cleaning routines

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krish75 said:
Don...I can't believe you change 120 gal of water per week!(LOL) That's un-real...You wouldn't do that if you lived here. We pay about $1 per gallon for IO here. So 120 gal of salt mix would run you about $120. Then there is the ro/di water that is about $4.00 per 5 gal or if I get it from the plant from my friend ($2.50) Not worth the drive so 120 gal of water is about $96.00 so if you lived here you'd be paying about $216 a week to do what you are doing!(LOL)

Gabby, how often do you change your toothbrush:)

Why dont you buy your own rodi?? Cant you just real sea water??

LOL...I do it the other way. I scrub the rocks for a few months and then when it's time to change it, I get a new one for the tank and use the old one for my mouth

LOL !!! no wonder you can turn into Hulk, i was starting to wonder where you got all that green :D .
dood, how come you don't use water from your backyard ( the ocean) ? shouldn't it be not only cheaper but better?
Why dont you buy your own rodi?? Cant you just real sea water??


dood, how come you don't use water from your backyard ( the ocean) ? shouldn't it be not only cheaper but better?

I thought of it, but I don't want to transfer too much nasties into my tank. I'd have to process the water first anyway so I figured I'd just make up my own. I thought about an ro/di unit, but never really got that deep into it. May be an option later, but right now, I want to get the more important things sorted out first to make way for some corals and don't mind spendin $12 a week on water...:)
yeah dood 12 a week is not that bad i guess, but an RO/DI unit could save you a couple of bucks in the long run and what do you mean nasties in the ocean water? i thought it was as cleaner and good as normal fake one :p.
krish75 said:
I thought of it, but I don't want to transfer too much nasties into my tank. I'd have to process the water first anyway so I figured I'd just make up my own. I thought about an ro/di unit, but never really got that deep into it. May be an option later, but right now, I want to get the more important things sorted out first to make way for some corals and don't mind spendin $12 a week on water...:)

IMO the rodi should come before even the tank. I'd just use being that close to the ocean as an excuse to get a bigger boat to collect water.

i know that every tank is different, i know someone has gone through what iam doing, does anyone have a general idea how long my lr will shed as heavy as they are doing,so i can have an idea if their is something else going on...on the 12th it will have been two months, going from cc to bb, after a 4 yr cc set up....
IMO the rodi should come before even the tank. I'd just use being that close to the ocean as an excuse to get a bigger boat to collect water.


My ro/di is delivered to my door for $4.00 from the water plant here that supplies the Bahamas with water...Alot cheaper than a ro/di until especially the maintenance they require etc. I don't mind paying the $4 bucks. When I filled my tank for the first time, I just went to the plant (one of my friends owns it) and I got the water for $2.50 per 5 gal. I could get it for that when I want to drive there, but like I said, $4.00 and no ro/di unit maintenance is cool with me:)

About the ocean, a few people use it and process it, but I'm just funny with that. I rather just catch the fish and swin in it:)
i know that every tank is different, i know someone has gone through what iam doing, does anyone have a general idea how long my lr will shed as heavy as they are doing,so i can have an idea if their is something else going on...on the 12th it will have been two months, going from cc to bb, after a 4 yr cc set up....

Couldn't say daytonabill...I just took my tunze off of the magnet and blew my rocks to see what would happen and I think the maxi jet I was using is a waste(LOL) Certain rocks (the ones I spoke of on another thread that weren't getting the amount of gph I wanted at them) shed quite a bit. So I'm guessing (which may not be right) that the rocks must always shed quite a bit and you just don't notice it as much with good flow because it is being lifted off the minute it begins to shed. I'd say to still get those ph you wanted and see if you notice any difference which I'm sure you will:)
Could one of the water changeing guys giive me some idea of why on earth you would change water on a weekly or more than weekly basis?

Does your tank gain dectable nutrients or something in that period of time? I really dont understand the idea behind it. Do you think your consumption of trace elements is that rapid?

Im not being negitive here, I'm just curious. I know every water change puts stress on the animals as well as costs money and time, so I assume there must be some reason for it that I just dont understand.

Could one of the water changeing guys giive me some idea of why on earth you would change water on a weekly or more than weekly basis?

Does your tank gain dectable nutrients or something in that period of time? I really dont understand the idea behind it. Do you think your consumption of trace elements is that rapid?

Im not being negitive here, I'm just curious. I know every water change puts stress on the animals as well as costs money and time, so I assume there must be some reason for it that I just dont understand.


