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Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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Hell, for the first year or so that I was on this forum I didn't even have a skimmer, and I still don't use RO water! Most people on here would call that a big "no no", but I called it quite successful! Nobody is all knowing, and everybody has a different exxperience. That's what makes us all so important when voicing our good and bad times, and what we believe or have experienced doesn't mean that it's the only way things work. I hope nobody has ever taken offense to anything I have ever expressed, because it is just based on my own personal experience, not necessarily what might happen in a different scenario. We are all still pioneers to the hobby as it progresses, and it is the most important time ever for us to all work together to save what is still left.
Thanks for the feedback everyone.:) On the post count issue, don't let that fool you. Look at the date I joined. About a year or so after RF was started. Who's to say the majority of these posts didn't come from asking questions? I have pages and pages of threads where I asked and asked and asked because I just needed answers. I wasn't afraid to ask. Then, who's to say a lot didn't come from my build threads? I had many builds (too many) that went beyond 60 pages easily. I had a lighting thread when I got new halides that went I think about 50 pages in just 2 days so the post count just accounts for participation and not necessarily knowledge. The post count also allows people to know that someone may have been around for a bit and "probably" knows a little something about the hobby, but doesn't mean they know it all. Doesn't necesarily mean it is right either and I always welcome others to chime in and add to what I say. Take DonW's profile for example. Go and find a post he made and look at his badge. One says Expert mine says RF staff. Who do you think people will believe knows more? Don the expert or Krish with more posts LOL? So don't get caught up in the idea of someone with more posts will be believed more or even Don because he is an expert. Don may not always be right. It's not a competition as to who knows more or who believes who more, but rather about getting people the info they need. Also, everyone is entitled to take whatever info they get and use it as they see fit so they need to have as much feedback as they can get. You don't take a person with 21,000 post's word and run with it because they have that many posts. That wouldn't be too smart LOL! You have to gather everything and research it to see if what was presented to you was the right advice you were looking for. I always say "more than one way to do things in this hobby so go with what works best for you". Never can anyone find a post where I said "this is the only way to go". Also, as mentioned, just agreeing with what someone else says is sufficient at times. It helps the member get an idea of what the majority do in a certain situations. :)

As for threads being replied to within 10 mins means the forum is efficient ;). Someone who has a problem wants answers quickly which is why they post a thread and not mess much with the search feature much. I was like that. I wanted my posts replied to in less than a minute when I joined. I didn't want to wait two days to get one answer. I have been sitting back a bit more lately not replying to as many threads as I use to and some days, I'll see the same thread sitting on the home page that evening un-replied to that was there when I logged in first thing that morning so we'd like more participation here and not so much people think, "Oh no sense replying because Krish or Mojo will". This was part of the reason for the thread. We wondered if people had concerns and if they felt we were "hogging" things so we will tone it down some and give others a chance to participate more which I hope they will step up to the plate and do. I personally won't let a newbie sit un-answered all day though. I want them to feel welcomed and get what they need, but PLEASE by all means, if someone with more posts than you makes a post don't let that deter you from posting as well. Post count doesn't account for knowledge, but rather participation. If someone chooses to believe the person with more posts over someone with less, then I'm afraid they may get the wrong info they need many times. I have thousands more posts than everyone here and still feel I am only an average reefer when it comes to knowledge about the hobby. Boomer doesn't have very many posts and is one of the smartest here hands down. All the posts mean is I participate alot. People particiapte more, and there post count will come up as well. For all anyone knows, I may just post crap all day :lol:
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i like our mods dont get me wrong but when a newbie gets an answer from a guy with 21,0000 posts with mod next to there name who they gonna believe? i would have listened to there advise at that stage in learning as well. therefore making an an opinion from us not soo talkative members kinda time wasted.

we all know most of us are flat tired of the same old questions that have to be answered and thank you guys for doing that

When we look for Mods we look for members that post very regularly and reply to lots so it is almost in their nature. Whatever happens though the mods are by no means experts, site police, out to correct someone as a know all end all, embarrass or make anyone uncomfortable in posting their thoughts and opinions. If a newbie post for help and it sits there for say 30 minutes even, who's to stop them from going elsewhere to get help? It is a double edged sword for sure, the point is we try to do as anyone would do with or without the mod status. If we ever have a Mod that tries to post in a manner that is God like they are usually removed from that Mod status as this isn't what we want. Mods every now and then fix issues and support ideas for fun, add support to make the forum run smoother but the majority of their time is just being a member, we aren't robots, polices and know all's.

