converting a wet dry to a fuge

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Jul 3, 2007
Has anyone converted either of these 2 wet/dry sumps into a fuge.

I have both of them sitting around and am planning on setting up a 92 corner in the next 2 weeks and would rather have a fuge than a wet/dry.

Any help would be appreciated



The only difference mine has is in pic #2 the water comes in through a spray bar top into the tray and not in through an elbow
Funny, I was just thinking the same thing. I've got a spare sitting around that might make a great fuge under my 40G SeaClear Sys II. The one I have looks just like the one in the second pic. Only thing that worries me is how to plumb it and avoid any floods in a power outage.
I'm thinking i will probably just turn the bio-ball section in my tanks internal filter into the fuge, but it would be nice to get something with some more volume.
Ideas anyone?
the thing with this idea is that you may make the fuge pointless if you plan on putting a skimmer in there, because the water first hits the new 'fuge' and then copepods get carried into the next section...'skimmer' which will kill all the guys you want to live.

if in fact you do not want a skimmer in here it will be simple
I had the same sump a few years ago and it warped a bit so I had a replica built and then realised I didn't want a wet/dry and converted it. I'll see if I can find the thread. If not, I will have to wait until I get home and upload the pictures from my computer. :)
All of the pictures wouldn't load on the thread, but here it is anyways. Post # 48 in the link below. When I get home I'll add them all again here. In any event, I think all I had to do was add in 2 baffles and that was it. Like I mentioned before, this sump was built exactly like the proclearaquatics sump I had before that warped that I then converted into a sump with a center section to use as a fuge if needed. :)
I just bought an identical sump as the first pic show's what if any information can I get on it and how does it work? I cant seem to find any info about it and who makes it and what I need to make it work. I am running a 20 tall and any information would be appreicated. Thanks
I moded the sump in the first pic for my 60gal tank. I just added two baffles before the return. Sorry I dont have any pics but it worked quite well I grew macro in the middle section . The only draw back I had is it left little room for return water so with evaporation an ATO is needed. It also had very little room for extra water during power failures.