Connecting Sumps

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Active member
Feb 2, 2005
Madison, WI

I'm building a 3 piece sump to go in my awkwardly shaped stand. Since my opening and space is very limited I decided to build the sump in 3 parts so I can assemble them inside the stand. My question is, has anyone here ever used the bulkhead connectors to connected sumps right next to each other without a PVC piece in between? I'm planning on using silicone around the connectors to help keep it water tight.

Here is a diagram of what I'm building.

Thank you!
Hey man...I just expanded my sump last month and it worked out great. I had to assembe everything under the stand. After much debate, I got it to work by using weldon glue to stick the 2 seperate acrylic pieces together, I siliconed in the hole where they joined and then used a bulkhead which I sealed with silicone as well just be safe. Here is the link to my thread. Hopefully it helps. Best of luck man...:)

You'll have to scan through the thread a bit to see the actual pics of how it was assembled:)
Thanks krish,

Thanks for the reply and link! I'm happy to hear it worked out for you. I'm just a little nervous since I have 4 different bulkheads (more chances to go wrong) and I need to cut out my old, modified wet/dry. When that happens I'm pretty much committed.

I got all the leaks fixed on my 3 boxes, but of course I worry that I missed one or that I damaged a seal when I cut the 1 3/4" holes in them. I'm thinking about doing a test fit outside the stand, but it may be hard to scrape off the old silicone off before I install for real.

Thanks again for the tips!
No problem man...Anytime:) Should work out just fine. I've heard many stories about leaky bulkheads, so I opted to not use the gaskets that came with mine and just put silicone in its place and then I ran silicone around the whole perimeter of the bulkhead on both ends. Works like a charm!Good luck man and make sure you post some photos when you get it up and running:)
I've read that silicone doesn't work very well with acrylic, but I'm finding that it can stick to that plastic quite well.
I've read that silicone doesn't work very well with acrylic, but I'm finding that it can stick to that plastic quite well.

Yeah...But the half a tube of weldon glue I used to put both pieces together worked wonders as well:D
Oh yeah! What type of Weld-on do you use? I can only find #3 around there. If I understand correctly, the main chemical used is Methylene Chloride. When I need more I may look around for that instead. It has to be cheaper than the $8 I play for that little can.
I think Kirsh found some Weldon-16. Its a thicker version of Weldon-3 or 4. If all else fails for you, you can get some very fine shavings of your acrylic... almost powdery type shavings... then put them in some of your Weldon-3. Wait, and you will notice you are starting to thicken. Thickening the Weldon-4 that I had in this manor worked well for me when I installed the overflow boxes in my tank, and I needed something much thicker than the watery Weldon-4 I purchased.
Weld-on 16

weld on 16 is great for projects you don't mind having a little messy or very visible seams. It comes in a thicker gel type medium ( similar to epoxy or superglue gel ). If you can't find it in WI try TAP plastics. They have good prices and sell direct on their web site. A very small tube 1.5oz is $3.25 and a 5oz tube (plenty for most projects) is $5.75 ( without shipping I assume ).
As far as assembly of sumps with just bulkheads, I have used extreme duty bulkheads from an agricultural supply outfit and double gaskets. It wasn't the prettiest thing around but it worked and didn't leak. I suppose normal bulkheads would work as well, but I would use a good bead of silicone to make sure. Weld on 16 will also seal those bulkheads but I would only do that if you don't intend on taking it apart again. Good luck, hope it works out for you :)
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I may have to order some of that #16 since I have leaks I cannot fix with the #3 stuff. I put plugs in my bulkheads last night so I could leak check my boxes. Sure enough, I found a new leak at the bottom. If nothing else I may mix up some plastic shavings with the #3 (LakeEd's idea) and put it on a little thicker.

I've notices cracks forming around the holes I cut for the bulkheads. They seem to appear when I tighten the bulkheads. I think I'll be happy when I'm done with this project. :D

BTW, I already picked up my 1" bulkheads from so I'm stuck using those for now. They are pretty nice though.
MadReef check out a Fleet Farm or a Farm & Fleet for bulkheads. (If you ever need them again) I think Farm & Fleet is in Madison. They have them in the agriculture department with the irrigation equipment. They are heavy duty ones, the gasket on them is much better than a standard bulkhead. FWIW

Thanks Brian,

I'll give the Farm and Fleet a try. Would you recommend getting them in a larger diameter than 1.0 "?
Would you recommend getting them in a larger diameter than 1.0 "?

How much flow will be passing through? When I did mine, I was told I needed to run a 1.5 inch bulkhead for 750 gph of flow. Steve has some sort of flow chart he used to figure it out...If you knew how much flow you will running through it, I can ask him what size you'd need...:)
I'm running a Little Giant 3-MDQX-SC external pump. I'm pumping the water up about 5 feet, so about 875 gph. I do have to valves in line in case I need to do some tweeking.


Are you running one or two 1.5" fittings?
Are you running one or two 1.5" fittings?

Just (1)...I was told if I ran a single 1 inch bulkhead, I'd have to cut black the flow a bit because 1 inch was borderline for about 750 gph or something like that. So, I just ran the single 1.5 one time:)
Cool! So maybe I'll be ok with my dual 1" setup.

Because I'm putting in bubble traps in my boxes I had to figure out a way to screw in those bulkheads with only 1" of clearance. It seemed pretty much impossible at first. My solution was to weld on rails so I can slide in the traps after I install the bulkheads. So far it seems to be the best thing I've done.
Oh man I miss Farm and Fleet. I purchased my 12 x 6 utility trailer there when I lived in Iowa. They also have a killer plumbing section and awesome prices on stuff. ( I still have a bunch of flannel shirts from them)..... I wish we had one out here. The only cool store I know of like it is in Sunnyside:(

You should be fine with duel 1" bulk heads. A safe guess'temate with 1" bulkheads is 750gph. I put 1.5" in all most all of my own stuff and try to reccomend it to everyone else.

I think Weld on 16 would really help your project and I would try to get some asap. It's been a very long time since I lived in Waukesha WI ( can't even remember how to spell it :lol: or what the name of the store was) but there was a really cool LFS there and the owner was a DIY guru along the lines of Mojo (if he is possible to replicate.) You should check it out if you're ever in that neck of the woods (not too far from Milwaukee). It was down town :lol: Waukesha, where all the one way streets change direction every six months.
I actually grew up with the Fleet Farm stores that are more common north of Madison. They both have a huge selection of just about anything you can put to good use!

Are you talking about Aquatics Unlimited? I've never been there, but I've heard they have a nice store. I get over there every now and then. I'll be sure to stop there next time though.

I'm going to continue my sump project this evening. I'll have more pics next week to post.