Chat feature

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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Well-known member
Jan 17, 2007
Liberty Lake, Wa
I'm not sure if anyone has brought this up before. But how hard would it be to provide a chat function with your buddy list here on RF? Sometimes i end up sending tons of messages to someone who's phone number I don't have. I can see when my friends are online but i can't talk to them. Just a thought.
lol@Thread nazi........Sid ...You should become a Mod here..It seems more time than not you have the answer
And you are on the boards more than most.....

great suggestion on the feature..I like it!!
I just thought it would be an amazing way to ask questions too. if there was a chat room or just like on face book where you could chat to people in your buddy list. I'm not a web guy just an idea guy. HeHe i did the easy part thinking of the idea now someone has to do the hard part.
Yeah i think one similar to facebook would be awesome its inconspicuous and only pops up when you log into the sight so you don't have something running all the time in the background.
Our local reef club forum has a chat have to actually open up a separate tab or window to access it though so it's more like a chat room, but still nice to be able to chat to others who are on or ask questions etc.
We might can do something on IRC? FreeNode?

Like the University of Waterloo Computer Science Club use IRC over FreeNode as their main chat room. And we can have JAVA applet of free node for free I believe.

Our local reef club forum has a chat have to actually open up a separate tab or window to access it though so it's more like a chat room, but still nice to be able to chat to others who are on or ask questions etc.
I see a bunch of members commenting on this idea but are any of them moderators or people who update and work on the web site? it would be good to hear from someone who runs reef frontiers.
I see a bunch of members commenting on this idea but are any of them moderators or people who update and work on the web site? it would be good to hear from someone who runs reef frontiers.

Kinda why I suggested asking this in the Feedback and Question forum. That's where Admin will notice something like this, since that particular forum is meant for asking questions and supplying feedback, related to how Reef Frontiers operates.
How do I move this forum? Or can i request it be moved to the "Feedback and Question forum" Thanks returnofsid.

Kinda why I suggested asking this in the Feedback and Question forum. That's where Admin will notice something like this, since that particular forum is meant for asking questions and supplying feedback, related to how Reef Frontiers operates.
We had a weekly chat going and the regular chat feature but eventually it wasn't used for long periods so rather keep monitoring something that wasn't used enough, it was decided to eliminate it all together.

I assume this feature cost money to maintain? or is just an add-in that can be enabled with software?
I'm sure it cost as with any upgrades or new versions do, I think it was the overhead that became the problem more than cost.
looks like someone moved it already. I'm personally not as interested in a chat room as I was in being able to contact friends in my buddy list with a simple chat feature like they use in Facebook. I believe your opinions to be correct, a chat room it would be hard for people to coordinate and find each other there. I can see when my buddies are on the website i just cant contact them directly here.