Closed Loop

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I'm sure anyone that has used one of those Quiet One pumps they carry at Petco / Petsmart can give us an entire dissertation on just how much that particular brand of pump sucks :badgrin:

Roscoe, I actually agree with you about powerhead usage, which is why I used them on my tank instead of a closed loop. My reasoning was that I wanted the display tank itself to be COMPLETELY silent (Beananimal-style drain plumbing, powerheads, etc) and also wanted the energy savings VS running two hammerhead pumps 24/7 and then also having to use a chiller to make up for the heat transfer. Even if I am able to test the powerheads with a flow meter and find that they only output half of the "rated" GPH, I'll still be happy with them because they suit my needs better than a closed loop in my system. I didn't want to risk having a crapton of bulkheads in the bottom of my tank, or plumb it over the top, because I've got a rambunctious 4-year old kid running around and prefer to avoid flooding from broken pipes :) Every tank setup is different, so even though Saltyfish and I have similar size setups in our new tanks, the same size sand, etc, his needs are better served by a mix of closed loop / powerheads due to the peninsula configuration while I'm better off with just powerheads.
Yep, my Koralia Magnum 8 pumps are rated for 3250 gph (total flow, output, gravity distortion, whatever!) at 18-19 watts. Of the four pumps I have in use, two of them draw a steady 18 watts when running, one of them draws 19, and the other one (in my 100 gallon tank at the moment) bounces between 18 / 19 for some reason, perhaps backflow rebounding off the rocks / panels since it's a much smaller tank. On paper at least, the Koralia Magnum line is superior to the Tunze / Vortec for flow VS wattage. The only real downfall is that they're not as controllable as the tunze and nowhere near as versatile as the Vortecs. On the other hand, these are dead silent when running in the tank where I've always heard the noise from vortecs when they are on, and I wanted the display to be as silent as possible. The basement fish room can be as noisy as it wants, but I want to be able to hear myself think upstairs! :lol:

EDIT: And the koralias are MUCH cheaper! ;) I spent less than half of what I would have spent on Vortecs to get the same flow. I'm going to leave these running 24x7 so the controllability doesn't really matter to me. In my situation, it was the perfect choice.
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Don't you think though, that with a combination of Tunze/Vortech pumps on controllers that he could keep the detritus off the sandbed and in suspension? The sandbed is gonna move around, that is a drawback to our little glass boxes, sometimes you just have to let it do what it is gonna do!!! As long as you aren't scraping bottom!!!!!
I hear ya NSA. Yeah what ever the flow rate is I still love the dispersed flow and it definatley sends a nice surge to the other side of my 6' tank.
Really I find you a little rude for calling me rude!!!!! LMAO!!!!!!

I was simply pointing out that I found it rude that you would call me a liar when you have no idea what you are talking about.

Is this the kind of answer that is now tolerated on this site?
I was simply pointing out that I found it rude that you would call me a liar when you have no idea what you are talking about.

Is this the kind of answer that is now tolerated on this site?

I never called you a liar sir. You are now putting words in my mouth. I said I don't believe you.
so how bout the closed loop?
James I run a though the bottom up CL with two PH.
I also know 3 guys who run a CL with 4way OM over the top and down to the bottom under the sand then to the places they want the outputs to come up..
I love mine
KEEPS water moving
and the bottom up flow gives me KILLER surface agitation
A few people in the thread did know who he was actually :) He just didn't broadcast it, which I think is reasonable given that he probably doesn't want to be accused of advertising or whatever it was earlier in the thread when we were talking about a possible bias due to their product line. I was trying to treat his posts as a "normal" poster giving his input on the discussion instead of taking him hostage and torturing top secret info out of him :lol:
Well now, I found some other documentation on the prop powerheads in the form of a review of the various prop modification products for the MaxiJet pump line!

A little ways down the article they start to discuss flow rates for the propeller-modded MaxiJet pumps and the differences in how they're tested. The article SPECIFICALLY states that the "flow rate" is measured at the discharge for their tests. I'm still reading, but wanted to put this out there while I finish looking through it.
By my initial interpretation of the testing done in the Advanced Aquarist article I just linked, they are indeed basing the advertised flow rates on total flow through the pump rather than just output. The advertised "flow" of the MaxiJet prop mod is close to double what they documented in their testing with a flow meter. Looks like Paul is indeed correct in the way they are measured, at least in this one case. I'd have to talk to someone at Hydor / Tunze / etc to see if they do the same thing, but I'm inclined to accept his information as fact given the numbers in that article.
I just though it might be a courtesy.
But I also think that he has a right to disagree, that is what these discussions are for.
I personally wouldn't have looked at you any different, and I have no hassle with you.

I called an individual today who wanted some help , we had a discussion that brought a number of issues into the conversation, some of the conversation was repeated here and I decided to post, I came here to help.

LMAO you guys are too funny.....

I say this forum is made up of a bunch of clowns....

After reading it all lets pick out the key points.

Thanks for Star trek I could have never figured that one out.

I never said I was going to a completely closed loop with no powerheads. I said I was THINKING of running a closed loop WITH my powerheads so I could get closer to the sand and rule out dead spots..

I was waiting for Adam ti chime in since I know he drilled the bottom of his tank.

As far as who is from OM or not saying you do not believe someone is really respectfully saying they are full of it, don't know what they are talking about, or they are lying.

From a simple question on closed loops too all of this is amazing since I was asking about a pressure rated pump over and flow based pump which no one answered my question.

Thank you to everyone that chimed in on this. I have learned several things about each and everyone of you.

I am going to take a nap because you all made my head hurt like my three children can when they fight over the remote.

BTW Paul you should have an email..

Thanks Again and moderators please close this thread ASAP before someone comes to blows.
For those of you who are lazy or link-clicking impaired but still curious:

Advertised flow rates for Sea Flo MaxiJet mod products:
Sea-Flo 1200
For use only with a Maxi-Jet 1200 pump.
Increases flow to approximately 1200-1400 gph.
Power consumption after installation approximately 14 watts.

Sea-Flo 900
For use only with a Maxi-Jet 900 pump.
Increases flow to approximately 1000-1200 gph.
Power consumption after installation approximately 6 watts.

Sea-Flo 600
For use only with a Maxi-Jet 600 pump.
Increases flow to approximately 800-1000 gph.
Power consumption after installation approximately 5 watts.

Actual flow rates tested at discharge (using a specific formula) for each pump by Advanced Aquarist magazine:

modded MJ1200 - 1159gph
modded MJ900 - 763gph
modded MJ600 - 666gph

A bit of a discrepancy, but not quite half the "rated" flow. Still, it's close enough for me to consider Paul to be correct in at least this example of advertised flow rates and want to test further into my Koralia pumps. On the other hand, as I said before, even if the same holds true and they only pump 1/2 the "rated" GPH, I'm still happy with them :) I look at all this as just something else to learn and take into account in the future!