clown has pop-eye

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Jul 3, 2007
Northampton, PA
I noticed my clown has only one pop-eye. what is the best plan for treatmet? i've been looking the disease up online and i think he just injured the eye. It is not cloudy, he is acting pretty much normal and eating.
ok heres everything
1) Ocellaris clownfish (male)
2) 2" in length
3) i've had this fish for a good 10 months
4) Its in the display tank
5) none of them listed just pop-eye
6) fish is eating- i feed ORA pellets and new spectrum optimum flake he will also eat some krill when i feed the frogspawn and other stuff.

the "B" list
Ammonia 0.12 ppm (low, i need to get it down)
ALK 1.6-2.0
Nitrate 0 ppm
Nitrite 0.05-0.00 ppm
Ph 8.4-8.6
3) no algae problem

"C" list
120 gallons (sump included)
sump/ fuge
1" sandbed
90 lbs LR

i hope i did this right lol
he acts normal eats well and only his right eye is swollen.
First you'll need a good diagnosis. Is the eye protruding as if something is pushing it out from its socket, from behind? or is it swollen? It may seem similar, but the two are different. The first is Popeye and the second an infection.

If an infection, treatment with an antibiotic that goes into the fish, like Maracyn Two for Saltwater fish, is the thing to do (in a hospital tank).

If it's Popeye you have to consider doing nothing. Fish do die from this condition, but some recover on their own. If the Popeye is caused by gas, the Maracyn treatment can eliminate the bacteria that sometimes infect the ocular nerve, inside the fish.

If the eye is extremely protruded and you're sure it will 'burst' it is best to stick it with a needle to relieve the pressure behind the eye. Few aquarists will do this and I don't blame them. It is a touchy procedure best done by experienced people.

If you choose to treat with Maracyn, start with a dose that is double the dose recommended on the package. Move the fish to a hospital tank for this treatment.

Now, as to the cause. A marine fish is usually quite able to keep bacteria at bay. Either there are two many bacteria concentrated in your aquarium (i.e., the water is of low quality in the organic sense) or the fish is not getting its proper nutrition. I'll vote for the latter from the information you've provided. You need to take some (long) time and give a close read to this (long) post: Fish Health Through Proper Nutrition. Go through that post and then change your choice of foods and feeding regime. :)

Good luck! Please keep us informed. :)
I just wanted to let you know how much your responses to questions like this can help out others, even if the original poster does not continue to respond to the thread.

A couple of weeks ago my Anthius developed a popeye. As usual I came to your forum, but before posting my own question I did a search on popeye and found this thread. After reading your description above I felt my Anthius truly had popeye and I would just monitor the situation. I went ahead and got the QT running just in case. On day three things were not improving and I made an attempt to catch the fish but it alluded me. Since it was still eating I decided not to take any drastic measures (removing rock from the display) to catch it at that time. By day five the eye started to look less popped and now 2 weeks later you would never know there had been a problem.

I just wanted to thank you once again for your well worded advise. It gave me the info I needed to make decisions concerning this fish and all turned out great!
Thank you Kris. I am inundated with PMs and can't reply to each in a timely fashion, but I do keep up with posts. It is always best to post questions and concerns so others can learn. I can't begin to tell you how many times I get PMed the same question.

Thank you also for taking the time to search for your answer(s) before posting.

Your post is very much appreciated. :)