Chad's 125g reef project

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Yeah, I plan to get either a naso or a pb tang. Right now I'm gonna let things sit as they are for a while. I switched out my 2 MJ 1200s & Seio 820 for 2 Koralia 4s, added two Anthias, a Sixline, a Peppermint Shrimp, and some cleaning critters, and a refugium. I'll post some updated pics once my battle with dinoflagellates is over.
Today I decided to Aquascape, siphon out some algae, etc. After I pulled up the rock I realized how much junk was both in and around my rocks. In all I have about 180 gallons in my system, and today I did about a 25 Gallon water change. I am still trying to figure out the best way to position my flow...but atleast now things are starting to shape up. Once my problems with algae subside I'll get into some corals and off we go. Well anyways, here are some new pics after my 2 1/2 hrs of playing in my tank today.


Full Tank shot 5.6.2007


Left Side of tank.


Middle section of tank....and oddly every fish I have is in this shot. 5 Chromis, 2 Anthias, Sailfin Tang, Flame Angel, and Sixline Wrasse


Right Side of tank.


Female Anthias wondering what the heck I am doing.

And last, but not camera hog of a Sailfin. He/She follows you around the tank, ruins 90% of the pictures of other fish....and thinks he/shes hot stuff.

Thanks for stopping by.
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The rockwork looks nice!!:) I know what you mean about the flow as I always use to mess with mine trying to find the sweet spots. I got to a point when I got fed up and went bare bottom to make full use of the flow without worrying about a sandstorm and was never happier! Not saying you need to go bare bottom to have great flow, just keep at it and trying to adjust things where there are no deadspots. Good luck!:)
The rock work looks a ton better. Cant wait until you start getting corals that way i can talk you into fragging them!
They are Koralia 4s (1200 gph). The flow is very dispursed. They will move a little sand and at the same time create surface aggitation.
So I went down to the big Sale at Barrier Reef today and picked up some new additions to my tank. Since the last time I posted I upgraded my skimmer from a Turbofloater to an ETSS 800. I also added a 1/3 hp Prime Tower Chiller. Today I picked up a Phosban Reactor and these guys:

Powder Brown Tang (Very friendly fish, was right next to me while I had my arm in the tank even though the rest of the fish were hiding.)

Murial Sifter Goby

Royal Gramma (Its hiding right now. It was having a run in with the sixline wrasse that was in my tank. I pulled the sixline and traded it since he was on his way out anyways.)

I have also ventured into some softies but we'll see. I have some Kenya Tree, a mushroom, some polyps, Xenia, and some Pink Paly Zoos. Once I get this algae problem nipped then I will start with some sps.
Nice fish! I actually picked up a sixline from BR today as well as some sps. At first my flame hawk was chasing him for awhile then the sixline started cleaning him and now there friends:confused: I couldn't believe it. :D Good luck w/ the tank it's coming right along!
Some Updates

So things have been going good. I am working on changing out my 30g sump for a 25g & 29g sump/refugium set-up. I also have some corals I got via trade from Dang and some stuff Steven gave me. Here are a few pics of some things that would turn out. My camera sucks at getting good pictures. Everything turns out on the blue scale or the flash washes out the colors. None the less here you go:

Here is a Birdsnest frag I got from Dang a couple of weeks ago. I got two from him and they seem to love my tank.


Here is the growth over just about 2 weeks.


Here is an Acro I got from dang. It is generally white with some blue tips. This was taken right after it was put in my tank, now the tips are more blue.


Here is a picture of some yellow polyps Steven gave me. They filled out quite a bit and look like a bush.


Some Green Polcilipora (sp?) that Steven gave me today:


Lastly the first coral I purchased for my tank. Picked this up from Barrier Reef today. Its a Green Acro Tort. (Or listed as one) It stands out in my tank because it is so bright.


Hopefully in the next few months things will fill out a little more. I have some zoas too that are doing great but cant get a good pick of them.

Well back to watching Football.
I dont really have many corals to get pumped about but here is that same Birdsnest I got from Dang after just a month. Above you'll fine pics from when I got it and at about 2 weeks. This thing should be pretty big when it hits the 1 year mark. Cant wait to have some good size corals.

Last weekend I decided to finally swap out my filtration system. I also have some pics that were taken by the girlfriend with her point and shoot Nikon....not too shabby.

Filtration Before: (30g AGA sump, skimmer pump and misc stuff under right hand side)

Filtration After: (25g AGA Sump, 29g Fuge w/baffles and return section) Moved skimmer and skimmer pump behind the tank.

Zoa rock (not photoshopped, just crappy camera that picks way too much of the blue spectrum up.)

Pink Palys (these things are evil...they are taking over my zoa rock...gotta separate the rock this weekend so they dont smother the others.)

Radioactive Dragon Eyes

Some Button Polyps
