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Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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Oct 22, 2004
Nassau, Bahamas
Just wanted to throw up a little note to invite members to take full advantage of the forum.:) Whether you are an experienced well seasoned veteran to the hobby or a newbie just starting out, all opinions and thoughts are welcomed here and we'd love to hear them. Please by no means at all feel intimidated about making a post on any thread. Even if you disagree with a method someone uses and would like to comment on it, please feel free to do so without fear of being bashed. We won't allow it to happen to you;). That's what the forum is here for...To discuss the hobby and by all means, if anyone feels at all intimidated by the RF Staff tags some of us have, Moderator or Admin etc don't be. I'll drop the tag in an instant if it makes anyone feel better about disagreeing with something I said. I in no way feel any more important that someone just joining today and that's the honest truth. I don't think my opinion is more important than anyone elses nor do any of the other staff members feel this way. In addition to that, I can speak 100% for myself that I don't have any pride and will admit when I am wrong. A good example was a coralline thread we had about a month or two back. I argued a point and honestly thought I was on the right track. Others opinions differed so what did I do??? I pm'd Bommer (which he can confirm) and said to him, "Please check out this thread and if I am wrong then please lay it to me hard out on the open forum for everyone to see. I don't want anything sugar coated as I am not concerned about my pride. If I am wrong I am wrong and just want the right info out there". So Boomer replied and guess what, I was totally off base and quite honestly was happy about it.:) This mentality I have the other Staff members posess as well and they too share the same feelings so feel free to post at any time. No one is going to point the finger at you and laugh if you are wrong. You will never learn anything if you never ask. :)

As for my personal posting, well everyone knows I can outpost anyone any day of the week. (Yes even you Adam:p ). I do it because I love to help others and not in any way an attempt at seeing if I can hit 100,000 posts or something. Post count means nothing to me quite honestly. The other mods feel the same way which was why they were chosen. They too just have a love to help out a fellow reefer. If it seems at any time that we are "hogging" all the threads then the whole staff apologizes for it. I can speak for them because we actually have a discussion going on right now about it. I have actually toned my posting down a lot and left more room for others to offer advice. As much as I'd like to jump in on certain topics, I refrain to give others a chance. Now if a newbie signs up and doesn't get feedback within a certain time frame, then I'm on it because I don't want to leave them hanging, but other than that, I try not to offer too much advice leaving room for others to take a stab at it which I'm hoping members will step up and do. I may throw in a curve ball in there just to initiate more discussion, but other than that, we would love to hear more from you. :)

Anyways, I wasn't asked to post this thread, but felt like I should do it on my own accord. The entire staff would love to see people getting out there posting and just thought, I'd give a little background on how we all felt. We apologize if in any way we made any of you feel like we "think" we are superior to any of you (because we don't feel that way espeically me) or that you felt we may be hogging all of the threads. It's not intentional, but rather just trying to offer the best help/feedback we can give to the members, but would 100% love to have you guys participate more.

Looking forward to seeing more of you guys join in and offer your advice, opinions and feedback. This is a great forum so let's take advantage of it. :)
Ahhh Krish it's the summer. The forums are bound to be a little dead. Sooo what shall we talk about.
Ahhh Krish it's the summer. The forums are bound to be a little dead. Sooo what shall we talk about.

Haha! Anything you want man besides controversial topics!!:p. The purpose of the thread was just posting in general as I know at different times of the year we will have slow periods. You do a great job here though helping out and participating. I've told you this before and actually just recently said it again to the other mods that you stand out to me as being very helpful. Keep up the good work man. If people followed your footsteps we will do well. I just don't know about that avitar though. Looks like you are mad at someone :rip: :p

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Well I was going to change the avatar...but my glamor shots didn't turn out ;) Speaking of helpful I guess I should review kpitrownsky(Sp?) thread before he comes over to discuss his new tank setup.
Well I was going to change the avatar...but my glamor shots didn't turn out ;)

Mine either, but was tired of people thinking I was a girl here so I put up the first thing I found. I don't need any guys coming on to me as that's not my cup of tea :p

Well, hopefully the thread answered some questions some may have had in the back of their minds, but didn't want to mention. I know I have members that will pm me directly with their questions rather than create a thread to get some answers which honestly doesn't bother me one bit as I willingly help them every time and will continue to as the questions come (if I am at all able to answer them). The only issue (or should I say set back) I see with this though is we lose forum participation here. The question asked may have helped someone else out had it been posted on the boards and also, these members could have gotten more feedback and probably even better feedback from others had a thread been started. I just don't want anyone to feel at all intimidated about asking a question what they may feel is simple or stupid as there is no such thing in this hobby. If you don't know you just don't know. How was I to know I shouldn't have taken my liverock out of the tank every week and put it in freshwater to scrub off the algae and throw it back in the tank had I not asked :shock:. Yes I use to do that so don't feel at all intimidated about asking anything here. :)

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This is a very helpful post. I will admit I stopped posting on here a while ago because I felt too intimidated. I would post a question or concern I had about one of my tanks, and would find out it was a newbie mistake through all the negative reprimand I would receive. I started to feel like a bad person because I was being "scolded" in a way for doing something I had no idea was bad. So I stopped posting here because I didn't want to feel like an idiot anymore.

