,

Once again I need some help. I've had this AC Jr/DC 8 for 2-3 weeks now and whenever I read the instruction manual I start having an anxiety attack. Is anyone good with programming those things and could help me out? I'd be happy to help you out in return, I could trade you a HOB skimmer if you need one of those or pay for your time if you need to make some $$....

I have lights to control, a Calc Reactor, and heaters. I think I will keep the pumps off the controller....
i just went through the same thing. my advice is to start simple and work your way through...there's a default program that it's preprogrammed with on page 26 of your manual. use that as a reference and figure out your lights. when you get that figured out, program your heater. then chiller or on and so forth. try not to get intimidated and if you have any problems, Neptune has their own forum on that other site and they're very helpful and prompt to answer. talk to Curt there and good luck!

ps. the longer you have it and utilize it the happier and more surprised at what you can do with it!
Hey Ben,

I'm going to post here in case anyone else wants to chime in with advice.

Reading the manual on the bus ride to work this morning....

The switches on the DC8 are all in the OFF position. Based on that fact, the only letter I can use in the timer names is A. Didn't we have a B or two in our definitions? I'll have to take a look at our list.

The serial cable that came in the DC8 box, I plugged into an open serial port in my pc. According to the manual, that should have been plugged between the AC Jr and the DC8. There is a separate special serial cable that should have been included in the DC8 box, since I paid for the serial connection, but it was left out of my order. I will see about getting a replacement.

Other than this, I haven't found any other reasons for our series of Run-time errors. I hope that making all of the timer names use "A" in the name will eliminate those problems.

If anyone has any tips or feedback on the best order of events in initial set up of the AC Jr, those would be much appreciated. :)

I just found out from the vendor that I have to buy my own Cat-5 cable to make the serial connection work on the AC Jr.

Question though, I have no router on my pc, just the pc. Is it still going to work?? How will I know where to plug in the cable? Just poke around until I find a hole that accepts the jack?

I am really frustrated with how poor the directions are to set up this thing! There is literally no documentation on how to set up the serial connection. :confused:

Cat5 is a network card connection it will look like a bigger version of a telephone jack. You can buy the cable or you can make one. There used to be a schematic on the AC website. Radio shack will have what you need if you want to make one.

Thanks, Don. I was just on ReefCentral (Neptune forum) and found out that I was given wrong info. from the vendor and I do need a specific cable not just any cat-5 cable. It's part #SERPC9. This last person I talked to said a router wasn't needed, I could just hook this cable to my pc and then I can have web access to AquaNotes, etc.

Apparently there's a risk of electrical interference though which will give faulty PH readings. Then I would need to replace this part with a "ground loop cable" for $45. No way to know if that's going to happen until I try the first one, though.
Thanks, Don. I was just on ReefCentral (Neptune forum) and found out that I was given wrong info. from the vendor and I do need a specific cable not just any cat-5 cable. It's part #SERPC9. This last person I talked to said a router wasn't needed, I could just hook this cable to my pc and then I can have web access to AquaNotes, etc.

Apparently there's a risk of electrical interference though which will give faulty PH readings. Then I would need to replace this part with a "ground loop cable" for $45. No way to know if that's going to happen until I try the first one, though.

Its a ground loop elimination box or module. This is because your using two different dc power supplies one at each end of the cable. The two different supplies will make you a nice antenna if the cable is long enough thus why you may need the box. The cable is easy if you can solder, yes your corect you do have to modify the connections for their propritay design. Or just buy theirs.:)

Update, sat a.m. 6/23

Hi all

Well I got the specified cable in the mail yesterday, and plugged it in, and set up the config and programming per Ben's advice (thank you Ben!). :)

Here's the latest.

I started getting event log entries once an hour. Good.

I noticed that the temp probe for the AC Jr and the temp probe for the chiller (yes, they're different as the chiller has its own DC4 integrated controller), were off by 2.3 degrees. The probe for the AC Jr is that much higher than the chiller's probe. I modified the AC Jr program specs to account for this by raising the take-action instructions by 2.3 degrees.

The ph readings started to go wacky, ranging from 8.37 to 10.9. I'd read that this was due to interference through the cable so that confirms that I now need the special $45 ground loop cable. :rolleyes: Oh well. Anyway, I decided to unplug the cable from the ACJR because these readings were freaking me out. I'll order the ground loop thingy today.

This morning I went and looked at my tank database log and there were no entries after the time I unplugged the cable.


1. Can I assume that the ACJr is still controlling the Calc Reactor and temperater, lights, etc even though I'm not getting tank database entries? I would think so...

2. Should I try to make the two temp probes read the same? How would you recommend I do that?

3. Now (I think) I still have to activate the web interface...does the "Lite" program version have that cabability? I've heard different things about that.

