Carbon reactor

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Jul 22, 2009
I have been hanging carbon in bags in my overflow for several months. When I fill the bags I rinse them in some RODI water before putting them in the sump. I don't really want the first black water in the tank. Do I need to worry about this? I have recently bought a carbon reactor and need to know if I need to rinse the carbon before putting it in the reactor or do I need to run a little water through it to rinse it out after it is in the reactor? Any guidance would be appreciated.
I am by no means an expert here, but I bought one 2 weeks ago and just hooked it up to the tank and ran the water into a 5 gallon bucket until the water ran clear. It took about 3-4 gallons, then put the hose back into the sump and called it good. My question is, how long do you run the carbon for? I've always just ran it 24/7.
I fill mine with carbon and run it in a bucket of RO for about 10-20 minutes then pull it out and put it in the tank. I've got several spare Maxijets that I use to mix saltwater so I just use one of those and a short length of hose in a 5G bucket of RO. Nothing fancy.

Is there a benefit to using Ro instead of regular saltwater from the tank to clean the carbon?
RODI water is cheaper than saltwater and then you wouldn't be messing with the salinty of the tank.
I used hot tap water with no problems for years now for quick rinse. Tap water will not hurt the carbon from what I could tell. :)
Since I changed over to ROX carbon the rinse is very fast because it has no dust.
I usually just rinse mine in regular tap water. I figure if the water coming out isn't some really nasty stuff then it won't absorb much. Never had an issue doing this however not saying it is right:)
thats the problems with fourms I never get on edge from the internet lol and reading them can seem like people take offense.

I applogize if this is the case.

I got this from one of the local guru's here I want to say boomer but can't remember exactly who said it and it just made sense to me. it will not harm but just will shorten the life of it I also think using SW will do the same shorten life on the carbon as your not (when rinsing) adding the water back to the system. same for gfo but the directions show to rinse with the tank water.
I wonder why they say rinse in tank water :confused: I would think tank water would do the same as any water seeing it isn't perfect and has stuff in it that you are trying to absorb through using the carbon. I mean if tank water was that good, then you wouldn't need carbon! LOL :p
I agree I use rodi unless I have both the carbon and gfo on the same reactor then I am stuck rinsing with tank water. as the directions say for gfo.

That is interesting. Are you mixing carbon and gfo in the same reactor. My understanding is that these needed to be separate due to the appropriate flow rate, ie carbon - lots of flow, gfo-not so much.
Light bulb lol Krish

and thanks DonW for putting it in simple terms

DRN they do have to be seprate but if you have a BRS reactor then both are in the reactor not the same body but the reactor it's self one for carbon and one for gfo. but I also place them both in the same reactor with a sponge between them to keep seprate carbon on the bottom and fo on top never had an issue