Carlos 60 gallon new tank

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14 weeks Today...

Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 0
pH 8.3
Salinity 1025
PPT 33
Temp 79.1 F

I'm really happy I was able to figure out where the microbubbles were coming from but I'm not sure having the filter sock is an efficient solution. How often should I replace it or at least clean it so that I don't create a source of Nitrates? the tank looks soooo much cleaner now!

So far I only have 2 more problems that I need to fix, the back siphon from the return and the flushing sound coming from the drain pipe.
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Sorry for the wrong ID :oops: Looks really similar to a tube worm(LOL). As for the back siphoning issues for starters...What's happening Carlos?:)
LOL thanks for the I.D.

I have back siphoning in my return plumbing. I have drilled holes in several locations but none of them seem to work. I don't want to use a check valve but I need to have something to prevent a flood.

Any suggestions?
14 weeks Today...

Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 0
pH 8.3
Salinity 1025
PPT 33
Temp 79.1 F

I'm really happy I was able to figure out where the microbubbles were coming from but I'm not sure having the filter sock is an efficient solution. How often should I replace it or at least clean it so that I don't create a source of Nitrates? the tank looks soooo much cleaner now!

So far I only have 2 more problems that I need to fix, the back siphon from the return and the flushing sound coming from the drain pipe.

Filter socks really help me when cleaning my tank as I did today. I put a sock on the drain pipe & then go up top & blow the rocks throughly, clean all the surfaces & continue to clean up top until I get lots of suspended matter. I then go down to the sump with a maxi jet hooked up to a 1/2" hose that is dumped into the same sock. I added a 6" piece of hose for the suction & i use that to suck clean the sump, getting all that detritus into the sock. My tank was so dirty & used a second sock, I'll go back up top & blow the rocks again a few times during the day to keep everything in suspension until it can get caught in the sock. Tomorrow I'll remove the sock & clean them for next time, usually once a month but this last one was a good bit longer so I needed to clean up more than normal, these socks was like looking at mud inside them, tank is now sparkely clean.
So the air breaks aren't working & the stand pipe makes this gurgling sounds while draining. Sounds like the standpipe needs adjusting or maybe you should try making a stockman, the stockman is easy to make & to me works better. You should have no gurgling sounds, no micro bubbles, & you need that air break, I think we're not communicating through details for you to solve these issues but I'm sure If your willing we'll figure it out. I need sleep now lol so we'll work on this & hopefully soon have you set.

As far as the algae, I didn't mention that if they don't retract they are what I said, still no name on them but I'll look them up soon I hope.
I've had the full cleaning crew since last Friday and I really don't see how those guys are going to be able to eat all the algae I have the my tank which by the way seem to be growing faster now that I increased my photo period. Is there anything else I can do to get rid of it? it looks nasty!

About the Durso pipe, I'm still working with Mr. Durso trying to get it to work right but it looks like there is not much left to try so I think I will be thinking on building the Stockman soon!
Your clean-up crew eats & poops thus adding or recycling "P" they won't get rid of your algae problems, I wouldn't rely on them for that purpose. Cleaning husbandry is the only magic required to improve your algae problems.
YEA Stockman, yes make it, it is easy & you should resolve several problems on one shot.
Thanks Scooty, I will stop by Home Depot to pick up the parts needed this week.

My pair of Perculas are coming this Sunday, I was wondering what kind of food should I get for them?
They are meat eaters so you have to supply a good varied diet, In the fish forum there is feeding information, I'll see what I can find closer to what your fish need. You can start off with some New Life spectrum pellets for marine fish but a variety of foods will help ensure a long healthy life.
As you all know I'm not in any hurry but I would like to know what's next after I get the pair of Perculas this weekend. When am I going to be able to add more fishes and specially my first coral and what kind?

I'm just curious... :p
Let your clowns adjust to your tank about a month. I would consider smaller species in your tank which you could keep more & have less poop to deal with. Wrasse would be a choice! Bartlett's anthias, & a Jawfish! All should work well together. Feedings would be similar also! Corals I would wait a few more months, look for a Candy Caine as a hearty species.
I plan to go buy the parts to build the Stockman pipe this afternoon and I was wondering if I should make it 1" or 1 1/4". I have a 1" bulkhead but the Durso is 1 1/4" because supposedly works better.
Never built one Carlos, but usually the bigger the better where plumbing is concerned. I'm sure someone will chime in soon to confirm:)
Yea go 1 1/4" it should work fine, What I did with mine was use a threaded reducer & was able to remove it easily for cleaning from time to time. Also I cut mine long & then trimmed the height of it until it worked, I didn't glue a few parts until I got it right. I don't remember but I think I only glued a few parts & the rest was just pressed together but that is a judgment call. The holes drilled to vent the pipe I think I tried 1/8" & went a size larger.
15 weeks Today...

I got my True Perculas Today, Check them out! picture is not that great so I will try to get some more later. I'm so excited!!! :)

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