I received my Oceansmotions and Sequence pump shipment last week and the pump is just huge. This is my first pump and I didn't realize the size of these things. The Barracuda is the same dimensions as the pumps that are running our 35,000 gallon pool.... :eek2: Anyways do y'all think this pump is just too much for my 90 gallon tank??? I am thinking that I might be better off getting the Dart to run the Oceansmotions instead of the monster Barracuda but I'd like as many opinions as I can get here... I really don't know.... I want strong flow, but don't want to blast everything around my tank :lol: I can't find the exact GPH for the Barracuda... Half the places I've looked say the Barracuda is between 1200-3600 GPH and the other half say up to 4500 GPH. The Dart is anywhere from 600-3200 GPH and up other places say it goes up to 3800.... My husband thought I was nuts when he saw the pump size. He was worried that the fish are going to have a really hard time staying away from the intakes. What are y'alls opinions???