Can Flow be Created in my tank from....?

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Well-known member
Sep 13, 2005
Ontario, Canada
Ater I build my Sump/Refugium I'll have a proper system set up. I was wondering, could I create proper flow for my 30g tank useing the return pump from my sump?

Assuming I am using a Mag 12.5(or equivalent), I have just under a 4 foot rise from the pump to the top of the tank. Which if my calculations are right would still give me 1000gph, then add another 3 feet of pipe off the main. Bringing the total length of pipe to 7 feet, making it about 800gph.

Could this be done and create enough flow?
Could/should I add a 3rd branch?
Am I way out in left field?
Should I just stick to a smaller pump? if so, what size do you recomend?
Well I use a 1506 gph pump return. I have it plumbed to a sea swirl with a eductor. I have random flow thru out my 75. Could it be better? Yes. Does it work Yes. I am going to be getting a tunze with a single controller to shoot back against the sea swirl from the other side.
Is your 30 gal 36 inches long? For me personally I don't like anything less than 500gph coming out of each nozzle, but that's because of my tank size (90 gal). With a 30 gal, I'm not positive what would be efficient out of each nozzle. I know with my tank, 350 gph out of my canister gets lost before reaching the bottom whereas my 700 gph return can stir my sand if I wanted it to. I think Steve has a good idea with the sea swirl if it is in your budget. That way, you wouldn't need to split off of your return pump and cut down on the flow. With using the sea swirl in a tank your size with as much flow as your pump will provide, I think you would get good coverage as well good random flow throughout your whole tank (especially with it being a 30 gal) I personally want to add a sea swirl to my tank, but I have to see if it won't hit my rock background. If it doesn't then I'll order it right away. Good luck with getting everything sorted out Detri
Ok Thanks for the replies!!

Yes it is a 36" long 12" wide 16.5" tall 30g going to have a 20g sump/refugium.

What is a seaswirl?

I guess I should have added. I am going to make a eggcrate box in one bottom corner 5" wide x 5" tall x 8" long with a small, maybe 90gph powerhead in it. That is going to get covered by my LR and coral eventually. And a powerhead mid to low in the tank for bottom flow, right now its a Maxi-jet 600. It was $free.99. So I can't complain. I will upgrade "maybe" later.
If you are splitting your return you might try a SCWD. I use one and it works great. I know some people dont like them. The current switches from side to side in the tank and keeps things sturred up pretty good. I also have a couple of powersweep powerheads. The water moves pretty well and causes the xenia and clove polyps to really wave around cool like. I will eventually upgrade the pump that drives the SCWD to around 700 gph or so for a little more flow. just an idea.
Paul...did you notice any loss in gph with your squid because i've heard that usually it cuts it in half? I looked into getting one of them also, but got too many mixed reports.
So you can definately use your retuen for flow? As long as you have the right pump to push enough out? I guess to, it depends on how fast your tank feeds your sump to. Is there a ratio you can use to determine the size of pump to use so that you don't over fill your tank from not enough water to the sump?
I don't know about a ratio. I just go by what has already been tested. For example, my sump has the same dimensions as a pro150 wet/dry from proaquatics. They use a 700 gph return and recommend no more than 80o gph of flow through it (if I remember correctly). So I have a CPR overflow rated at 800 gph and a return pump that is supposed to give me between 700-725 at the tank. I've always used my return from my sump for flow. I was even thinking on up-grading the prefilter so I can add a bigger return pump. I guess the thing you have to watch out for is when the power is cut for some reason. Your return pump may be able to keep up with your prefilter, but if the return chamber of your sump is too small, then by time as the water finishes draining out of the prefilter, it may overflow onto the floor.
Well I'll have 5 gallons unused space in mine when I am done and won't have that much water flowing to the sump from the tank before the water passes the syphon point on my tank. So that will be ok. I guess it will have alot to do with the size of pipe used to feed the sump.
What are you using for a prefilter Detri? I know with the CPR overflows, some of the dimensions are the same, but some use dual outputs and different size hoses to give them more flow. You could check out the chart here.

One thing I always thought was a cool thing to try was to use a prefilter with dual outputs...One going to the sump and the other feeding a recirculating skimmer. I don't know how it would work, but I think it would be a great way to feed your skimmer some raw tank water.
I was thinking about making mine like that one. But make it longer, not sure how length will affect the syphon. Or attempt to drill my tank. But that scares me. specially it just being a small tank.