I do mine specifically to remove detritus and wastes that are left behind in the tank. 15 gals isn't much for a system that is about 90 gal including sump. Doesn't stress the fish at all because they are getting good clean water that is the same in temp, ph and contains none of the nasties and also they eat out of my hand so aren't bothered by me. Trace element aren't an issue for me, but dirt is. Especially with a bb system...
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Were all insane. I just change water cause I love it. Sometimes late at night I do water changes so no one will know I did it. LOL J/K
Cause my acros love it. They look better, the clams look better, the anemone looks better. The tank looks better, everything looks better.
And check this out. Salt is cheaper than trace elements, calcium additives, alk additives, I dont have to spend hours on mad scientist stuff, tweaking this, and building that.
My water stays clear instead of yellow. My corals are brightly colored instead of brown.
My fish are brillant instead of dull.
But thats just me. I love water changes. They work.
I lived on a submarine for a long time. We had the best absolute best reprocessers for air. It got nasty over time. We all loved it when we could come to periscope depth and run the stinking fans to change the air out.
Were all insane. I just change water cause I love it. Sometimes late at night I do water changes so no one will know I did it. LOL J/K
Cause my acros love it. They look better, the clams look better, the anemone looks better. The tank looks better, everything looks better.
And check this out. Salt is cheaper than trace elements, calcium additives, alk additives, I dont have to spend hours on mad scientist stuff, tweaking this, and building that.
My water stays clear instead of yellow. My corals are brightly colored instead of brown.
My fish are brillant instead of dull.
But thats just me. I love water changes. They work.
I lived on a submarine for a long time. We had the best absolute best reprocessers for air. It got nasty over time. We all loved it when we could come to periscope depth and run the stinking fans to change the air out.

LMAO! That's funny crap...I shower three times a day. Does that count for anything?
krish75 said:
LMAO! That's funny crap...I shower three times a day. Does that count for anything?
Yeah your clean. LOL
I take alot of showers too. Not three a day though. One if I dont do any work, and two if I do, and my girl is coming over. LOL
LOL...If I shower and have to go to the car for something, I shower again(LOL) Must be an ocd thing...Clean is good:) If you bathed once every two months that would suck! My fish shouldn't have to suck because I'm lazy...I may start to do more water changes now that I think of it:)
Were all insane. I just change water cause I love it. Sometimes late at night I do water changes so no one will know I did it. LOL J/K
Cause my acros love it. They look better, the clams look better, the anemone looks better. The tank looks better, everything looks better.
And check this out. Salt is cheaper than trace elements, calcium additives, alk additives, I dont have to spend hours on mad scientist stuff, tweaking this, and building that.
My water stays clear instead of yellow. My corals are brightly colored instead of brown.
My fish are brillant instead of dull.
But thats just me. I love water changes. They work.
I lived on a submarine for a long time. We had the best absolute best reprocessers for air. It got nasty over time. We all loved it when we could come to periscope depth and run the stinking fans to change the air out.

LMBO!!! :lol: ohh dood now you made tears come out of me :lol:

LOL...If I shower and have to go to the car for something, I shower again(LOL) Must be an ocd thing...Clean is good If you bathed once every two months that would suck! My fish shouldn't have to suck because I'm lazy...I may start to do more water changes now that I think of it

wwouu you are a very clean guy.
After living with my best friend from Iran, i learn that is better to use water than to wipe yourself with toilet paper and its warmer and it feels better, i don't do it anymore because i didn't take her watering can or whatever they use, but it works great and your cleaner.
spongebob lover said:
LMBO!!! :lol: ohh dood now you made tears come out of me :lol:

wwouu you are a very clean guy.
After living with my best friend from Iran, i learn that is better to use water than to wipe yourself with toilet paper and its warmer and it feels better, i don't do it anymore because i didn't take her watering can or whatever they use, but it works great and your cleaner.

Right back at ya Gabby. That made me laugh untill I choked. I have some friends from Iran. Maybe I could ask Ara to hook you up with "watering can" LOL
Thanks for the explainations guys. So, if i understand correctly:

Krish does it because he has a detritus build up problem, likely boosted a bit by the OCD.

Gabby does it because she preferes the feeling of water to toilet paper ;).

And Wrightme43 does it because the appearence of his livestock deteriorates through out the week for some reason. The waterchange serves as a temporary (week long) correction for this.

I'm very curious about Don W's purpose. Maybe it will shed some more light for me, or possibily give me a reason why I should considder doing a waterchange.

thanks again guys!
I do a small 5 gallon weekly water change because i keep about 20-30 fish in a 27-28 gallon tank.....and I don't recommend keeping that many in a reef tank....

It also replenishes whatever trace elements etc that were used up. I don't think 5 gallons on a 27 gallon tank weekly is harsh for the inhabitants.

The way I look at it is, the ocean changes it's water alot more often than we do, and it seems to work.
I don't think a 10% change weekly is all that devastating, my sps have increased their growth since I started this, and in general, all my critters look healthier. Whatever works my friend.:D