Carlos 60 gallon new tank

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Nice job on the fans Krish, I can deal with the heat until I get a chiller myself, which may happen one day LOL
Carlos, on the QT you have, that is all you will need, you could later get a T% or something small MH & not even have to keep it up all the time, make it simple but functional. Fans will promote water evap which means installing a water top off unit holding tub etc, also things to consider:)
Who said this hobby was cheap & easy LOL!
I figure by now you have released your fish Carlos, let's see some PICS:D
Wow Krish, what a nice canopy you have, those fans look awesome, very functional for sure. For my next tank which will be a 125 gallon (not coming any time soon), I will have my canopy build that way.

Scooty, I will put the fishes back in the main tank next Saturday, I decided to wait 6 weeks total after I finished the Formalin treatment. I will post pictures once I have moved them.

By the way, Yesterday I noticed that the tail of the male Percula looks all chewed up. Since he is only with the female in the QT, I am assuming that she did it. Is there any particular reason why she would do that to him?
Wow Krish, what a nice canopy you have, those fans look awesome, very functional for sure. For my next tank which will be a 125 gallon (not coming any time soon), I will have my canopy build that way.

Thanks! I loved that setup!!:D
1 Year!!!

:eek: I can't believe it's been already a year since I started getting all the stuff for my tank and spending time in the forums.

Anyway, Happy 4th of July to you all! :D
I can't believe it's been already a year since I started getting all the stuff for my tank and spending time in the forums.

Anyway, Happy 4th of July to you all!

LOL!!! yeah once you post in here you never leave :D.

happy 4th of july to you too dood
Yesterday I got home early and I could not resist the temptation of getting the Percs in the main tank 1 day prior the date set (07/07/07). They seem very happy so far even though the female has not eaten anything since Yesterday.

My cleaner shrimp keeps following them all over the tank, I hope he only wants to clean them out and not eat them :(

Anyway, so far so good. I will try to post a picture later.
My cleaner shrimp keeps following them all over the tank, I hope he only wants to clean them out and not eat them

hehe mine does that too :p.... he probably knows that if he follows the fishes around, he'll get food too when feeding time comes :D .
I tried to take a good shot of the fishes but it was impossible, they are just way too fast and my camera does not help.

I will keep trying tomorrow but for now you get the idea...

ohh dood your tank looks so freaking awesome everytime i see it that ... i'm jelouse :D :) .... seriously it might be just rocks and clowns but it's just to pretty !!!
You're sweet!

ohh dood your tank looks so freaking awesome everytime i see it that ... i'm jelouse :D :) .... seriously it might be just rocks and clowns but it's just to pretty !!!

Thanks a lot for your kind words Gaby, hopefully I will have it full of nice stuff soon! :)
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I have been thinking about getting an external skimmer so that I can have space in my sump to get a fuge and redesign the whole thing to get rid off micro bubbles (bubble trap, more baffles, etc)

Here's a picture of my currrent setup (I know it's a mess!)

I think this is the skimmer (DAS EX-1) that I am going to get to replace my Octopus.


To make more space in the stand, I will be putting my Eheim 1260 inside the sump and the new skimmer will probably go where the Eheim is right now.

What do you guys think?
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Alot of people go to external skimmers to free up sump space. Not a bad idea. As for your tank, it looks great and so do the clowns:)
I have a few questions...

Will I have problems for adding the fuge to my already established and fully cycled tank?

What should put in the fuge? sand, rock or just macro algae?

About the bubble trap, what kind of rock is recommended for it?
There's no problem with adding a fuge to an already established aquarium if you are adding either a macro algae or cured live rock. It's when you add rock that needs to cure that you sometimes end up with an issue like a "cycle". Personally, with the amount of live rock and sand you already have in your tank, I wouldn't add anymore into a fuge. Not necessary and also you won't have to worry about keeping up with the maintenance of vaccuming the fuge from the rock in your sump shedding. I'd just go with a macro algae for nutrient export. As for a bubble trap, rocks aren't necessary. Most people just use acylic/glass baffles to do the work for them:)
That is good to know Krish, I was not looking foward to having more sand and live rock in the sump.

Is there any particular model of sump that you guys think would be good for my setup?

This is what I have in mind.

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Looks like a source of air to get into the system, any air sucking in could cause micro bubbles, regardless though it is not sealed up well if your getting salt creep on the bulkhead. Sump design looks good to me.

Carlos your tank looks awesome, man it was a long wait I know but very nice, bet Ananthis would look good inside there:) maybe a wrasse?:cool:
Thanks Scooty, that small leak in the drain started just last week while cleaning my sump, I know I have to take care of it but I am sure that is not the source of micro bubbles in the tank.

Funny that you mentioned getting an Anthia, I was reading about them last night. Unfortunately the one that I liked the most, the Sunburst or Fathead is a deep water fish therefore they usually hide all the time and don't like the bright lights.

Is there any other Anthia in particular that you think might be a good match for my tank?

Ohh and by the way, I am getting a Carpenter Flasher Wrasse soon!