coral dips , supplements and aiptasia

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Well-known member
Nov 21, 2012
Issaquah WA
I would like to buy some coral dip and would like feedback on which on to get.

RX has no idoine in it and is $17.99 for a 8 oz

Seachem Reef Dip has iodine and is $9.99 for 8.8 oz.

Can you go wrong with overdosing or underdoing coral dip?

I was also thinking of picking up KENT Essential Elements. Good , bad waste of money?

I MAY have aiptasia but not 100% sure yet. I had someone more experienced than I take a look and he wasn't sure either. I saw on another post that nudibranchs will take care of them. Is that a good bet or am I better off getting the chemical stuff. Some people even suggest lemon juice but how does that affect the chemical balance in the tank?

Thank you
I haven't had luck with peppermint shrimp.
Nudi's are used for extreme aptasias.
Matted file fish are great. Vs copperband butterfly's that nip at coral.

Oh aptasia X works good too if you can see them. It's about 20 bucks. And lasts a while. I've used that personally.

I personally use coral rx. Works great even if I use double dosage. Bottle says its ok.
I use one cap for a big bowl of tank water. Swish them around a couple times within 10 minutes of sitting.
Then have a bowl of fresh water. At the end I swish them in real quick then flop them in the tank.
Good luck.
I was told there is someone on the forum that breeds Berghia nudibranch and they would good to have in the tank because they can get to the hard to reach places. anyone have a lead for me to contact?

Thank you
I may have his number in my other phone I will check.
Nudis die if they don't have any food. The problem with them is they only cover a little space. So unless you move them to where you aptasia is all the time. They will starve and die.

He's out of bonney lake or somewhere near there.

Btw matted filefish get into incredible spaces also. And don't die if there is no more aptasia.

Also aptasia x I haven't found a spot I couldn't get into by rolling a rock a little :)
Not sure why no one likes peppermint shrimps, but i've actually had great luck with them in the past (assuming there are no shrimp eaters in your tank!)

also fwiw, I;d go w. the coralrx. I use it and it works well, I like it because it seems to be much more gentle on corals than other dips, while still doing a great job getting rid of pests.
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Well, I was excited about the file fish until I read this about it:

  • Not aggressive except towards inverts and conspecifics
  • Nips at corals and clams
  • A shy fish known to eat Aiptasia Anemones

No no bad filefish. Leave my coral, invert and anemone alone! How can it eat an anemone? I dont' want to get a nudi to have it starve to death :(
i use coral rx pro. best stuff side by side with coral rx the pro u could see everything die off and way more crude in the bottom of the bowl. best part its super concentrated so u use drops to a gal of water instead of cap fulls. test it i dare u!!