Hey Jan - glad you're making good progress. I remember it certainly took mine a while to get all hooked up, but in the end, I'm glad I did it myself with someone helping because now I understand a lot more about it than I would've otherwise. Anywho, here's some input for ya on your 3 questions.

1. Can I assume that the ACJr is still controlling the Calc Reactor and temperater, lights, etc even though I'm not getting tank database entries? I would think so...

Yep - mine does that too, not sure why. the programming still works but the data doesn't stick sometime- may be worth calling or writing to neptune to find out why and if there is a fix. I'd like to know too. Curt is usually pretty responsive over there. I found there were several gaps in my graphing when i tried to graph it.

2. Should I try to make the two temp probes read the same? How would you recommend I do that?
In the end, a .5 degree variance or even a 1 degree variance isn't really going to do much of any harm. As we found out, you keep your tank at 76 and I keep mine at 77. I used to keep mine at 79. I know a lot of folks that even go higher. That said, I understand why you want the most accurate reading possible, and I did too. What I did was purchase a good quality thermometer (actually 2) and used them to determine the temp of the water. then I calibrated my temp probe & chiller so they all read the same. I'd offer you to borrow the one I purchased, but I broke it :cool:

3. Now (I think) I still have to activate the web interface...does the "Lite" program version have that cabability? I've heard different things about that.
Jan - I beleive it does. I was able to program the e-mail alerts directly from the AC itself vs. through their $70 program. You'll need to send the e-mail from an SMTP e-mail address which is usually provided by your internet service provider. For the web interface, I beleive you already have that built into the AC itself as well - maybe not with the AC JR, but my guess is you do. I beleive it's just a matter of configuring it correctly. For me, all I type in is my internal IP address and it takes me directly to the web interface. I don't beleive you have to purchase Aquanotes full verson to do this. In fact, I just pulled up my aquanotes program to double check and I don't even have the "Web Server Enable" box checked. so that'll show ya you don't need it. I don't want to name drop, but Brian (Slickdonkey) is really good at this stuff - It may be worth it to drop him a PM.
Hi Ben,

I think I will ask Slickdonkey to read this thread and tell me what he thinks.

About the temp variation, it is actually a 2.3 degree variation so that's pretty significant. I could do the quick and dirty work-around that I already have in place, which is by manipulating the logic in the AC Jr.

About the web interface, I posted this question on ReefCentral as well. Somewhere there responded that I would have to have a modem and plug the cable into the modem instead of the pc in order to enable the web access. He also thinks that the full version of Aquanotes is required, and he said that the full version will not run on XP home edition (which is what I have).

The Neptune people should be back in the office starting tomorrow, so I can confirm this with them. I will also shoot a PM to slickdonkey....

If I recall the Ac Jr doesn't have a web interface capability. I did find this chart on the Neptune website that compares the capabilities of the various models (note lack of web server for the Jr model). I think this also includes email alerts, Aquanotes, and pretty much any networking-related features.

There may be a way you can access the controller over Ethernet, even if there isn't a pretty web interface. I wouldn't know how to do this though, as I've never owned the Jr model.

You're on the right track, the Neptune forum on Reef Central is very good. If Curt doesn't answer you directly there are a number of knowledgeable people there. You could also send a PM to mattseattle, he owned the Jr model for a number of years and is probably more familiar with its capabilities than I am.

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Thanks, Brian.

I've also looked at this comparison chart for the full version of Aquanotes.

Looks like I could get web enabled and get email alarms etc. with this version but I'd need to upgrade my pc's OS plus buy a modem and upgrade my version of Aquanotes. That's at least a couple hundered all told, if not more.

I'll confirm and thanks for the tip re: mattseattle. :)

Interesting. In my opinion, even if you didn't need anything on top of Aquanotes, I'm not sure the expense is worth it. To tell you the truth I don't use Aquanotes much, but then again I have the AC3 which has its own logging capabilities (can go back several days, which is good enough for me) and can send text messages to my cell phone when things get out of whack.

Aquanotes may be more worthwhile for you because your controller doesn't have these capabilities built in.

If you still want to do it and if you know anyone at Microsoft, they can get you the OS cheap (and legally). Also, 56K modems are cheaper than a six-pack of bad beer these days.
Oh, that's a thought. Tap into my buddy that gets cheap software from Microsoft! :)

thanks again, Brian
would a router work instead of a dial up modem? or does it have to be a modum? if it's work, that'd probably be your better option if you want to work on the web with it i'd think.

I'll be interested to learn what the neptune folks say.
Yes, the ACjr can be controlled/monitored via the web if you have a couple things...

1. Aquanotes Full Edition
2. A computer running XP Pro
3. An Ethernet connection

I use an ACjr on my 40g and love it. It was the best investment I've made for my reef besides glass and water. I receive daily emails with tank params. It's an invaluable tool especially if you are away on vacation. ;)