Clean up crew questions!!!

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Well-known member
May 9, 2011
puyallup/south hill
i have a 24 g aquapod and it seems to grow algae rather quickly. Im sick of cleaning the glass every three days. I was wondering what some good cleaning snails were? i dont want turbos because theyre destructive. Please i need help :help::help::help::help:
Most snail's and hermit crabs are clumsy destructive. Fasten your coral down with glue you'll be fine
I prefer stomatellas since they cause few problems and maintain their numbers in your tank. Their population increases or decreases based on need and predation. However, most people don't comercially sell them for some very odd reason. Maybe they aren't pretty enough.

Of the easy to find snails, nerites and ceriths won't damage your rock work or move too many things around uneccesarily. Neither one of those gets very big, and you can find plenty of smaller dwarf ceriths around in people's tanks that are shipped in from Florida.

One of Reef Frontier's sponsors, sells these at super reasonable prices. Make sure to check for blue legs though, seems like one always rides along with your order. :yo:
Yep, Astraea snails also do the trick and I think they might be more commonly sold around here?

Main one to avoid are all those margarita snails that people sell, that's a cold water snail and they'll die off on you in a hurry.
I worked with John at reefcleaners to "design" a custom clean up crew when I set up my 40br. You tell him about your tank, inhabitants, etc and he'll recommend a crew for you. It was a fairly painless process.

I'm getting ready to work with him on getting a clean up crew for my 58 now.
thanks because im curious as to what the results for the customization will be so i submitted a form. depending on what he says i will decide then:) but thanks for the advice guys, ill let you guys know what i get and decide on:)