Personally I would believe the guy that answered the most rounded and solid answer to my question. Also You may have a key piece of the equation that an earlier answer didn't cover.

True, honest answers deserve an honest look at and a majority opinion may help you decide what your opinion is but no one is rule and always right.

NaTe R , Lots of times on another forum I will get a reply that will repeat what the previous reply had stated. IMO I like to see that. That way I am not relying on one OPINION to be correct. I find it easier to accept the advise if more than one or two even three people all agree on the same answer.
So by all means throw your reply in there even if it is nearly the same as previously posted.
You are helping build confidence in the newbee or whoever that they are on the right track.

Also one more thing I'll throw in there. I mentioned it a few times before, but for those that don't know, Chuck started the New To Reefkeeping section years ago with me in mind to moderate/run it because he said he noticed I had a passion to help and give back to the members. Even if it was just welcoming people he liked how I was so social so the section was created and I moderated it. Didn't mean I was the expert there. It just meant I was chosen to look over it for my contribution and dedication to RF. I did step down from the position and left RF for about 2-3 years or so for family reasons and others. What got me back here was Scooty last summer. He told me to get back here! Forum participation was low and wanted me to get back here, become a full blown mod, and get the site going again as I seemed to have a way of getting things going. His words were I had a certain something that brought a flare to the forum so I did. Didn't contemplate it for a few days or anything, but dropped what i was doing and logged in immediately. So this is another reason for all the posting. I enjoy it and the forum needed it. Now that things seem to be going well with all of the changes and upgrades and members willing to participate you will hear less of me on "feedback/need info" threads and give others a chance. I will continue to welcome everyone and compliment someone's accomplishments but apart from that I will tone it down some with hopes of seeing others come more in the fore front and offer advice. :)

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every time i see a post from somebody on here it is immediately responded to by one of the mods on here. therefore starting a conversation that would be rude to cut in too. IMO

Don't feel this way. We are all on the same level here:). The mod tags are just extra features added onto our accounts to do a few extra things, but no one is more important than the other. You can disagree with any of us any day. Please do :) We don't have big ego's and feel can't be challenged on any point. It is not rude in any way to cut/join in so butt in and make your post. All opinions matter here and not just the mods opinions so you can get that out of your heads. :) This is RF not those other forums where mods feel they are "god's" that no one dare mess with. Please post no matter who posted on any thread. We want everyone's opinions. Just think of this thread alone. If we didn't care about your thoughts and opinions then we wouldn't have started it. We care and want everyone to know we would like your participation and apologize if we seemed to take over everything. Not intentional. Just trying to "up" forum participation. :)

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Hey Krish, great thread and couldn't have said any better ...shorter probably

Nate and others who have felt overridden, please don’t your input is respected and needed here ...always.

I personally chose to join (12/09) this site over all others because of the overall acceptance with which most all members were treated. Having been involved with Reefkeeping from the early days (1982) I felt that participation here in helping out the newer reefkeepers was just an extension of what I've done for years at LFS's and people who have had the fortune/ misfortune (eww) of a visit to my home and were fascinated by my little reeftank. I do consider myself to be a well rounded knowledgeable reefkeeper,fisherman and woodworker but an absolute Expert I am not. Though jokingly (mostly) family and friends have called me 'The Professor ' for years as have a strong passion for sharing/ teaching about things I enjoy. I felt more than honored when selected as one of the new Mods but like Krish stated (a few times ) will pretty much participate the same way I had before. There are so many great members on this (new & old) with experiences to share that help us all in a number of ways it would be a shame for anyone to feel unwelcome or that thier opinion had no value.

Here to help however I can, Todd
Someone mentioned earlier they don't always post simply because someone else has beaten them to the punch with a answer. I know for me personally i don't mind seeing the same response 3 or 4 times or a, I agree with what he said kinda deal. It's always nice to know that there's more than one person who agrees or has had the same experience =)