Can I get some opinions on my system plan

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Well-known member
Sep 21, 2004
Covington, Washington
I am finishing building my sump for my tank out of a 29 gallon tank from DonW and will be working on my top-off system soon. I currently have a 29 gallon reef display and will be putting in a larger 70 or 90 gallon tank at some point after I get the sump/top-off system done. I "thought" I had everything pretty well figured out, but now I am doubting myself.

I had planned to run a G-2 skimmer in my sump and a kalk reactor with my evap top off system thinking that would be a good simple design. I had not figured on a calcium reactor only because my tank size is not that big and my coral load is not that big either.
I had a conversation with my LFS (who is a very reputable guy) and he said the kalk reactor won't do anything for the alkalinity, only maintaining my calcium. Now I am confused, I thought my kalk would keep both my alk and calcium levels at acceptable levels with only a little dosing here and there.

Can anyone chime in?
Kalk will maintain both CA and Alk to a point. Once you get past that point then you will need to add a ca reactor or dose.

you are the correct one here!! :)

Kalk will help to keep both your calcium and alk in the proper levels, however it is much better at keeping the alk in place. A tank drawing a lot of calcium will usually need calcium additions in whatever form in addition to the kalk. In a display your size the kalk should suffice. You may want a powdered calcium to supplement from time to time after testing. Seachem makes a great product.
I'm feeling better now thanks guys

I will stick with the original plan on the kalk reactor but maybe as demand increases for calcium in my tank, I'll add a Calcium reactor.