Glad to see you pushing things to a more educational, positive manner :) I'll make sure I poke around the forums more often now.
Glad to see you pushing things to a more educational, positive manner

That has always been exactly what we are supposed to be all about. One thing every newbie can take to heart is that EVERY intermediate and so called Pro reefers have all made these mistakes, and if they say they havent their lieing, lol

For folks that are new to the hobby its truely a mine field out their, from all the differring opinions, to phoney research by folks pushing products to the experenced stor employee that just whats to sell the fish/coral and so on. Its almost impossible to to not make mistakes or go down the wrong path when you are new or even when you have been in it for awhile.

The biggest peice of advice I can give folks new to the hobby is to ask "WHY" always make those that give info for their reasoning behind the advice. From their you can make a solid choice on whats best.

This is a very helpful post. I will admit I stopped posting on here a while ago because I felt too intimidated. I would post a question or concern I had about one of my tanks, and would find out it was a newbie mistake through all the negative reprimand I would receive. I started to feel like a bad person because I was being "scolded" in a way for doing something I had no idea was bad. So I stopped posting here because I didn't want to feel like an idiot anymore.

Glad to see you pushing things to a more educational, positive manner :) I'll make sure I poke around the forums more often now.

Oh, I'm so sorry to hear you felt scolded for doing something you didn't know was wrong. As mojo stated, we were all newbs at one point and in your same shoes. I probably did more things wrong than anyone here lol. I hate to see newbies treated un-fairly and if it ever happens again, just hit the report post button on the bottom of the post or pm myself or one of the other mods and we'll look into it. Last thing we want is for people to feel the way you did. That's not cool :(. Please by all means post any questions you have as simple as it may seem to you. The fact that you have a question is what we are here for...To answer them. Also, don't worry about repeat questions either like some forums prohibit. I can remember starting a thread on a car forum to have it deleted within minutes and had the admin pm me saying, "use the search feature! We don't allow repeat questions here!". Too bad I don't curse otherwise I would have told him something:lol:. You will never hear someone say use the search feature here in a negative way or have a thread deleted because it was asked before. I welcome repeat questions and will continue to answer the same ones over and over as long as I am a member here which I think goes for any member here. We do it all the time and it has been this way for as long as i can remember. :)

Enjoy the forum guys. It was put in place for you to enjoy. :)

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This is a very helpful post. I will admit I stopped posting on here a while ago because I felt too intimidated. I would post a question or concern I had about one of my tanks, and would find out it was a newbie mistake through all the negative reprimand I would receive. I started to feel like a bad person because I was being "scolded" in a way for doing something I had no idea was bad. So I stopped posting here because I didn't want to feel like an idiot anymore.

Glad to see you pushing things to a more educational, positive manner :) I'll make sure I poke around the forums more often now.

Wow that surprises me. What's funny is most people that act that way don't truly understand what they are preaching. The are merely regurgitating what they have been told so to hear something in the contrary threatens their "knowledge." Ask questions, think outside the box and continue to improve. I do with every system I build lol. I don't believe anyone can be 100% correct when it comes to the unique system that we all create.

Think about the fact that we mix fish and corals from all over the world, from different climates, tidal zones, seasonal cycles, and predatory pyramids. Now you tell me anyone that has all the answers.
Agree with all of the above. The only stupid question is one you did not ask. There are NO members here or anywhere that know it all. There are a few that have vast experience in this hobby. Some have better understanding and experience in certain areas, where as others may not. I have found certain members will chime in on certain problems.
I have yet to read anyone belittling any member for a post that they have made (I am still an infant here).
I find that sometimes I would like to respond to someones thread but lack the knowledge to give them correct feedback. Sometimes that stops me and other times I will reply with my opinion but letting them know that a more qualified member will soon jump in.
I dont pay attention to the little staff member do-hicky posted by your name, Unless I need some type of computer help here on the forum. LOL We all get up in the morning and put our pants on one leg at a time. You may have years of experience in a certain field, and I respect that. In turn I to have my field.
The more you post. The better off we all are.
Agree with all of the above. The only stupid question is one you did not ask. There are NO members here or anywhere that know it all. There are a few that have vast experience in this hobby. Some have better understanding and experience in certain areas, where as others may not. I have found certain members will chime in on certain problems.
I have yet to read anyone belittling any member for a post that they have made (I am still an infant here).
I find that sometimes I would like to respond to someones thread but lack the knowledge to give them correct feedback. Sometimes that stops me and other times I will reply with my opinion but letting them know that a more qualified member will soon jump in.
I dont pay attention to the little staff member do-hicky posted by your name, Unless I need some type of computer help here on the forum. LOL We all get up in the morning and put our pants on one leg at a time. You may have years of experience in a certain field, and I respect that. In turn I to have my field.
The more you post. The better off we all are.

