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My tank is drivving me nuts. the coral is fine but not spreading but i cant keep fish alive tank has been set up over a year and all water tests are fine. had lfs check them. Any thoughts?
the tank is at 80 degrees and the salt is right on. I add partA alkanity and PArt b calcium everyday and then i add iodine once a week.
i have 70 lbs live rock in 75 gallon tank with a sump underneath,
i have 2 24" 10000k pc and 2 24" actnic pc and then one 50/50 48" floursecent. i have a rio powerhead on the sump and two rio powerheads in the tank.
i only have two chromis left and a sand cucumber and a sand sifting starfish.
the coral i have is cabbage coral, halameda, devils hand some mushrooms, and a bunch of diffent polyps. I can t get xenia to survive and xoas as well.
the tank is at 80 degrees and the salt is right on. I add partA alkanity and PArt b calcium everyday and then i add iodine once a week.
A and B every day? Sounds like a lot for a 75G tank.