Thanks for the feedback peppie!! In any case, if you feel like chiming in on a subject you aren't 100% sure of all the facts, still offer what you can and as you mentioned, say maybe someone more experienced will chime in to confirm or expand on. At one point when I was clueless, just so that people didn't feel left out from not getting a response I'd say, "sorry I don't have any info for you, but here's a bump back to the top". Sometimes small things like that makes all the difference to another member. I'm over 21,000 posts in and still say, "this may not be totally 100% correct, but..." I don't have all the answers, but it doesn't stop me from participating. Maybe even just throwing up a link is good enough without adding anything extra. It shows interest in the other members needs and also adds to your participation/contribution here. Just a few thoughts. You are doing well offering what you can man especially in the humor department :lol:

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Thanks for the post Krish, It is good to remind folks to just ask!
I really like this site as it is pretty rare that folks talk down to us newbies.
Lord knows I have asked a ton of silly questions in this forum, and made more than my fair share of mistakes prior to learning the fine art of asking for help.

Something I have heard a million times is, What works for me, may not work for you. Or, What works for you may not work for others. So of course there are going to be different opinions on every subject.
I had an experience when I started. I asked a question and after the 5th or 6th page of people arguing about their way of doing things was better, I told them to stop it! They appologized. It was actually getting kinda funny, to me anyway. Then I took what I thought was the best of both worlds and looked at how I could use it. Being new, their differing opinions made me think but they didnt have to get into the arguement that they got into. As everyone else has said, thats not what we want on this forum. That was a couple years ago and we, instead of seeing members getting into an arguement about an issue, would really like to hear their experience and how they did something because it worked for them. It helps give people options to think about and choose what may work best for them.

I too am here because I love this hobby and want to share that with others and share my experience and what little knowelege I have. I've only been doing this for 2.5 yeas so I have a lot to learn yet, so I also would really enjoy hearing everyones input. As mentioned, we are here...all members...are here to share their love for the hobby (obsession, addiction...Oh yeah Passion) and to help others learn from us all so they can enjoy it too.

I still make stupid today...I put a duncan coral into a coral dip because it had gotten too close to another coral and two heads got eaten. It was supposed to be there for only 5-10 minutes but I proceded to forget about it. I left and came home 4 hours later. Thought OMG.:eek:....quickly got it out of the dip and into the sw rinse and without temp acclimating it, dropped it back into the tank....It is looking SOOOOO good now, I cant believe it. So, I dont suggest anyone else trying this, but it worked out for me.:pray2: having my timer slip...and my ATO kick on with my kalk reactor being stirred....again.
Thanks for the feedback everyone. Keep them coming! :)

One of our main concerns which Frankie brought to our attention was that he didn't want the members to ever feel like we are always right (mods/staff/admins). If I say a skimmer is a must to have and Seth says, "No! it isn't!!" He should be able to say that freely and not be worried about us lashing out on him being a mod. We aren't "god's". We are wrong many times. I've seen some of the greatest debates here between Mojo (ADMIN/OWNER of RF) and regular members all the time. This one guy Wave98 would be back and forth with mojo on certain topics hammering one another and it was never a case of of mojo saying "I am an admin so I'm right or... it's my way or the highway!". On some forums un-fortunately, mods are like that, but not here. Like I've said before, the RF Staff tag I have comes last. I am a member first. If ever a case came up where the members here felt like I have changed from being the person I have always been here and act more like an RF Cop, I'll give up the position right away and go back to regular member status. Mark my words. There will be times duty calls for us to do certain "moderating" things which you can't get around, but other than that, I am member first just trying to help out a fellow reefer. I don't have a tank, I have a very busy life outside of RF, I don't get paid to be here so with that comes just a pleasure I get from giving back which I feel is the same feeling all the mods share. We didn't want to give the impression that as mods we can hog all the threads so yet another reason for this thread. We truely are sorry if it ever came across that way to any of you. We would love to see more posting and participation from you guys because essentially, you guys are the reason this place is what it is today:).
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Sponsors Banners?

I would like to know how many of you actually Click on our sponsor banners and go to their site?:humble: Do you let them know when making a purchase your a member of Reef Frontiers?:noidea: The Sponsors keep track of the banners being clicked and taken to their site, then if you make a purchase, please Please lets them know your a part of our forum, otherwise they may thing we don't provide them any support and drop their account, which hurts us! :sorry:
Okay, so I went to a couple of the sponsor forums. First thing I noticed which seems wrong to me it another sponsors advertisement at the top of the page. Also I clicked on the banner and I get a blank page. Its not linking to their website.
I actually didnt know about the banner being linked to their website before.
Can you PM me with the one your talking about? They all work on my end, so I may need to look at that! The banner strip mid page is on all of the pages but the forums are just forums, so you won't see their banners there, you have to go to the sponsor PAGE to see all of the banners! Link is on the navigation bar but I also will have one put up for easier access also.

Okay, so I went to a couple of the sponsor forums. First thing I noticed which seems wrong to me it another sponsors advertisement at the top of the page. Also I clicked on the banner and I get a blank page. Its not linking to their website.
I actually didnt know about the banner being linked to their website before.
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I click on the banners...but admittedly I kinda just go through directly to their site cause I have memorized them all. LOL But I will try to make a more conscious effort to use the banners.